Immortal and Martial Dual Cultivation

Vol 3 Chapter 1489: Step by step

The Baiyu steps went all the way, and after the number reached a thousand, they stopped.

Xiao Chen’s fascination, but some unreasonable, does not understand what it means, ask: “Blue predecessors, the color of the emperor’s road and the number of steps, what is the saying?”

Lan Chaofeng explained: "There are more ways to go. The color of the road to the emperor is white, blue, purple, and gold. The stronger the color, the stronger the intensity of the fire. The legendary martial art era. In the most glorious period, there are colorful and even colorful steps. When the road of the emperor falls, the clouds fly, and the auspicious sky is completely heaven and earth."

"But it has not appeared for a long time. I have only seen the golden color. It is the abandonment of the gods and the emperor. When the golden light is dazzling, the people who are shaking are afraid to look straight. Later, this guy, really live up to expectations, surpassed the nine heavens. The Supreme Realm."

"There is also a black way of the emperor, which is unique when the devil and evil roads are robbed."

Xiao Chen stunned, this color is equivalent to representing a person's heritage and accumulation, the deeper the color, the higher the intensity of the wind and fire. The achievements in the future will be higher, of course, the premise is that you can walk the way of the emperor.

The colored emperor road has only appeared in the legend, and now there is a golden road of the emperor, which is already a matter of heaven. Most of them are white and blue, and purple is relatively small.

As for the number of steps, it is also a manifestation of the underlying. The stronger the strength, the more the number of steps.

I don't know, when he was robbing, what kind of color would appear in the road of the Emperor, and how many steps would there be.

"Thousands of steps, the color of white jade, the accumulation of old Qin seems to be worse. It is estimated that the arrogance of your generation, when the robbery, at least the purple emperor road, the stairs will not be less than three thousand. But old Qin is also good, at least not too strong, and it is easier to get through the fire."

In the mouth of the two men talking, Qin’s eyes flashed a strong sense of perseverance, and when they jumped out of thin air, they had to climb the road of the emperor.


But when the elders of Qin are about to fall, a huge fireball will fall from the sky. The hot fireball is like a strong light, which makes people's eyes hurt.

Suddenly, Xiao Chen was caught off guard, his eyes glimpsed and he felt a sting.

The Lan Chao seal was prepared, and the power of Hong Meng was used to protect the eyes. Nothing happened.

"This is a true fire of the three products. It is not particularly powerful. It is about the equivalent of a heavy Emperor Wu of Heaven. The Qin elders should be able to break."

Xiao Chen Ming, it’s no wonder that it feels like a deja vu, it turns out that the sun is really hot. However, his sun is really hot, but he is still far away. With a random blow, it will be comparable to the extent of Emperor Wu, and the difference is a bit far.

Where the fireball passes, in the air, leaving a long flame tail. The flame tail is like a snake, full of spirituality, constantly oscillating.

In the face of the fireball formed by the true fire of the sun, Qin Elder did not dare to show his own martial arts, meteor palm.

As a meteor smashed the starry sky, a palm shot, like a meteor explosion, in the middle of the fireball.

With a bang, the fireball shattered and turned into a golden light spot, which came out.

When it fell, on the steps, the Turks flew out, and there were countless sharp wind blades.

The elder Qin took out a long sword and swung it quickly. At the tip of the sword, the fire was everywhere. It was like the flame tail that the meteor crossed. It was the meteor sword of the Qin elders.


After a hundred strokes, all the wind blades were blocked. The elder Qin was unharmed and stood on the steps of the road of the emperor.

Lan Chaofeng whispered: "Well, many prospective emperors, even the road of the emperor did not step on, they fell on the first level. Qin elders, can pass the first pass unharmed, it seems that the basics Very strong."

However, this is only the beginning, thousands of steps, one step at a time, one step at a time.

There is wind first, then there is fire, three hundred kinds of wind, three hundred kinds of fire. In the end, the wind and the fire come together, the wind borrows the fire, the fire borrows the wind, and the world is burned clean.

The first step is to shape the cold!

How cold and invisible the wind is, turning into a sharp "ice arrow" in cold temperatures, can be seen. Nine hundred "ice arrows" are like raindrops, falling densely.

Only one step, the elders of Qin had one hundred, and received scars of different sizes.

Looking at Xiao Chen, sucking in the air, how the wind was blown in the end, the cold was frozen into a "ice arrow."

The second step, the wind is like a whip!

The whistling wind condenses into a long whip, and the slap in the air is chilling. The movement was slow, and the face of Elder Qin was drawn up by the shackles. The scars were terrible and horrifying.

Rao is Xiao Chen, the quality of his heart is strong and terrible. At this moment, the body is still a little trembling. This is still only two steps. This is just a common fire.

The blue dynasty seal is not strange, the look is calm and calm, and it is calmly analyzed: "Yes, although the elders of Qin have many scars, they have avoided the key points. It should be no problem to get through the wind."

One step at a time, Qin elders were bruised and bruised, biting their teeth and walking silently. That kind of persistence, the people watching it are moving, and they can’t bear it.

Xiao Chen now knows for a long time why many people are afraid to cross this raging fire, too difficult, too miserable!

"Be sure to cross the past." Xiao Chen said in his heart, for the elders of Qin, silently encouraging.

At this time, Xiao Chen and Lan Chaofeng looked at each other at the same time. Both of them felt that in the void, someone was moving towards this side.

It’s really fast, and Qin’s elders haven’t even gone ten steps.

"I come."

Xiao Chen said a faint sentence, the figure disappeared, and in the sky, six lightning thunders fell.

Lightning illuminates the moment of the heavens and earth. In that moment, you can see a fuzzy white figure, which seems to have a palm on the void. The action is too fast, so people can only see the afterimage, not sure.


When the lightning disappeared, six figures, while showing the body shape, his face slightly white, looked a little scared.

They are in the midst of the shuttle, and they are forced to come out with a strong palm.

"Don't misunderstand the Qinglong King. I just feel that there are some abnormalities in the aura of the heavens and the earth. Come and see, I don't know if the Qin elders of Longmen are robbing."

One of the gray-haired old men, looking at the white-haired white hair, Xiao Chen, who is cold in the face, explained.

Xiao Chen looked at six people and said, "I don't want to say anything more than the extra words. No matter where the power comes from. I will leave, my Qinglong Wang Xiaochen, owe you a favor."

The six people who arrived were slightly stunned and wondered if they had got it wrong.

Qinglong Wang Feng Man Bilu, above the Longmen Grand Ceremony, facing the thirteen big heavenly emperors and the Xihai Dragon King. Today, facing their six small heavenly emperors, although they are so polite, they easily regress and leave a human condition.

It was incredible. The six people reacted and quickly said: "Qinglong Wang is very polite, and there is a small matter. This is not a human feeling. I will wait until I leave. I congratulate the elders of Longmen in advance and the success of the robbery."

The six people just came from Tianlong City to see the truth, curiosity, and no other purpose. Since Xiao Chen is so polite, he will naturally give some face and send a happy person.

Xiao Chen really said: "Thank you."

Come fast, go fast, these six people blinked out.

Xiao Chen took a sigh of relief. Everything was made by the Qin elders. If you can't do it, try not to do it. This is the best.

After several times, people came from Tianlong City, and they were all dismissed by Xiao Chen.

Today's Tianlong City has already completed the center of the western seas. On weekdays, there are a lot of Wudi gathered. It is not strange to come over at this time.

Fortunately, the name of Qinglong Wang is still somewhat prestigious, and many Wudi have given some face.

Suddenly, Xiao Chen discovered above the sea, and there were ten warriors dressed in red and eccentric. There was a bad hunch in my heart, and Xiao Chen shone and fell to the front of the ten.

"Stop, the elders in front of the gantry, are robbing, please leave."

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