Immortal and Martial Dual Cultivation

Vol 3 Chapter 1490: One step is wrong

Ten red men, clothes on their bodies, like blood. Without any decorations and patterns, it is like a blood stained on the body.

Xiao Chen looked extremely uncomfortable. He knew the truth and faintly, and even in this **** coat, he felt an evil grievance, very strange.

Even more bizarre is that the repair of the blood-shirted people, Xiao Chen can not see.

This is a very strange thing. You must know the present vision of Xiao Chen, even if it is the Supreme. Is it true that these ten people are more powerful than the Supreme, certainly not possible, and they have not felt the hearts of the Emperor in them.

The **** guard headed by him, the middle-aged man looks like a pale face, and his eyebrows have a black eye-catching mark.

He completely ignored the words of Xiao Chen, step by step with others, and walked over the island. Soon, it is less than a hundred meters away from Xiao Chen, which is already a very dangerous distance.

Xiao Chen’s heart has been murdered, and the faint road: “Again, the gantry elders robbed, and this place is forbidden.”

The middle-aged man's mouth pulled out a cruel smile: "Others, when you are the Qinglong King, sell you three-point face, in my eyes, you are nothing. If you let go now, I will not find you trouble, if not Let, at your own risk."

That is to say, but he did not give Xiao Chen a chance to answer. When the last two words were spoken, they went to Xiao Chen and killed the past. They did not speak any morality.

The palm of his hand is shot, there is no earth-shattering momentum, there is no sorrowful emperor, it is a flat palm, only the blood of the moon, accompanied by strong grievances, the four sides filled.

Xiao Chen has been secretly vigilant, and his rich combat experience will not make him feel confused by this little means.

The power to mobilize all the laws in the body, accompanied by a thunderous thunder, between the electric light and the flint, a palm of the hand went out.

There was a loud bang, and the two palms touched each other. Xiao Chen’s body was like a cannonball, and he was smashed out.

And the middle-aged man did not move, so the result was completely unexpected!

Xiao Chen rotated a few laps before he removed the force between the other palms, and the mouth of the mouth overflowed with a trace of blood stains, clearly eating a big loss.

The middle-aged man is in the palm of his hand, and the lightly fluttering road: "The Green Dragon King is just like this, but I have no strength in half."

Xiao Chen’s heart calmly analyzes that the blessing of the palm of the hand has not reached the level of the two-day Emperor Wu. Half of the opponent’s strength has not yet come out. In other words, this person has the top strength of the three-day Emperor Wudi.


The sound of the emptiness sounded, and the middle-aged man turned into a red light. He was in a hurry, and launched the Thunder offensive against Xiao Chen, who had just landed.

In his hand, there is a **** long sword, waving between them, **** and radiant.

The sound of the rumble of the water continued, it was the **** sea tumbling in the air, its potential is amazing, the pressure of Xiao Chen step by step back, but there is still no emperor.

The destructive power of the Emperor Wudi of the Three Heavens is actually real and practical.

Xiao Chen’s heart could not help but be even more surprised. Where this group of people came out, there was neither the emperor nor the heart of the emperor, but the destructive power was the strength of the emperor.

Unheard of, never seen!

The other side's offensive was too fierce. Xiao Chen did not exert the power of Hong Meng. It was not an opponent at all. After a hundred strokes, his arms crossed for defense and he was kicked again.

Between the retreats, Xiao Chen single-handedly supported the ground, and took a light shot. The man swung three times in the air and stood firm again.

"This world has changed. Don't think that being called a few green dragon kings, you can really be king!"

The middle-aged man kicked Xiao Chen, and the momentum was big. Half of the strength could force Xiao Chen to be so embarrassed, let him be confident, and told him: "Five people deal with the blue dynasty seal, and four people will destroy the old ghost robbing. This kid can be handed over to me."

Xiao Chen wiped the blood stains from the corners of his mouth, and smiled faintly: "Who gives you such confidence, dare to deal with me alone, tell you, don't think about it."

The other party thinks that half of the strength is not out, it can be so embarrassing that Xiao Chen is forced to win.

From the beginning to the end, Xiao Chen did not use the power of Hong Meng, the moon shadow knife is not taken out. Half of the strength, Xiao Chen, half of his half, is not far from being used.

The power of Hongmeng, divided into two, is constantly chasing up, Taiji force field, instant formation!

Flying one by one, wanting to cross the **** Wei of Xiao Chen, suddenly was pulled by a force, and pulled back deeply.

Within a kilometer, they are all in the Tai Chi force field of Xiao Chen, and they want to go out, there is no door.

Xiao Chen’s eyes condensed and looked at the middle-aged man in front of him: “There is no way to go to the elegant hall. The road to the warrior has never been a shortcut. Let you see what is the real fighting power of Wudi!”

Fast, Qinglong goes out to sea, and the clouds move!

Xiao Chen's body suddenly moved, as fast as lightning, like a piece, the green dragon that jumped out of the sea, the momentum is amazing.

The middle-aged people were amazed and had no time to react. Xiao Chen had already bullied him and had to rush to shoot, trying to block this palm.

He did his best, and he shot it out, and the momentum was no worse than Xiao Chen. The destructive power was even more amazing.

However, it is painted with its shape, powerful, but unprofessional. He simply did not have a fire, no emperor's heart, no emperor. No matter how strong the destructive power of this hand, in the real fight, it will only fall into the disadvantage.

With a scream, he was shot and flew out and spit out a lot of blood.


Xiao Chen's body is gently swayed, the air is like water, he is like a fish, tightly attached to the other side, and even ten strokes, the other side will be defeated, no power.

"Don't worry about me, I will attack the old ghosts who have been robbed!" Seeing the true strength of Xiao Chen, the middle-aged people were shocked and shouted loudly.

Moon Shadow Knife appeared in the right hand, Xiao Chen said faintly: "Is there a chance?"


In the Taiji force field, everything seems to have slowed down, and Xiao Chen opened it with a block of ten. Even if the knife does not need to be sheathed, it will drag the other side and press ten people.

To find out the strength of this group of blood-shirters, Xiao Chen has a bottom in his heart, and even the knife field has not merged into the Taiji force field.

Only in the Taiji force field, with the fish dragon, in the difference between the speed, the strange change, pressing the other side to fight.

Turning around, the scenery of the four sides is like a glimpse of light!

The blue hair in the distance is slightly stunned, and some are puzzled: "What martial arts, on the bright side, is just a quick mood, and a slow mood, but why the feeling is so harmonious, the action is so quiet."

Originally he was ready to help, but now I saw it, but it was broken.


In the blue seal, I feel that Xiao Chen’s movement is quiet and peaceful, and the faintness is integrated with the heavens and the earth. Xiao Chen suddenly received a knife and returned to the sheath, and the white hair flew, and the Taiji force field exploded.

The storms began, the dust was everywhere, and one side of the world seemed to have no rules for bombing.

More than ten figures, falling out of the dust, wolf-stricken, seriously injured and weak. The spirit is even more languid, both eyes are lost, but the blood coat on the body is still bright and bright, bloody.

Xiao Chen step by step, slowly coming out in the dust and wind and rain. The white hair is white, the whole person is still the style, the dust is not stained, quiet and peaceful.

The middle-aged people were given the most attention and were the most seriously injured. They laughed: "No wonder the master, let us not have any luck before coming. Qinglong Wang Xiaochen, you really have something extraordinary."

"Say, who are you sent, how can there be such a weird strength. Honestly explain, leave you a life!"

The scabbard of the moonshadow knife, gently falling, arrived at the middle-aged man's eyebrows, Xiao Chen said calmly.

This group of people is mysterious and has different strengths. If he does not understand the Taiji way, he will not know how much trouble he will have to deal with.

More importantly, Xiao Chen wanted to find out that this group of people obviously did not have a robbery, no emperor's heart, no power of ignorance, why can they have the attack power of the Emperor Wu.

The middle-aged man spit out a blood, and laughed wildly: "Xiao Chen, what do you mean, do you think you won? Even threatened me with death, hahaha, this is the joke I heard the best laugh. ”

"We were originally a group of dead people. No matter what the outcome of this war, it will always be you who suffer. No matter how strong you are, you can't change any results. This old ghost will rob, today will die!"

The body of the ten people continued to bulge, and the blood of the clothes on the body shone in a little bit, so that the color of the blood coat quickly faded.

Xiao Chen’s face changed greatly. These ten people are all without exception. They are all dead, they are going to blew themselves!

As long as one person blew himself up, the island could be destroyed, and the elders of Qin who were on the way to the emperor would be defeated.

In the distance, the blue dynasty seal was equally shocked, and it was impossible to predict such changes. Even if he shot now, he didn’t stop everyone from blasting himself.

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