Immortal and Martial Dual Cultivation

Vol 3 Chapter 1491: Law and world turn around

The corners of Xiao Chen’s line of sight, glanced at the Qin elders on the way to the emperor.

The elders of Qin, who have been able to walk through more than two hundred steps, are bitterly chilled, and their clothes have already been blown and ruined. The wind is ruthless, and the armor inside is also broken, bruised and bruised.

The most shocking thing is the two traces on the face, like a whip on the top, but even so.

Even so, Qin Elder still did not give up, with hopeful eyes, step by step and difficult to go.

The elder Qin, who was immersed in the raging fire, could not be distracted. He could not notice that there were still ten weird warriors ready to blew.


Xiao Chen felt a pain in his heart. Qin elders followed him all the way, came to this 茫茫天星海, created from the Longmencao, the wind and rain, and insisted on the official establishment of the Longmen. I have never been asking for anything.

But this is a big fire, can't I give him even a glimmer of hope?

Great magical power, the world of law!

As soon as the Fashen Magical is applied, it will be able to trample on this group of bastards. For a long time, he has to prepare for at least three seconds.

But now, the ten madmen blew themselves up, it is the next second thing, and will not give him three seconds.

No, absolutely not, anyway, this hope, I will leave you in the morning!

Angry? Crazy? Then I will give you strength, let you go all over the world, all the troubles.

In the sea, Xiao Chen hides in the deepest part of the law, feels the suffocation of Xiao Chen, and suddenly opens his eyes.

In an instant, Xiao Chen’s mind became clear and clear, and the performance of the law and the world was unobstructed and unobstructed. Between the white hair flying, his eyes are particularly scary.

In the ten **** guards, the body swollen to the extreme, the moment before the self-explosion, Xiao Chen's body suddenly soared, reaching a height of a thousand feet.

At the same time, there is also a strong momentum of Xiao Chen, the momentum is like a big wave, and the blue dynasty that came over has been inadvertently pushed back by this big wave.

The body reached a thousand feet, and Xiao Chen felt that he was as powerful as ever before. He glared at him and looked at a group of lunatics below, and he stepped on it.

In the loud noise of the rumble, this foot went down, and Xiao Chen crushed ten blood-shirts with absolute strength and stepped it into a blood.


Three seconds later, Xiao Chen suffered from severe pain and his body shrank back to its original appearance. Falling from the sky, countless blood, permeated from the skin.

The display of any great supernatural powers cannot be achieved overnight, especially the great supernatural powers like the law and the heavens and the earth. One step cannot be saved.

Xiao Chen forcibly shortened the three-second display time to one second, and the subsequent sequelae were absolutely unavoidable.

Seeing that Xiao Chen was about to fall, a soft wind, slowly coming, dragged him down.

It was a blue seal, and he reacted very quickly. He took a palm in the moment when Xiao Chen changed back.

Xiao Chenping calmly and steadily, without a word, quickly swallowed a holy Dan, suppressing the injury in the body.

"You kid, it's okay, don't touch me." The blue rushed to the rush and dared to come. He said, "It’s so desperate, it’s like making a robbery with yourself. Let me say you, don’t die.” Your kid is going to die!"

Lan Chaofeng old predecessors, although very powerful, but have been looking at the injury of Xiao Chen, his face looks tense. Let Xiao Chen feel warm and smile, this blue predecessor is always like this.

After half a ring, the blue seal was relieved: "Good boy, count your life, just martial arts, but it's not too bad."

In fact, Xiao Chen also knows that the sequelae is a bit powerful, but it is not at the stage of death. Can look at the blue dynasty predecessors, nervous look, can only let him personally check, will be assured.

"Thank you blue predecessors."

The blue dynasty sealed his face and said coldly: "Even if there is no acute life, your kid can't just be desperate, and the momentum is too strong. Carefully take your fire and catastrophe in advance, and the gods will save you."

The wind and fire robbery is afraid of coming in advance, making people unprepared. Xiao Chen knows this and can’t refute it.

His eyes swept away and pointed to the front: "Look, the elders of Qin will have to survive the last wind!"

Lan Chaofeng quickly turned his head and saw that three tornadoes swept over, and the strong wind blew the body of the Qin elders, and the power of this wind was amazing.

Every tornado, up to a kilometer, came strong, and between the stars, it caused black clouds, lightning, thunder, and rumbling.

Gritted teeth, Qin elders forcibly rushed over, the body instantly stunned in three tornadoes.

Xiao Chen and the blue dynasty sealed their hearts, while at the same time tightening, staring at the storm.

Especially the blue dynasty seal, he had weathered the fire and robbed, knowing that the last wind catastrophe was so powerful that many people died at this level.

After the death, the elders of Qin did not appear, two, three, four... In the past, they did not see the emergence of the elder Qin.

Both of them turned a little hard to look at. Even if Xiao Chen didn't get through the fire, he knew that the situation was a little bad at the moment.

A roar came out, the figure of Elder Qin, through the storm, some embarrassing fell.


Just fell, above that step, it was filled with a big fire and burned on the body of Qin.

Lan Chaofeng temporarily put down his heart and smiled: "The old Qin has at least 60% of the grasp, and it has been ruined by this fire."

Xiao Chen asked: "What do you mean?"

The blue dynasty closed the road: "The old Qin has two cards. I have just had the last wind tyrannical, he will use the same. Who knows that it is useless, and the hard-won smashed over, this is a great advantage. ”

The raging fire, burning, every step above, is filled with flames of different attributes.

It’s just this road fire. There’s no tricky way. People who are robbing have to go all the way. It’s okay to go in the past, and if you can’t walk, you’ll have to be burned alive on the top, and there’s no bones and no souls.

Lan Chaofeng sighed: "The pain brought by this fire robbery is more direct and more ten times more painful than the wind robbery. More is the willpower of the people who test the robbery. There are many people who are not able to hold this. The fire robbery, but the painful will dissipated, fell on the emperor's road."

Xiao Chen’s heart was shocked, and the emperor’s road was difficult to walk. It was both a hardship for the warriors and an opportunity for the warriors. After walking through this emperor's road, Shouyuan can reach two thousand years, and there is nothing better than this.

"But the old Qin is still good. His flames are only three. The fire robbery that I had in the past was just a life-threatening. Not only the flame grade is seven, but there is also a fire demon. Every step is to be exposed to the fire. attack."

Thinking of the past, Blue Dynasty seal is also amazed.

Xiao Chen curiously said: "Predecessors, this emperor road, I do not know what color?"

Lan Chaoxiao smiled and said: "Say it, you absolutely don't believe it."

"what colour?"

"Golden Emperor Road, three thousand roads, every step, like carrying a hill, the gravity has changed."

Xiao Chen did not dare to believe that the same was the emperor of the Golden Emperor Road, reaching the supreme realm. Lan Chaofeng, how can the king of the king not be, it is incredible.

Lan Chao said with a smile: "I know that you don't believe it. It's the end of today. It's also my own. I kill too much, I am guilty of sin, and I will be desperate. I will give you a wake up. Heaven is fair, don't get too much sin, there is always a newspaper to report."

Xiao Chen was shocked and asked: "What is sin?"

"Sin, this thing can still be seen during the immortal era, and now it is a little ethereal. But it is absolutely there, abuse, killing mortals, slaughtering the weak, practicing evil, these will cause sin."

Lan Chaoxiao smiled and said: "You don't have to worry too much about this. Generally, only those evil repairs, and killers like me, will be sinful. Killing those evildoers, and those who shoot you will not cause it. Sin."

Between the conversations, the elder Qin had already passed the fire robbery. The door of the emperor was only three hundred steps away from him, and he could clearly see every small pattern on the door.

But after these three hundred steps, the wind and fire will come, it will be even more horrible, that is the real test.

The blue dynasty seals the faint road, Lao Qin, which hopes that Xiao Chen has already helped you to win. If you can walk through, you will see your creation.

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