Immortal and Martial Dual Cultivation

Vol 3 Chapter 1492: Shinto League is now renewed

Above the highest pavilion of the Dragon Palace in the West Sea, the waves gaze at the distance, and the direction of the eye is the small island of the emperor of Qin.

This place is tens of thousands of miles away from the island. Even if he is the king of the king, his sight can't be seen.

But once the blood-shirt guard succeeded, the self-destruction spread to the road of the emperor, and the vision of heaven and earth caused by the failure of the robbery, even if it was separated by tens of thousands of miles, he could see clearly.

Looking forward to a long time, the unexpected explosion, but never appeared, made him look a little annoyed.

"How come still!"

After half a ring, he seemed to have some discomfort and felt that something unexpected happened. I can think about it and think it is impossible. Ten of the Emperor Wu’s self-destructed, even if the Blue Dynasty seal is present, there is no way to stop it.

As long as one person blew himself up, it will affect the emperor of Qin. If there are more successes, even Lan Chaofeng and Xiao Chen will be injured.

Good luck, even the fire of Xiao Chen can be robbed in advance.


There was a footstep sounding from the bottom, and the stairs hurried out of the crowd and said: "Dragon King, the ten fate on the island of blood is all broken."


The rage of angry waves, glaring at him, scared the people who were stunned, shivering, and dared not look up.

Blood-clothing is his card, and every one is treated as a baby, knowing the dead man. It has to be cultivated from an early age. It has not been cultivated for a few decades, and one less is dead.

Now he told him that all the ten lives were broken, that is to say, the ten people who went out to destroy the Qin elders were all dead.

But this is not the key. The ten people were going to die. The key point is that he did not see the fluctuation of the vision of heaven and earth, which means that the elders of Qin were still robbing, and his losses were in vain.

The heart is bleeding, which is really unacceptable.

The blood-clothing guard is so strong, and he is not afraid of death. He is much stronger than the general Emperor Wu, and he looks at it. Which Wudi in this world dares to blew himself casually.

"Oh, what the **** is going on?"

After the swaying of the waves, after calming down, the heart kept analyzing, but I couldn’t think of one.

Why is it a failure?

"Report, His Royal Highness, Goddess Tianyouxi and the two sons, come to see." Another person came to send a letter.

The waves waved impatiently and waved: "I haven't seen it. I said it very early. On the island controlled by the Xihai Dragon Palace, the Protoss will never be allowed to establish a temple."

After the disappearance of King Ray, the protoss power expanded rapidly, and the protoss could be seen everywhere in the Kunlun world.

In this day, there are also many forces in the Xinghai, forced by pressure, or want to get benefits. The Protoss was allowed to establish a temple within their own power, to build statues of gods, and to receive the power of faith.

However, the Xihai Dragon Palace has a deeper heritage, and the Four Seas Dragon Palace can take care of each other. In this starry sea, there is no fear of Protoss pressure.

In addition, Canglang has a blood-stained guard, and the bottom gas is more sufficient, and has never promised the Protoss.

"Wait a minute!"

Suddenly, what the waves think of: "You mean, are you talking about the Son of the Gods?"

"Yes, the White Tiger Son is in the summer, the Xuanwu Son is in the air, but the Emperor is not missing, only the goddess Tianyouxi."

There was a strange smile on the face of Canglang: "I am interested. The Three Holy Lords have been unable to make a decision. It seems to be anxious. Actually, the people of the Protoss are walking together. Is this not to lead the wolf into the room? I will see you. These juniors, what are the ideas."

Everyone knows that before the disappearance of Lei Wang, the token of the Wushen Palace was handed over to the patriarch of the Emperor Tianzong. The three holy places cannot be accepted, and the two sides have already infuriated and turned to contend.

Although the Three Holy Lands have the upper hand, they have been unable to win the Tianzong, which has led to a stalemate.


Among the halls, the goddess Tianyouxi also has three holy sons, and tea is waiting slowly.

Xiahou said: "Will this wave of waves, will you promise us? The Xihai Dragon Palace, although these years have not fallen, but it is also a veteran power, deep foundation."

The wind is also suspicious: "And I heard that he used to reject your Protoss."

Goddess Tianyouxi has a white hair, temperament is supernatural, shallow smile: "This time, for a while, not to mention the fact that there are two people here, with his temperamental temperament, certainly can taste the deep meaning of this."

"Ha ha ha. The goddess is coming from afar, and he has a long-lost welcome, forgiveness and forgiveness!"

In the big laughter, the waves are coming, sitting in the middle. The loss of the ten bloodstains, on his face, could not be doubtful.

"I have seen the West Sea Dragon King!"

Xiahou is absolutely inconsistent with the wind, and he said, no matter what, the waves are always the predecessors of these people.

Cang Lang smiled and said: "The names of the two sons, I am also very good. After returning from the starry battlefield, it is said that some Wudi are not two opponents."

His eyes were like a torch, and at a glance, he saw that Xiahou had no wind and no difference, and the difference between the gods and the stars. The body is more heavy and heavy, and the most important one is a sharp and suffocating one. At first glance, it is a long-term killing that can be exercised.

It is much stronger than the Son of the Stars. Compared to his most important son, Yu Feng, it is even more incompetent.

How did you give birth to a waste material son, no use of anything, but also give yourself trouble.


Hearing the toss of the waves, Xiahou and the wind are unscrupulous, all seem quite calm, and the experience of the starry battlefield for several years has already smoothed the past glitz of the two.

Tianyouxi put down the teacup and said faintly: "The time is very tight. I can't talk to my predecessors more often. I will go straight to the subject. I have come here for no other purpose. I want to let the Xihai Dragon Palace join the Shinto League. I must have known that the current chaos is just an appearance, and the real robbery is still far from coming."

"When the robbery came, there was no second road except for the group to resist the enemy."

The waves are slightly doubtful. He said that he said that the current chaos is only an appearance. What kind of organization is the Shinto League, he has never heard of it.

Tian Youxi explained: "The Shinto League has just been established. It is normal for the predecessors not to understand. I will simply say that the Shinto League is the abandonment of the Emperor of Heaven, the corpse of the gods, the ghosts of the East and the Three Holy Masters. And the Kunlun mainland has more than 70% of the nine products."

Canglang heard a cold breath, no wonder this day, You Xixi saw himself, completely without the meaning of salute, even the two saints were just polite.

Compared with the behemoth of this behemoth, his Xihai Dragon Palace is small and unbearable. But fortunately, there are treasures behind him, as well as blood-shirts, he still has some cards.

"By the way, the most mysterious treasure of the Star Sea has promised to join the Shinto League. It is the abandonment of the Emperor of Heaven to personally talk about it, but the treasure owner did not ask for any position."


In my mind, I seem to think of a cockroach. The hand holding the teacup is shaking, and the teacup slammed down on the table.

This last news, his touch is too big, even the most mysterious treasure he thinks, actually joined the Shinto League.

Tianyou Xi smiled and said: "What about the seniors?"

The waves reacted and said: "Nothing, nothing, can you consider me?"

Tianyouxi refused: "No, I don't have time to waste it. I don't want to be a senior." Shinto League never forces anyone to leave!"

Xiahou and the wind are unscrupulous, and at the same time get up, did not say a nonsense.

These battles are a little anxious to force the waves directly. Originally he also prepared for Tianyouxi to offer the price, and then bargained, who knows that others have left.

"Goddess, do not have to go so urgent, we Xihai Dragon Palace is also considered some scenery, live for a few more days, I discussed with a few brothers, and soon there will be an answer, Sihai Dragon Palace has always been a community, I really can not alone Make a decision."

A wave of smashing waves, came to a few people, a little pleading smile.

Tianyouxi smiled and said: "The scenery of Tianxing Island is good, but I really have something to do with it. The Dragon King thinks slowly, but after thinking about it, the days in the Western Seas may change."

When I was in the middle of my heart, I suddenly thought of something, and suddenly said: "Several people are coming from the gantry elders?"

Tianyouxi smiled slightly: "Yes, this is a small gift that the Three Holy Masters promised to join the Shinto League after abandoning the Emperor of Heaven. The Longmen Qinglong Wang Yu Zhang is too long, it is the suppression that is suppressed, not everyone can go smoothly. The robbery."

When the waves and the waves were heard, the look sank and there was a decision in the heart: "I promised to join the Shinto League. The Protoss wants to establish a temple here and spread the beliefs of the gods, and will never stop it!"

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