Immortal and Martial Dual Cultivation

Vol 3 Chapter 1493: Who holds the bow of the gods and retreats

On the nameless island, the blue dynasty is watching the Qin elders robbery, and the mind is not relaxed, always alert to the surrounding environment.

At this critical moment, if someone comes to trouble, everything will be abandoned.

Xiao Chen went over again and looked at the bodies of ten blood-clothing guards. It should be exactly a muddy mud.

The blood coat is ready to blew, and the body function has been corrupted from the inside. In addition, Xiao Chen from the outside of the foot, inside and outside the pinch, completely became a muddy, bloody.

For this **** guard, Xiao Chen was very curious, but this body can no longer be viewed, only some broken clothes are still there.

Those clothes are **** and full of evil.

Popping up a sigh of relief, pulling the broken cloth into the air, Xiao Chen looked carefully, and there was a faint grievance in the ear.

The cloth floats like a snake, gently creeping.

With a slap in the air, a real fire from the fingertips emerges and the cloth strips burn.


Thousands of screams, from the cloth strip, the black smoke filled, it is a strong death gas, the most common in the devil world.

Xiao Chen looked slightly surprised, this blood-clothing guard seems to have some connection with the devil world.

In the black gas of death, you can see a lot of humanoid gases that are twisted and mourned. If they are looming, they will dissipate a little under the burning of the sun.


Suddenly, those dying spirits broke away from the flames and rushed toward Xiao Chen fiercely.

"court death!"

Raising his hand and taking a palm, the gas of death was suddenly beaten and scattered, and scattered in all directions.

Xiao Chen closed his hand and frowned. "The toughness is really strong. This blood coat seems to be very good."

After that, the bombs commanded six knives, and the dead air that was scattered was completely annihilated.

Looking at the dissipated death, Xiao Chen thoughtfully, the gas of death, although somewhat strange, but the Kunlun mainland is also used. Ghosts and corpses are all dead, but most of these people’s deaths come from people after death and will not kill innocent people.

Of course, some evil repairs are not counted.

In front of this blood coat, it must have killed many innocent people, resulting in a strong grievance, so that the sun can not completely annihilate the real fire.

commit a sin!

Xiao Chen shook his head and flashed a look of disgust in his eyes. He did not know how many innocent creatures were slaughtered in order to cast this blood coat.

In fact, he did not know that to create a blood coat, the means is far more cruel than he imagined, ordinary grievances will not have such strong resilience.

It is necessary to kill children, infants, and pregnant women. It is not only a simple kill, but a life-threatening death.

With a bang, Xiao Chen returned to the side of the Lan Chaofeng. On the top of the emperor's road, Qin Elder appeared in a flowing circle around him, and walked the last step in a difficult way.

It was Qin Elder, the last card, a superb king-class secret treasure, specially designed for the robbery, but also the special dust.

Lan Chaofeng said casually: "I don't see what the clues are."

Xiao Chen Shen Sheng said: "There is not too much, just feel that it is related to some means of the devil world, but many secrets of the devil world have also spread in Kunlun, it is hard to say."

Lan Chaofeng sighed softly: "It doesn't have to be strange. For example, many inconspicuous forces in the Xinghai today suddenly surged. They all have some magical treasures like blood. In the troubled times, how can the shadow of the abyss of the abyss be lost. ”

Oh, the brilliance of the road, suddenly came from behind.

The golden light, like the essence, dyed the heavens and the earth into a golden color. Before the morning of Xiao Chen and Lan Chao, there were many, golden glows.

The two turned and looked back, only to see the source of the light, a golden battleship bathed in the light of God. Around the battleship, the hymns surround, praise the verses of the Emperor, and keep on whispering.

"The protoss."

"The big and old come over, it seems that the people are not good!" The blue eyes sealed their eyes slightly, flashing a thick kill.


When the sound broke, a figure fell, the goddess Tianyouxi, twelve have been guarding the gods and goddess watchers, and the white tiger son Xia Hou, Xuanwu Shengzi winds.

In addition, the sky still stays alone, wearing a gold coat, white hair, and the appearance of a middle-aged person. The body swayed, and there was a glittering golden aperture in the back. There were a total of seven weights. It was a seven-day king of the Protoss.

The horror was so great that Xiao Chen and Lan Chaofeng did not dare to have a slight intention. The two flew in front of each other and stopped the other side from approaching further.

Xiao Chen glanced at the people in front, and found that the atmosphere of this group of people was particularly calm, dignified, and there was a fierce chill.

I want to come to the starry battlefield and let all those who have survived grow up.

"Xiao Chen!"

Xiahou must see the white hair Xiao Chen, the meaning of hatred in the eyes, some can not resist, gnashing his teeth.

A rod of Saint Ge rotten over and blocked the Xiahou who wants to go away. Tianyouxi said calmly: "Calm, don't forget what the Emperor said. Now he is prosperous, and the whole heavens are looking after him. Not the time to kill him."

Xiao Chen smiled slightly: "Xia Xiong is not diminished, or as impulsive as ever, but the Three Sons have always acted in unison, why haven't they seen the Virgin."

For this saint, Xiao Chen still has some good feelings. When she came to Kunlun at the beginning of the year, she had some benefits.

Moreover, in the eyes of Xiao Chen, this warm cloud will not be as bad as other saints. If it is here, it may be possible to negotiate.

"She is dead!" Xiahou said that Xiao Chen said coldly: "Dead in the starry battlefield, she died because of you, this account is counted on you!"

It is indeed a bit of an accident. It is said that the arrogance of going to the starry battlefield has killed more than half.

But nothing can be expected, a saint is actually fallen, or there are some intercessions with him.

Xiao Chen’s heart was somewhat lost and there was some emotion.

However, no matter how much, this account is not enough for himself. Xiao Chen responded faintly: "Xiahou is absolutely, I have never feared the enemy in this life, you have to kill me, and you have to find another reason. You have to take revenge. Also, please find the devil who killed her."

Xiahou has some angry words: "You are a bastard, how it has nothing to do with you. If you are not at the royal ceremony, it will put too much pressure on us. I need to go to the starry battlefield? Muyun, if she is not worried about me Two, how can you accompany, you said, this has nothing to do with you!"

Xiao Chen heard a glimpse of it, and some did not know how to refute it.

"You can rest assured that the devil has been killed by me. The next one is your culprit."

Xiahou looked cold and looked at Xiao Chen. He looked at the elders of Qin who walked **** the emperor road. He sneered: "It’s really hard to go. You really want him to be an emperor. I tell you, impossible!"

"I am letting you watch today that he was burned to death on the road of the emperor. I want to plant a demonic for you. I want to cut off the luck of your dragon gate!"

Xiao Chen was angry in his heart and screamed coldly: "You dare! Even if you said, I am responsible for the death of Warm Muyun, but even though I am coming to Xiao Chen, I don’t want to hurt my innocence, don’t touch me. Bottom line!"

Tianyouxi faintly said: "I am afraid that this time I really want to touch it, start!"

An understatement, the seven-day king of the emperor, with a flash of his body, smothered the past toward the blue dynasty.

Twelve watchmen, lined up in a row, will be surrounded by Xiao Chen and entangled him.

Tianyouxi took the summer and the wind and the wind, and skyrocketed, flew toward the road of the emperor.

Everything happened between the moments, and the gods of the gods were counted on the strength of the Dragon Gate. In order to completely suppress Xiao Chen’s side, even a king’s emperor was sent.

At this time, the sudden change occurred, and in the sky, a loud explosion sounded.

Tianyouxi and others looked back and saw their own battleship, which was directly broken into golden dust, turned into a gorgeous gorgeous halo, and dispersed toward the four sides.

The sound of breaking the air, an arrow, flying, and with the power of the world, a long black trace in the space, annihilating all the vitality of the past.

Above that black mark, everything is driven by the power of the arrow, and the impact becomes nothingness.


The Emperor of the Protoss, locked by the arrow, flashed a horror in his eyes and flew away. Tian Youxi and others changed their faces, crazy toward the back, quickly retreating, and rushing and flustered.

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