Immortal and Martial Dual Cultivation

Vol 3 Chapter 1494: Sister and sister

Tianyouxi and others, although they have tried their best to spread out, are still shocked by the aftermath. The perfect formation, the chaos, the shock wave caused by the arrow explosion, so that all of them were blown up.

When the landing is over, the footsteps are unstable, and after a hundred meters of retreat, each corner of the mouth overflows with a trace of blood, and the face is slightly white.

It’s just the aftermath, and this group of Tianjiao, who has come back from the starry battlefield, is so miserable.

If it is hit by the front, the result can be imagined.


The road broke open and the sound continued, and in the sky, hundreds of arrows flew. Although the power is much smaller than the previous one, it is faster and wider.

A person with a bow, this group of heaven and arrogance, forced to wrigg, step back.

The Emperor of the Seventh Heaven of the Air Protoss, wrinkled his brow, and fixed his gaze to the man who held the bow.

He is very clear that this person is the leader among the archers, giving her enough distance to completely suppress the group of people below. What is even more troublesome now is that she has taken the lead and got the initiative and mastered the rhythm.

Only close contact, chaos her rhythm, can return to the initiative.

"Your opponent is me."

The blue dynasty screamed out of the ghost, and the abrupt appearance appeared on the left side of the king of the Protoss, faintly laughing, beheading in the hands, and inserting it.

The dagger was quick and quick, and suddenly it suddenly came to the past, and the king of the Protoss was frightened and jumped into the cold and sweat.

The two fought in the air, let the king of the Protoss king, can no longer entangle the archer.

Xiao Chen looked back and saw that tens of thousands of meters away, above a cyan black bird, jumping with an exquisite figure. The figure flew in the air, and an arrow of arrows flew out of the clouds.

In front of Tian Youxi and others, they were forced to step back and quickly retreated to the surface of the sea.

Xiao Chen smiled slightly: "Yinghuang shoots the Japanese bow, the master sister is here!"

Seeing Xiao Chen’s smile, above the mysterious bird, Shui Lingling nodded gently. Seeing her approaching step by step, Tianyouxi and others, there is no way.

The White Tiger Son is in the summer, and the gas is biting his teeth: "Shui Lingling, don't let me have a chance to be close!"

Responding to him is a faster, more sturdy arrow, Xiahou sticks out a finger, breaks it, and then the body quickly retreats.

Rumble, above the water, the waves roared, and the road was filled with water.

A few people were forced to go further and further, and when Shui Lingling fell to the side of Xiao Chen, she had already retired hundreds of miles away.

"Master sister, how come you are." Xiao Chen said with delight.

If it wasn't for Shui Lingling, he really didn't know what to do. The Protoss watchman, who understood the combination of the techniques, and experienced in the stars, cultivated a sharp edge.

Really fighting up, Xiao Chen is not afraid, it is inevitable to be entangled for a while.

This time and a half, Tianyouxi and Xiahou are three people, enough to do many things, destroying the elders of Qin who were in the robbery.

When the master sister came, the situation was instantly reversed and the initiative was in the hands of Xiao Chen.

Shui Lingling’s face showed a soft smile: “The master told me to come. He knows that the elders of Qin will be robbed, and that the gods and the three holy places will definitely be shot. Let me take the yoke to shoot the Japanese bow.”

Xiao Chen wondered: "Is this bow not a spirit?"

Shui Lingling smiled and played with the longbow in her hand, and said with joy: "Hey, the master helped me to build it. Now it is the power of the super-deity soldiers. But the magical skill attached to the bow of the gods, shot The arrow of the day, I can only shoot three arrows."

Xiao Chen smiled and said: "Enough is enough, the other party is in a state of chaos, and the initiative is in our hands."

The huge waves are tumbling, and Tianyouxi is carrying the twelve watchmen, and Xiahou has no choice but to break the waves and once again land on the island.

Only this time, the momentum is completely absent, and without the previous initiative and calmness, the figure is slightly embarrassing.

Tianyouxi, Xiahou, the wind-free three people are okay, no injuries, the twelve watchmen are a bit miserable, the body is full of arrow wounds, blood scars.

Seeing Xiahou, Shui Lingling said with a sly face: "Is there a shameless thing for you in Xiahou? When you first sealed the Wang Shengdian, you forced my younger brother Xiao Chen several times. Now I actually slammed it and blamed Xiao Chen. There is warm Mu Yun, obviously is to save you from dying, you are useless, how do you blame my younger brother?"

Xiahou is absolutely cold: "I don't have to manage your affairs, you can't be stunned for a long time, and Tianzong will soon be devastated, even if you wait."

Shui Lingling looked at her eyes: "You guy, you really got your nose on the nose, and you are still proud of being a running dog of the Protoss. Xiahou is absolutely, the wind is unscrupulous, you forget that we were fighting together in the same place. Is there a day to fight against the emperor?"

The wind was unscrupulous and Xia Hou was absolutely, at the same time, I did not expect Shui Lingling to mention the past.

Once upon a time, Shui Lingling, An Junxi and others were called the seven giants of the younger generation of Tianwu domain. They were the three saints above the Seven Giants. At that time they were still high.

Recalling the past, the wind is unscrupulous and Xiahou is absolutely, all are said to be dumb, and even Xiahou is a bit stunned.

God Blessings sees it, the heart is dark, not good, this woman is too powerful, even Xiahou has been shaken by her.

"Shui Lingling, this time for a while, now the Shinto League has become a reality. The Emperor of God is indispensable, but also understands the ancient collection of the Protoss, and will soon step into the sky, only the Shinto League is the trend of the times!" Tian Youxi said calmly: "Even if you Today, relying on the power of the gods, I can barely push me back, and I can't change anything."

Shui Lingling glanced at Tianyouxi, a faint smile: "Don't tell me what reason, I know, the emperor is without a man, hiding in a man, hiding, not showing up. Let you start a woman, this is The performance of the coward, even if he stepped into the sky, it will become a black spot for him."

"Not to mention, you are just like this, saying that I rely on the benefits of the gods, there is the ability to ask your man to give you one! But he can not send it, you only have a copy, watching me explode your battleship And nothing to help!"

The last sentence is full of ridicule, but the sentences are facts. Tianyouxi was short of breath, unable to get angry, his chest was ups and downs, and his emotions were out of control: ""

Shui Lingling is not forgiving, coldly said: "What are you, I am not correct? Have the ability, now the emperor is no shortage, there is the ability to let the emperor send you a sword of the gods list, no, Just give me a go!"

"Looking at a lot of people, bullying us an elder, it is a skill!"

Xiahou is absolutely ignorant, and he is said to be slightly blushing and embarrassed.

Twelve injured watchmen, but could not stand the goddess of their own, were so bullied. Stepping forward, they are all volleyed: "Hugh is rude to the goddess!"

Xiao Chen smiled faintly: "If I am, don't be rude to my sister!"

Stepping forward, Xiao Chen pulled out the knife, which was his first time on the island. At the moment when the blade was out of the sheath, the knife field was unfolded, and the sea was caught in the sea. The power of the three-pointed sun-like knife was suddenly detonated by Xiao Chen.

call out!

During the time, Xiao Chen’s body was so strong that he lost color in the surrounding kilometers. When the light appeared again, the twelve watchmen who had already been injured, vomiting blood, flew one by one.

The power of the knife, one of the three big cards of Xiao Chen, in order to instantly repel the twelve watchmen and achieve the purpose of deterring each other, Xiao Chen had to use it in advance.

Tian Youxi and other people changed their face, suddenly feeling so close to Xiao Chen, is not a little dangerous, and the footsteps have retreated.

Xiao Chen received the knife and returned to the sheath, looking at Tianyou Xidao: "The blue predecessors have the strength to make the king's emperor jealous, and will never fall so fast, you have no chance for Tianyouxi, you go back!"

Looking back, Xiao Chen looked at Xiahou, and whispered: "Xiahou is absolutely, you have been high above, and you are called the peerless arrogance. Even if you stand on the protoss now, I also ask you not to dirty the Tianjiao two words forgotten. Once the glory. Even if you think that the death of Warm Muyun is related to me, I also recognize that it is good to come to me, don't shoot people around me."

Xiahou never looked at the wind and the light, and Xiao Chen, who was inadvertently in the wind of the king, felt a sense of frustration. Shen Sheng said: "Let's go, God's daughter, don't use your cards, thank you for the three holy places. Help."

The wind is no match with Xiahou, and turned away, leaving the air, they all looked at Xiao Chen.

Tianyouxi will look at the water, staring at Shui Lingling: "He is a **** of the United States, and the soldiers are coming to Tianzong. I see if you will be today!"

Today's business, for her, fear is hard to forget, the goddess, who was once another woman, so counted.

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