Immortal and Martial Dual Cultivation

Vol 3 Chapter 1503: Demon king promise

Through the heavy clouds, Xiao Chen feels that he has broken through the layers of enchantment, overlapping, as if not exhausted.

call out!

Suddenly, the clouds spread, and the morning vision of Xiao Chen was once again, falling on a mountain peak, his body falling and falling.

At the top of the mountain, an old man in a yellow gown, white-haired, white-browed and white-bearded, sitting on a stone pillar with a simple, knee-high knee.

The old man, it seems ordinary, only those eyes, deep and bright, full of ancient taste, do not know how many vicissitudes have been seen.

Xiao Chen was shocked, this is the famous Wanfa demon king, the true face of Lushan, this is the case.

He has seen a number of supreme, abandoning the Emperor of Heaven, the corpse of the gods, the ghosts of the East, the Emperor of the East, the Emperor of Heaven, and the King of the Soul. In addition to the unexpected weather of the Supreme, they all have a fading smell, and they return to the true taste.

The white beard old man in front of him also has such a taste. To be sure, he is the king of Wanfa.

"I have seen the demon king predecessor!" Xiao Chen said.

Wanfa demon king calmly said: "It seems that you passed the test of Di Feng, talk about it, how do you do it."

Xiao Chen swears, this Wanfa demon king is supreme, don't you know what happened just now?

Certainly not, there are other important reasons for thinking about it, which is extraordinary.

But who knows, the next sentence of the demon king, is to let Xiao Chen be speechless and overwhelmed.

"You don't have to be surprised. Most of the time, I look at the sky in a daze, and I don't have much time to work, I am distracted to see something."

Daze, a supreme stare in the sky?

Xiao Chen did not dare to explore, truthfully replied, how he would pass the test of Di Feng and said it again.

After the Wanfa demon king finished listening, his eyes flashed a trace of color: "With an enemy ten? Strange, you little guy, obviously only the strength of the three zenith martial arts, how can you achieve an enemy ten."

Xiao Chen is going to explain it in detail, and the Wanfa demon king gently touches a water curtain in the air.

In the water curtain, the figures flickered, and the scene of Xiao Chen’s battle with the ten demon elders was repeated.

Wanfa demon king nodded frequently, and from time to time put some scenes back, and re-watched several times.

The pace of the dragon's dragonfly is broken down into numerous layers of residual images, and all the tracks are clear.

Xiao Chen was shocked in his heart, but he did not know how the water curtain was made.

"This is a Dibao shark mirror of Wan Yao Island, which was made from the eyes of a shark's old demon. Everything that happened on Wan Yao Island is under the watchful eye of this shark mirror."

Wanfa demon king looked at the scene and spoke at the same time, dispelling Xiao Chen’s doubts.

"Yes, yes, is this your own realization? Moving and quiet, fast and slow, bright and dark, as if everything in time is opposite, can be integrated by you." Wanfa demon king scattered the water curtain, looking Xiao Chen said.

Xiao Chen nodded: "This is the way of Tai Chi, and the younger generation accidentally realized."

"Tai Chi!"

The Wanfa demon king is a little lighter, and there is a Taiji figure in the void. Black and white two small fish, swimming in the picture, as if the world road, can be derived from it.

Shaking his head, Wanfa demon king stared at the Taiji figure: "It's too thin, it feels a little missing, but it's quite interesting, you can play for a while."

Xiao Chen’s heart heard it, and it was a little strange. How could it be that this demon king was extremely bored, and it was so long that he did not talk to him about business.

"Predecessors, can you promise to help at the critical moment of Tianzong?"

Xiao Chen feels awkward and said uncertainly.

Wanfa demon king nodded casually: "Since Difeng promised you, I will help myself, let's go!"


Xiao Chen felt that his mind couldn't keep up. He took a look and casually said a few words to himself. The Wanfa demon king sent himself away.

"Wait a minute, you can't keep up with this flesh. You should have a cultivation of Qinglong to raise your body? It is only the second most important thing to cultivate. It is far worse than the Qing Emperor. It should be that there are not enough dragon souls. Secret treasure."

Wanfa demon king seems to know everything. After thinking for a while, throwing a space and throwing it to Xiao Chen: "There are some secrets of the remnant of the old man after the death of the old demon dragon. It is for you to meet you. ,it's OK now."

Xiao Chen holds the ring and smashes the god. He can feel that this banyan demon king is indeed an expert. But this high man, how do you feel, there is always some uncertainty.

Now that the chaos has started, the robbery is approaching, and the old man seems to be not in a hurry.

"Predecessors, can you ask, can you know the whereabouts of King Ray?"

In the midst of it, Xiao Chen feels that this demon king, which seems to be inconspicuous, actually has a great means and is extremely good.

In advance, King Lei, staring at the Taifa figure, the Wanfa demon king, there is a slight fluctuation in the face.

There was a sad color between the gods, and sighed softly: "You ask what to do, you know, can you find him? The place, I dare not go, should Zongtian not dare to go, abandon the gods Don't dare to go. You, it's even worse."

"Why?" Xiao Chen heard a big alarm, could not think of this old man, really know the whereabouts of Lei Wang.

"Because from ancient times to the present, in addition to the Qing Emperor thousands of years ago, no one has come back alive, life and death do not know, the whereabouts are unknown." Wanfa demon king faintly said: "So, don't think about this problem, wait for you to have With enough strength, you naturally know where the old guy of Lei Wang went."

“Thank you for your predecessors!”

Xiao Chen pondered for a moment, and looked at the old predecessors deeply. No more words, he retired.

Wanfa demon king did not pay attention, staring at the Taiji map, muttered to himself: "Tai Chi, Yin and Yang merged on one picture? How did this little guy do it, headache, I knew it would be small Guy left, give me a good explanation."

If Xiao Chen heard this, it would be a good silence.

"Come out, come out!"

When Xiao Chen came out, Di Feng’s faces all showed a hint of joy. The two deputy island owners couldn’t wait to ask: “Qinglong Wang, the ancestors and you have said something, tell us about it.”

"Right, what the ancestors said."

Xiao Chen feels a bit strange. The two deputy island owners, after seeing their ancestors, have some enthusiasm.

Di Feng helplessly smiled: "The second brother and the younger brother, don't scare the guests, Xiao Chen, unfortunately, the ancestor's position in my Wan Yao Island is higher than the gods."

I am afraid that it is not only that, the two people are clearly revered in the eyes of the demon king, Xiao Chen sorted out a few thoughts, will see what happened to the demon king, roughly said it again.

After that, the two deputy island owners were amazed and looked at Xiao Chen for a bit of worship.

"No, Qinglong Wang, the ancestors actually said so much to you, and sent you something."

"It’s really powerful. It seems that the choice of Big Brother is indeed not wrong. When my ancestors saw me, I reluctantly said a word and sent me away impatiently."

After listening to Xiao Chen, my heart finally got a balance. It turned out that this demon king saw everyone, not just me.

Di Feng smiled and said: "You two, now have this idea, it is not too late, hurry to arrange the external affairs, and return all the things sent by the Protoss."

"Yes, yes, my ancestors have spoken, how can I dare to violate them."

"If I am an ancestor, I will pass it on. The elders will not dare to object."

The two men took the lead and went to see Xiao Chen with envy before leaving.

After the two of them left, Di Feng said to Xiao Chen: "Xiao Chen, don't look at the ancestors who don't care about anything. In fact, he knows everything. You say a person, know everything, nothing to expect. How can you show the enthusiasm you deserve, so don't mind."

Xiao Chen nodded. "I don't mind, I can get the promise of my ancestors. This line is already satisfied."

"Old ancestors, send you the dragon soul secret treasure, it seems that you are very valued, you really have the opportunity of the ancestors to see." Di Feng patted Xiao Chen's shoulder and smiled: "Look back, these dragons Soul secret treasure, should be able to surprise you."

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