Immortal and Martial Dual Cultivation

Vol 3 Chapter 1504: Undercurrent wars are coming soon

After staying at Wan Yao Island for three days, Xiao Chen quietly left and went to the next holy place.

In the days of the stars, at this time, it was a turbulent wind, and the three words of Shinto League suddenly rose up and became unknown.

Although its establishment date is short, various news about the Shinto League has already been rumored in the stars.

Especially after the announcement of the addition of the Shinto League in the Four Seas Dragon Palace, it is even more sensational, and the sound of the great powers. Many ancient families still have a lot of nine products, and they are all inquiring about the news. More or less, there are some thoughts, want to join the Shinto League.

Nowadays, the Kunlun chaos, the robbery is coming, the top is strong, everyone is at risk.

The emergence of the Shinto League is like a whirlwind. It is swiftly smashed in the sea of ​​stars. With the speed of terror, no one knows it. No one knows.

As for the news, Shinto League will attack the Tianzong, completely rule the Kunlun mainland, and it is also very popular.

For a time, all kinds of news about singing and ruining Tianzong were circulated everywhere. Everyone can feel that in this troubled world, a storm is brewing rapidly.

But when everyone is optimistic, when the Shinto League defeated the Tianzong, the two deputy island owners of Wan Yao Island suddenly revealed the export wind. Wan Yao Island will help at the most critical moment of Tian Tianzong and help the Qinglong King.

When this news came out, it caused a lot of sorrow, so many people could not expect it.

As the top holy place, Wan Yao Island was so early, it chose to stand in advance. As Xiao Chen took an enemy ten, and convinced the news of many demon elders, and then flowed out, it made people suddenly realize that this is the case.

The two messages were superimposed, and it was not long before the Sihai Dragon Palace joined the limelight of the Shinto League.

Everyone knows that Qinglong Wang Xiaochen, who has been crouching for two years, has once again shot.

In fact, it should be guessed that the Tianmen and Xiao Chen's gantry, the lips are cold. Today, Tian Tianzong, facing the crisis of life and death, Bai Chen Xiaochen, there is no reason to shoot.

It’s just that no one thought that this white dress did not appear in the morning for two years. When it appeared, it convinced the immortal holy land of Wan Yao Island.

With the strength and heritage of Wan Yao Island, even if the Four Seas Dragon Palace are all added up, I am afraid that they will not reach half of the strength of Wan Yao Island. What's more, there is also a Supreme Court in Wanxue Island, which is a huge blow to the sacred alliance.

When the news came out, the nine-category gates that were ready to contact with the Shinto League suddenly got their minds and prepared to wait and see.

Goddess Tianyouxi, after receiving the news in the first time, lost a long time, completely unexpected. When Xiao Chen took the shot, he pulled the Wan Yao Island over and turned it to the Tian Tianzong. More precisely, he turned to the Longmen Xiao Chen.

It is because of Xiao Chen, Wan Yao Island only promised to help Tian Tianzong, if there is no Xiao Chen, who is going to Wan Yao Island, it is really not accurate.

The wind and the summer with her are the same, but also did not expect, there will be such a.

The joy of the Four Seas Dragon Palace fell to the Shinto League, and it was diluted a lot, and they frowned.

"Two, what is the opinion." Tianyou Xi looked to Xiahou and the wind was unscrupulous.

Xiahou Shen Shen said: "We must, as soon as possible, persuade an immortal holy place, or let this Xiao Chen, persuaded everywhere, the entire Tianxinghai, our Shinto League will be in full swing."

"I know that it is not a sacred place to persuade. The Son of God is retreating and cannot come out. It is difficult for us to compete with Xiao Chen by the benefits of promise."

Tian Youxi, some sadly said.

Wan Yao Island fell to the Dragon Gate and returned all the Tiancaibao that she sent. It was too big for her to strike. In particular, I know that Xiao Chen did not have any conditions. I only convinced Wan Yao Island on my own style, and it was depressed.

"I know that those immortal saints are heroes and heroes, and they value one's style. Some forces may not be like this, such as the North Sea Alliance."

Tianyouxi looked awkward and shook his head: "Xia Gongzi, you made a mistake. Who doesn't know that the North Sea Alliance ally and Xiao Chen have a good personal relationship. I am afraid that Xiao Chen can convince a letter."

Xiahou smiled and said: "The goddess only knows one, and I don't know the other. The North Sea Alliance is complicated. My father and their deputy ally have a very good personal relationship, and the goddess gives me certain authority. It is good for me to do this."

Tianyouxi heard the words in the heart, yes, the North Sea Alliance is an alliance of many forces, but it is not very stable.

"Okay, this matter will be handed over to you."

The wind that has been silent has been unscrupulous, and it is timely to say: "Now we must know, Xiao Chen next stop, which holy place to go."

Tian Youxi quickly replied: "The news given by the treasure owner, Xiao Chen has now reached the sea within the jurisdiction of the five poison religions, and will soon enter the five poison education general education."

Five poisons?

The wind is inconspicuous: "This Xiaochen is really daring, and even the five poisons are rushing. I remember, the Longmen ceremony, the five poisons taught him to chaos. The son of the five poisons, and he still has some grudges. He is not afraid to go back?"

In the bright eyes of Tianyouxi, there was a hint of murderous murder, Shen Shen said: "I have already arranged this, as long as he dares to go to the five poisons, even if he does not die, he will peel off the skin!"

The wind is unscrupulous and Xiahou definitely takes a look. Both of them feel the killing in the words of Tianyouxi, which is rare.

Goddess Tianyou Xi, seems to have moved to kill, intends to directly shot Xiao Chen.

"Just like this, after the arrival of the pro-disciples of Dongyue Ghost Emperor and the corpse of God, we will find a way to go to the moon palace, where is the center of the entire Star Sea!"

Tian Youxi did not want to say more, what arrangement she did in the five poisons, after a sentence, she ended the conversation.

In the simple conversation, there is a choppy undercurrent, seemingly calm sea. The battle between the Dragon Gate and the Shinto League has quietly begun, accumulating energy for a bigger storm.

A big battle is inevitable.

The winner is born, the loser is dead!

The Shinto League is pressing hard, and the situation of Xiao Chen is not optimistic at all. Even if he miraculously persuades all the holy seas, he will have less than half of the odds in the face of the Shinto League.

The Shinto League, which is far away from the Kunlun mainland, has taken the lead and formed a general trend.

Only contention, only to fight against the sky, to meet the difficulties, can get that hope.

This is also the reason why Xiao Chen will come to the five poisons.

No matter how difficult it is, half of them will hope to persuade the five poisons. If they don't come, they will definitely not.

In the East China Sea of ​​the Starry Sea, the five poisonous religions occupy the vast majority of the territory by three immortal holy places. In addition to the five poisons, there are Yinyang Dongtian and Tianfu Academy.

In the remaining seas, there is the East China Sea Dragon Palace, and there is no space for any major forces to survive. All are small, scattered small sects, can not become a climate.

In the poison cloud island, there is only one city poison cloud city on the island of Poison, and Xiao Chen is now in an inn in this poison cloud city.

His letter of visit has been handed over to the five poisons before three days.

However, the five poisons taught him to dry for three days, and did not ask him to enter the general rudder. Xiao Chen is not in a hurry, just in the inn, practicing Qinglong to raise his body.

The gift of Wanfa demon king is indeed a surprise. He couldn’t think of it. In the ring that Wanfa demon king throws freely, it is actually an emperor’s dragon soul secret treasure.

It is not an ordinary emperor secret treasure. Although it has some gaps with Hongmengdibao, it can be regarded as the top grade in the emperor.

Refining and refining this Dragon Soul Emperor, Qinglong Yangshuo broke through the second weight in one fell swoop and reached the third peak.

After leaving Wan Yao Island, Xiao Chen has been digesting this Dibao Dragon Soul, bringing many benefits. His physical defense has gone further, and his strength has increased violently, reaching the power of horror.

Now, with his strength, he can compete with some small heavenly emperors, winning and losing five or five.

After several large Sundays of transportation, Xiao Chen opened his eyes and his mind was fully open. Every move in the inn, a word, a word.

"I heard that there is no, Qinglong Wang Xiaochen, an enemy 10 in Wan Yao Island, and ten warriors in the war, actually won."

"The momentum of the Shinto League in the Starry Sea was suddenly suppressed."

"Oh, the news a few days ago, who doesn't know now, you still said that there is something strong. Now there is a small news spread, Qinglong Wang Xiaochen, has arrived in the eastern waters."

"Come to the East Sea? I won't come to our five poisons. He has a grudge with our five poisons. Our son has lost his face in his hands."

"It's hard to say, it's hard to say."

The warriors among the inns are talking about the topic of concern to everyone like Xinghai today.

Retracting the gods, Xiao Chen shook his head slightly, and the general rudder of the five poisons, still did not respond, even a small donkey was not sent.

Get up and push the door, Xiao Chen is ready to go out and turn around, poison cloud city is also considered a holy city, strolling is not bad.

A few changes in body shape, Xiao Chen went out of the inn, no one noticed how he passed.

"Ha ha ha, it’s a coincidence, this son is going to find you, you are going out, is this an unexpected encounter?"

Out of the inn, Xiao Chen looked up and met the group of people who had just arrived. It was the son of the five poisons.

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