Immortal and Martial Dual Cultivation

Vol 3 Chapter 1511: The stars shine and dance for me.

Looking at the sea of ​​Guanghua as a mirror, and the round of Huanghuang Day, Xiao Chen secretly contemplates, thinking about the method of cracking.

In front of the kilometer, there is an invisible enchantment that blocks the knowledge of Xiao Chen and makes it impossible to detect it.

This method of door array seems to be extremely simple and without danger, as if you can walk in directly.

But inside the danger, Xiao Chen, with his sharp intuition, can feel enough to threaten his life.

The nest of Zhou Tianxing Palace will definitely not be that simple.

"go with!"

Thinking hard and thinking, I can't explain it. Xiao Chen reached out and pointed out that the object was used for the soldiers to display, and it would condense into the shape of Xiao Chen and fly toward the front.


There is no sign that the front of the sea is vast and innocent, and suddenly there are hundreds of glaring lights. A little bit of sudden flashing, screaming like a narrow sun.

Pain, Xiao Chen's eyes hurt, and he stepped back two steps toward the back, squinting and gently rubbing a few times.

When he opened his eyes again, the vast sea surface had recovered as usual. And he refers to the avatar of the soldiers, has burned all over the body, but in a moment it has evaporated into countless water vapor.

Xiao Chen’s eyes flashed a sigh of relief, and it was not as simple as he imagined, if his body rushed over.

The attack received is afraid of being ten times as many as ten times.

The light of the day, Xiao Chen was very clear when he was holding his eyes. That is the purest true sun, and more than one, there are thousands of ways.

Put together, the power is big, Xiao Chen can't imagine.

This is not counting, the huge sun under the sea is really fire, completely unmoved. If it is really moving, is it afraid that it will hurt the Supreme?

There seems to be no chance during the day. Xiao Chen thinks a little, and prepares to wait until after dark, and then look at the situation.

Time passes, when the sunset sinks, the last touch of afterglow disappears. The whole sky, black and white, twinkling stars, with the moon, beautiful.

Standing on the sea, as if reaching out to pick up the stars, it seems to be out of reach, quite contradictory.

In the middle of the water, the stars are also shining. This moment, the sea and the sky seem to blend into one.

What is even more amazing is that many of the palaces that can't be seen by the naked eye are too bright in the daytime. At the time of the nightfall, they are present, appearing above the sea in the air, like a pearl of the sea, emitting a soft light.

Many of the stars in the universe are swaying, and the columns of light that are gathered by the stars are intertwined, dazzling, and not glamorous.

Among them, Xiao Chen has a feeling, the so-called dream world, afraid of it.

He could see that the railings of the palaces were all full of people. With a proud look in the eyes, talking to each other, the focus of the line of sight is all focused on him.

Beidou Palace, Nandou Palace, Ziwei Palace, Sun Palace, Taiyin Palace... All the palaces are full of Star Palace disciples.

Looking at the famous Dragon King of the Stars, he was blocked from the big array, pointing and whispering, laughing.

Xiao Chen’s naked eyes can be seen by everyone who sees him. Invisible enchantment, let him and the people in this star palace, as if in two worlds, never intersect.

In the Sun Palace, there are three old friends of Xiao Chen who are staring at him with cold eyes. The central son of Chuyang, on the left is the holy woman Fu Hongxue, and on the right is Xiaoling, which is not guessed by Xiao Chen.

"Finger is a soldier!"

Reaching out and pointing, Xiao Chen tried again, and in the sea, he jumped out of the thousands of figures, and he stepped forward and rushed toward the front.


The pillar of the starlight above the three thousand palaces swept out, ruining and ruining, crushing the body of Xiao Chen.

In the eyes of Xiao Chen, the light is shining, and the position of all the pillars of the starlight is remembered for a moment, and the toes are a little bit rushed over.

Walking in the sea, Xiao Chen’s ear, the wind roaring, the white gown, hunting and screaming.

A beam of light condensed by a star, or swept over, or slashed down, or descended from the sky, and everything is ever-changing.

Between the heavens and the earth, all the stars are suddenly gathered around Xiaochen, and in other places, it is dark and inky.

In the darkness, the eyes of countless Star Palace disciples are paying attention to Xiao Chen in the gathering of stars.

In the intertwined and complex attack of the stars, Xiao Chen was a meeting before, after a while, his figure was elegant. Sometimes the dragon is turned, the sky is angry, and sometimes it is a fish.

The dragon scorpion was played to the extreme, and in this chaotic and gorgeous attack, half of the stars were not stained.


The sea is rippled, the waves are like pillars, and Xiao Chen’s white hair is white, as if dancing with the stars. His superb style makes the stars lose their color.

All the disciples of the Xinggong were attracted by his appearance, indulged in the dreamy dance steps, and forgot the more gorgeous starlight.

The stars shine and dance for me!

As time passed, Xiao Chen felt the attack power of Starlight and breathed a sigh of relief. The top of the Star Palace did not force him to a dead end. The attack of this starlight was not terrible.

And this big array, it seems that no one is hosting.

"It really is a test for me, there are still weaknesses, if the king is not able to pass."

Then, the moon shadow knife, it will be sheathed!


There was no sound and no sound, and there was a clear knife in the heavens and the earth. With this squeaking, Xiao Chen’s momentum changed, and he was full of arrogance and arrogance.

He pulled the knife all the way, bravely marched forward, and the knife was long and turned into an imposing manner. Breaking the stars and breaking the waves is like a real dragon, unstoppable!

On the Sun Palace, Chu Yang’s three people changed slightly, and a flash of surprise in his eyes.

Chu Yang tapped the railing with one hand and whispered: "Red snow, let's go."

Fu Hongxue nodded softly, his body shape floated, and he flew higher under the reflection of the moon. After a while, Fu Hongxue held the figure of the long sword, as if it was merged with the moon.

She blends with the moon, dances in the sky, and the long sword flutters, affecting all the stars between the heavens and the earth.

When Xiao Chen was about to cross the enchantment, in the bright moon, Fu Hongxue condensed his eyes, and the distant fingers pointed out that the sword was stirring, and the fairy was falling from the moon.

Xiao Chen, who has never been to the front, suddenly felt a very dangerous atmosphere, and the whole body was cold, and he was hard to retreat.


This sword can be avoided, but it can be scattered, but it will blow up Xiao Chen’s life and spit out a broken blood.

It is hard to imagine what would happen if it was directly hit by this sword.

Just after the morning of Xiao Chen’s robbery, when he was relieved a little, an unexpected attack came from the sea of ​​Zhou Tianxing Palace.

Under the sea, there is a starry sky, the same bright moon, the same sword!

This sword, as expected, Xiao Chen was directly hit, the chest broke open a big hole, blood as a spring, with Xiao Chen retreat, sprinkled all over the night sky.

Blood and starlight mix, giving off an intoxicating glow.

Xiao Chen's figure is fading, watching this moonlight moonlight, binocular confusion. Forgot the pain, forgot the time, and forgot all the disturbances.

This scene, so good and bleak, look at the person, white clothes blood, chest wounds, blood like a spring, dyed the night sky. But the fascinating eyes, under the shining of the stars, clearly can clearly see a trace of obstinacy!

"Ha ha ha ha, Qinglong Wang Xiaochen, even if you conquer the Wan Yao Island, the supreme style, let the Three Seas of the East China Sea, have fallen backwards. But in front of my Star Palace, you are nothing, you even this door, do not enter Come!"

Chu Yang suddenly laughed at the sky, and for many years, the depression accumulated in his heart, with this scene, broke out completely. There is no place in the body.

In the faint, even feeling his own strength, they have improved by one point. That is the demon that Xiao Chen gave him, and it was broken at this moment.

Shaobao owner Yiling smiled faintly: "I said, as long as you convince the star owner to open this world of the yin and yang double star array, you will be able to block Xiao Chen and let him face the face."

Chu Yang has a heart, very incomparable, loud voice: "Xiao Chen, if you ask me, I will open the door of the Star Palace and reward you with a chance!"

In the morning of Xiao Chen’s mind, it was clear and undisturbed by any external factors.

What is hope, fight with people, fight with others, and fight with the sky.

Seeking no, not asking, and giving others the opportunity to be rewarded, it is even more impossible to become hope.

Only fight!

I can't break it during the day, I can't break it at night, when can I break this battle?

In the heart of Xiao Chen, suddenly the flash of light flashed, thinking of something, the road of nowhere. The Lord of the Star Palace, since this test is used to test him, there must be a method of cracking.

I got it!

At the time of Xiao Chen’s fall, in the far east, there was a halo of light, and dawn was coming.

It is now, the shade of the sun, the rising sun, the critical point of day and night. Whether it is the power of the sun or the power of the sun, it is the weakest moment.

The next moment, the morning sun flashes, the dawn is approaching.

Xiao Chen took out the reincarnation flag and condensed the five stars of killing, death, destruction, despair, and sorrow, behind the colorful wall of the starlight.

Grasping this fleeting opportunity, Xiao Chen shouted and gathered all the power of Hongmeng in the reincarnation flag, and sent it fiercely.

Rub and rub!

This is a blow to all the power of Xiao Chen. It is like a broken bamboo, sweeping all the way and opening a Avenue of Stars.

Reincarnation of the flag, the speed is very fast, Chu Yang still feels far away from the horizon, the next moment has already been killed.

Sudden attacks made him scared and white, and his body was mad.

Just retreating, he closed his eyes in despair, a delicate palm, and grabbed the flagpole. Let the flagpole stop when he is only one inch away from his nose.

The violent wind driven by the battle flag, blowing Chu Yang can not open his eyes, the wind is so strong, full of long hair, backwards backwards.

When he opened his eyes again, he saw the East, the dawn of the sun, and the endless golden light.

The white figure bathed in the golden sun, too glaring, blurred, giving him the feeling, like the gods, supreme.

The entire Star Palace, quietly silent, watching the white figure that came in, completely stunned.

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