Immortal and Martial Dual Cultivation

Vol 3 Chapter 1512: What is happiness? What is a friend?

The wound on the chest is slowly healing, and the surface is no longer a problem. But in the sword, there is a feminine temperament, which will not be completely eliminated.

Xiao Chen closed his hand, and the reincarnation of the battle flag instantly broke into the ring.

Shaoling master Yiling, wide eyes, read several times to determine, Xiao Chen is really up.

Breaking through the blockade of the Promise of the Sun and the Sun, I came to the Sun Palace.

What I thought was impossible, really happened to Xiao Chen, who was commissioned by Tian Youxi. After all the hard work, Chu Yang finally convinced the star owner, but I did not expect this result.

Chu Yang came back to God and looked at Xiao Chen’s familiar face. He was originally comfortable. Suddenly, I fell from the bottom of the cloud, my heart beat, my breath was short, my face was getting darker.

Why is this so obvious, blocked him, or let him break?

Is it Chu Yang, it is really not as good as the other side, standing in the Sun Palace, even half of him can not match?

Painful, tangled, depressed, causing the speed of the heartbeat, fast and fast.

Xiao Chen won the other side's sight, and his brows were slightly wrinkled. This Chu Yang was ups and downs, and now his mood is chaotic, as if he wants to go into flames.


Suddenly, he stepped forward and slammed his palm on Chu Yang’s chest.

With a bang, Chu Yang spit out a blood, and the whole person flew straight out.

"Xiao Chen, what do you want to do!"

The sacred woman of the Taiyin Palace fell from the sky. After seeing this scene, her face changed greatly. She quickly helped Chu Yang and said to Xiao Chen that she was full of killing.


At the same time, above the sea, such as the bright pearls of the Bohai Sea, the palace is dotted with the void, and at the same time, a killing is heard, and Xiao Chen is firmly locked.

The whole atmosphere suddenly became extremely tense. The Sifang Palace flew out of the old man. After a while, he surrounded Xiao Chen and blocked all his way with the air.

"Don't shoot, don't shoot." Chu Yang saw these scenes and quickly said loudly.

At this time, his face was white and his face was weak, which was obviously a lot easier. Breathing was gentle, the whole person suddenly became cheerful, and the extreme situation of the previous one disappeared at once.

"Chuyang, what happened." The Taiyin Palace saint, some anxiously asked.

Chu Yang waved his hand and looked at Xiao Chen. After a long silence, he said: "Thank you."

Yes, it is indeed thanks to the word.

These two words actually came out from Chu Yangkou, Yiling and the Taiyin Palace are a little surprised.

Xiao Chen said calmly: "No matter who you are, you can't let him stand in front of me."

Just a palm, Xiao Chen did not kill, just dredging the blood near the heart of the other party. Let your heart calm down and don't dig into the horns.

Many times, a person is enchanted, but he can't think of it for a moment. After you really get into the magic, you want to go back, but it is hard to add.

At a critical time, someone can help calm down, and after thinking about it, they will feel that it is not a big deal.

"Leo Bao main Yiling, let's go, I am going to invite you to the Star Palace to change the day." Chu Yang faces Yiling, calmly said.

Yiling heard the slight change of his mind, and Chu Yang actually wanted to chase him away. How can this be done?

"Chuyang, we are just saying good, and drive this guy out of the Star Palace together. Don't tell me, he hits you, you forget all the humiliations you have suffered before."

Chu Yang has just experienced a big ups and downs, from the edge of the fire to the magic, around a circle, many unreasonable past events, all of a sudden thought.

Xiao Chen sees Yi Ling in the provocation, Shen Sheng: "The so-called humiliation, only between one thought, if you look at yourself too high, it is humiliation. If you look down on yourself, then it is not. This No one in the world is the protagonist, no one is nobler than anyone else. Is it wrong to be wronged?"

"Warrior's way, all the way, how can there be no twists and turns. As long as you do your best, your heart will be good. How many people are only happy, restless, how can you really care about your life and death. Take a good look, who is yours? friend?"

Yiling angered: "Xiao Chen, you don't want to argue, what makes me only a moment of happiness, regardless of Chu Yang's life and death."

In the morning of Xiao Chen, the old well remains unchanged, the waves look down, and the calm road: "Isn't it? You don't have to refute it. Time will prove that I am getting the right thing and not right."

How many people are only happy at the moment, will you really care about your life and death, who is your friend?

Chu Yang's heart-shaped giant earthquake, this sentence he repeatedly chewed in the brain, there is a kind of sputum filling, the feeling of instant realization.

"Speak well! It will make you happy for a while, and you will not be your friend. You can make your life happy, don't leave regrets, seek a happy, and be a true friend!"

Between the two men argued, a singer was extraordinary, the five senses were meticulously crafted, and the young people with their eyes like stars and gems strode with a group of old people.

Between the steps, the style is extraordinary, all the glory of the world, as if they are gathered on this person. Let it shine among the group of people, and the charm is boundless, covering up all the glory of others.

"See the star owner!"

Thousands of palaces, tens of thousands of star palace children, won this person suddenly appeared. Sincere and fearful, bent down and bowed, respectfully said.

Chu Yang and the Taiyin Palace saints, at the same time surprised, and quickly handed the ceremony: "See the Master."

It turned out that this person is the star of Zhou Tianxing, and indeed the charm is boundless, the gas field is strong, Xiao Chen bowed his hand, bowed slightly, and took a gift.

Yi Bao, the owner of Shaobao, was dissatisfied in his heart and was criticized by the star owner for not being named.

The ritual of the trip, still can not be less, calmly said: "Leo Bao main Yiling, meet the star owner."

Zhou Tianxing looked at Yiling and smiled: "The treasure owner thought carefully, I still don't know, what purpose do you come here, I know it well. But I still have to thank you, let Chuyang convince me to start the world of the sun. Array."


Ellington was anxious and wanted to explain. The star owner directly interrupted: "You can go, give me a sentence to the treasure owner, others don't know his details, I still know some. Don't let me catch Evidence, otherwise he will shoot him at any time!"

Feeling the star-stirring killing of the star owner, Yi Ling’s heart sinks, and the scared body trembles.

"Yes, this is the younger generation."

After saying a word, Yi Ling resentfully looked at Xiao Chen and took a golden chariot and left.

Zhou Tianxing Lord seems to be in a good mood, take out a bottle of medicinal herbs and hand it to Xiao Chen: "Qinglong Wang, your body is too yin, you can't get rid of it for half a month. There is a holy yang in it, you can be in three Recover within days."

Xiao Chen took the jade bottle and opened it and smelled it. A hot breath suddenly turned into a warm current, flowing in the body, and the wound was a lot more comfortable.

"Thank you."

Zhou Tianxing’s Lord smiled a little and looked at Chu Yangdao: “Today, you are ups and downs, right and wrong, and you must be able to see more clearly. Seize the opportunity and retreat well. Within three months, the great perfection will be completed. ”


Chu Yang respectfully finished the ceremony, and the Taiyin Palace saint, quietly retreat.

"Let's go on, I will talk to Qinglong Wang alone."

Xiao Chen looked at the disciples around the Star Palace, as well as the elders, respectful look.

In the heart of the dark, this Sunday star master, reminded him of four words, heroes. On his body, there is a kind of personality charm, which is respectful and convincing, and willing to approach him.

Renxiong hero, deserved.

"You are really daring to say that, the Dragon Gate ceremony of the day, I am the biggest opponent behind the scenes. How do you really have the courage to run to me this week's Star Palace, not afraid of me killing you?" Zhou Tianxing, Rao Asked about interest.

Its tone is relaxed, just like asking casually, but inadvertently it brings a lot of pressure.

When Xiao Chen first encountered such a strong person in the gas field, he did not rush to open his mouth and stabilize his mind. Shen Sheng said: "I guess the heart of the star, but I can see the world that the star sees. So I am coming."

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