Immortal and Martial Dual Cultivation

Vol 3 Chapter 1513: Knowing people knows more

Zhou Tianxing, a light smile, handsome appearance, like a dark starry sky, a bright star that suddenly flashes.

However, he did not ask Xiao Chen, the world in his eyes, what kind of picture is it. Speaking of another story: "I feel that this world is infinitely overcast, how about?"

Xiao Chen did not think about it: "It's very strong, it's a good guess. It should be in every palace. It should be hosted. Especially in the sun, there are two top powers to control, power is full, even Supreme can't be hard."

"The big array I have seen is just the tip of the iceberg. I can deliberately keep a weakness for me."

In the eyes of Zhou Tianxing, there was a slight flash in the eyes: "Why?"

Xiao Chen replied truthfully: "The yin is too small, the sun is rising, this weakness is too obvious. With the long history of the Star Palace, no one will notice this weakness and improve it."

Zhou Tianxing smiled and said: "Good eyesight. But you are still modest. I originally guessed that you have to observe at least three days to find this flaw. Who knows, when the dawn is dawning, you will capture it. This flash The chance of passing."

"I also rely on the reincarnation of the battle flag, in order to be lucky, if I am an ordinary person, I am afraid I know this weakness, and I can't easily come in."

"Reincarnation flag, show me?"

Zhou Tianxing, from the hands of Xiao Chen, took over the reincarnation flag, gently waved, smashed the flag, blood red flag, hunting and screaming, making a general sound of the waves.

The seven stars on the top of the show, except for two, the other five, one by one.

Emitted, than in the hands of Xiao Chen, it is necessary to smash ten times of light. All of a sudden, the sun between the heavens and the earth will be pressed down, and the night will suddenly appear.

call out!

A flag of the flag, Zhou Tianxing praised: "Yes, but this technique is somewhat rough. I will help you refine it. There should be some breakthrough in the quality of this flag."

Xiao Chen’s heart is a joy, this refines the star flag, and today the world is afraid that no one can match the star owner.

"But it's a pity..."

Is there a change?

Xiao Chen’s doubts; “Star, what a pity?”

"Unfortunately, I only have a throne of suffering. If I can destroy the throne, I will be able to complete your star flag."

Xiao Chen took a brief glimpse and only reacted. What is unfortunate in this place is clearly the surprise.

Repressing some excitement, Xiao Chen asked: "Dare to ask the star owner, can you know the news of destroying the throne?"

Zhou Tianxing’s main look is contemplative: “I think, this is not a top-notch for destroying the throne. It has been passed down in the hands of several people. If I remember correctly, it should be in the hands of the emerald king. As for the change of his hand, there is no Clear."

Xiao Chen was overjoyed, and the remaining two thrones, he always had people to check. But it is very difficult to find, I did not expect, unintentionally, from the main mouth of Zhou Tianxing, learned the whereabouts of the two.

Even, I got a throne.

Zhou Tianxing continued: "It seems that you want to understand the reincarnation of the artistic conception. This is extremely difficult to comprehend. After you become an emperor, I can accompany you to the Xianlou Palace to see if there is a reincarnation on the ancient stone wall, and try your luck. ""

"Thank you for the star owner."

Zhou Tianxing Lord laughed casually: "A small thing, I will take you for the reincarnation of the battle flag. I will take you around the Star Palace."

Xiao Chen’s suspicion in his heart is not to fear that the star owner swallowed his own reincarnation flag. He is strange, why the star owner sees himself so.

I have to know that in the past, I was suppressing my own camp, but there are also shadows of the Star Palace.

Let's take a look, Xiao Chen is not moving, with the stars together, strolling in various places in the Zhoutianxing Palace.

All the way, Zhou Tianxing explained to Xiao Chen in detail, the origins of various Star Palace monuments, and some interesting stories. Regarding the business affairs of Xiao Chen, it is not a half word, and people are not clear.

Xiao Chen also sinks in the air, in front of such a big man, casual conversation, from time to time some insights, but also let Zhou Tianxing master, the eyes shine.

The two are like a singer, walking around and talking very much.

Xiao Chen is considered a fox and a tiger, and walked along the road, the Star Palace. Going to the elders and going down to the disciples is no doubt that he is not respectful to him.

"Go, I will take you to a place, where you are more interested."

After visiting all the stars, Zhou Tianxing took the morning with Xiao Chen and jumped into the sea.

The two slammed into the water and continued to sink.


As soon as he entered the water, Xiao Chen was shocked. Under the sea, across the infinite sea, you could see a huge golden fireball that burned.

Knowing the golden fireball, there is still an illusion through the distance that I don't know, and I can touch it when I reach out.

Next to the golden fireball, there is another group of slightly weak white flames.

Taiyin is really hot, the sun is really hot!

Xiao Chen’s mind was suddenly shocked. Isn’t the flame reflected in the water not illusory, but it really exists.

If it is true, how can it be shocked.

It should be wrong, the five poisons can be colorful clouds, covering the island. Zhou Tianxing Palace has a deeper foundation, how can there be no other cards.

I don’t know how many distances I’ve sunk, and I’ve been heavily guarded along the road, and I’ve been waved back by Zhou Tianxing.

"There is a small array of pixels in front of me. I will take you through and I will see the real heritage of Zhou Tianxing Palace soon."

Zhou Tianxing mastered Xiao Chen and jumped forward, and the foreground of the eye suddenly changed.

The rolling heat wave came to the surface, and Xiao Chen looked forward. The flame pool of 10,000 meters was covered with lines and the volume of the sun and the Taiyin really fire.

The number of the two is the same, maintaining a good balance, but it can't really blend together.

At the moment, above the sea, the sunset is empty, causing the sun to burn in front of the sun. The real fire of the Taiyin is a dead silence, and it will only bloom at night to bloom.


Above the top of the head, a drop of golden flame, like a waterdrop, is connected in a line, falling into the sun in a rhythm.

Some of Xiao Chen’s shocked words can’t be said. He can sense that the sun is really hot, pure and extremely high, and there are at least nine products.

"This is Zhou Tianxing Palace, which has accumulated wealth for tens of thousands of years. How come, I heard that you also have two kinds of flames to cultivate."

Xiao Chen smiled bitterly: "It's not worth mentioning, not worth mentioning."

His sun is really hot and the sun is really hot, but there are only five products. Mainly the fire of the Taiyin, it is too difficult to collect, the two must be balanced, has been dragging down the rhythm of Xiao Chen.

Compared with the current one, not only the quantity and quality, but also the world of difference, it is not worth mentioning.

If you let Xiao Chen master the flames in front of you, then the taiji yin and yang flames that condense out, I don’t know what the horror is.

"Also, this is too cloudy and the sun is really hot, it is extremely difficult to collect, I will send you some."

Zhou Tianxing, a slap in the face, suddenly jumped out of a huge pool of gold in the flame pool in front of him, and a fire phoenix.

Jinwu has the sun's real fire, and the fire phoenix is ​​transformed by the Taiyin real fire. Each of them spreads their wings and flies, and they are vivid and full of sacredness.

Jinwu and the phoenix phoenix broke into the hands of the Sunday star master and turned into two groups of rich flames.

This... This ceremony is too big, and Xiao Chen is a bit afraid to accept it.

The two groups of flames, at least ten times stronger than the ones owned by Xiao Chen, can make a spurt in the short term.

"Well, this requires the Star Palace to accumulate for a thousand years, but unfortunately your strength is not enough. If not, you can give you a little more."

Zhou Tianxing said very casually that there is no meaning for half-drinking pain.

This person is not simple!

Xiao Chen’s heart is a glimpse. Compared with Zhou Tianxing’s master, Xiao Chen is more willing to get along with the weird Wanfa demon king.

Some lost patience, Xiao Chenzheng said: "The star owner, you don't have to circle, I have not been arrogant, just by breaking a line, you can be so impressed. I can feel that you seem passionate Actually, there is no sincerity."

Zhou Tianxing’s face smiled and became thicker: “I found myself admiring you more and more. Standing at such a height, I was young, but I still haven’t lost my heart. Tell me why you feel that I have no sincerity.”

Xiao Chen said faintly: "Because I have already guessed your heart."

"Interesting, you said that I saw the world I can see, but I can't guess my heart. I don't care. I am telling you now, what is in my heart?"

"Desire, pride, and ambition."

As soon as this was said, the smile on the face of Zhou Tianxing Palace gradually dissipated. It became cold and looked like Xiao Chen’s face was indifferent, and the high-spirited look had a perverted pride.

Have you changed your face?

Perhaps it hasn't changed, this is the main face of Zhou Tianxing.

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