Immortal and Martial Dual Cultivation

Vol 3 Chapter 1516: Peak circuit

Although there is a gold word in Jinwu, Xiao Chen remembers that it is always the color of white jade, the surface is smooth, and the spirit is restrained.

But now, it has turned into a golden, flame-like gold.

Like a burning stone, placed in the palm of your hand, like a raging fire, Xiao Chen can even feel the temperature coming from the face.

"Gengjiao, what is going on?" Xiao Chen asked in confusion.

He touched his nose and shook his head. "I don't know, I have never seen it before, and I have never heard of this."

"Hey, this little three knows that this golden wu is mutated. The blood of the beast is pure, and it is generally difficult to mutate, but once it mutates, it will produce an odd number, and no one will unexpectedly change."

Xiao Chen and Jiao Jiao looked at Xiao San with amazement. I didn't expect this little girl to know a lot.

Xiao San shyly smiled: "Don't look at me like this. Jinwu is very common during the immortal era. It should be a lot now, but it is relatively rare."

Xiao Chen didn't care about this. He continued to ask: "It's a good change, or a bad change."

"Nature is good, but the beasts are hard to mutate. In our time, if Jinwu can mutate, it will definitely become the absolute king of the Jinwu family."

Xiao San is very sure of the tone, let Xiao Chen and Jiao Jiao, are relieved.

Why is it mutated?

Xiao Chen put his gaze on the real fire of the Taiyin, which is close to the real fire of the sun, and may have something to do with this huge Taiyin real fire.

This flame pool, accepting two kinds of flames for a long time, the yin and yang properties are no longer so pure.

However, what is going on, but now I don’t know, the people outside are rushing, and Xiao Chen is not good.

"Go, let's go out."

Xiao San and Jiao Jiao, quickly flashed, re-entered the fairy ring.

Returning from the original road, Xiao Chen just appeared in the Sun Palace and saw the long-awaited Zhou Tianxing Lord.

Zhou Tianxing is still fascinating and fascinating. After seeing this person's heart, he can no longer let Xiao Chen give birth to that convincing feeling.

"The color is good, it seems that the harvest is not small, for you!"

In the palm of his hand, the reincarnation flag was slowly born, and Zhou Tianxing, the main flag, was thrown back to Xiao Chen.

When Xiao Chen came over, the flagpole became golden, and the intricate stars and moons were engraved. If it was spread out, it was a starry sky map.

The color of the flag is more blood than before, and the red flag, like blood, is like suffocating.

Staring to see, Zhou Tianxing, the owner really obeyed the agreement, helping him to integrate the sixth painful throne.

"You are a battle flag, it is really not simple, it is a waste of a lot of gods, it is a pity to look at it. I use the Star Palace refining method, completely re-refining it for you, no gods are added, but Directly improved a quality."

Zhou Tianxing’s master said a little casually, as if it was just a negligible thing.

Xiao Chen holds the reincarnation flag, but it is a dark center, no matter how hypocritical and ambitious this person is. But it is indeed amazing, it is admirable, if it is really out of this exile, it will definitely be a big man.

"The North Sea Alliance thing, I have already helped you get it, the moon palace can't help you, you can do it yourself. I know that you don't want to go to the moon palace, you can make a vow, you can't help you, whether you like it or not, I must give me the moon palace."

Now that the two are already on a warship, although they have their own minds, the temporary purpose is the same.

Zhou Tianxing, who is more reluctant than Xiao Chen, sees the Moon Palace falling to the Shinto League.

Xiao Chen did not pay attention, Zhou Tianxing, the almost commanding words, calmly said: "Thank you, the moon palace thing, you can't worry, I try my best, you don't need to put pressure on me."

"I am not trying to put pressure on you. The new super-destroyer of the moon palace has been practiced. After half a month, the militia ceremony will be held. At that time, Tianyouxi will visit in person. Half a month, this is your last time, you see it yourself. Got it."

After Zhou Tianxing’s main character took a word, he began to drop off the guest, without the slightest chill.

Xiao Chen is also lazy and stays a lot. With this person, he always feels uncomfortable. In this situation, he doesn't like it at all.

Out of the Zhoutianxing Palace, Xiao Chen fell to the surface of the sea. For a time, some did not know where to go.

Going to the moon palace?

Don't think about it, take the rush, go back to the gray-faced face, and Mingyue City will not change him.

Going to the North Sea Alliance, there is no need for him, and the star master will naturally solve the problem there.

"Xiao Chen, where are we going now?"

"Go back, there are some things, after all, you can't be reluctant, you can't figure out the problem, you don't want to break your head, just let it go."

There was nothing wrong with the moon palace. Xiao Chen shook his head and decided to go back to Tianxing Island.

These days, he rushed west and did not stop for a moment. After several battles, the hearts of the wars were alarmed, and almost all of them were brought to the front.

After making up his mind, Xiao Chen returned to Star Island three days later.

However, he did not return in two months. When he came back again, he found that the prosperity of Tianlong City was several times more lively than the original.

Invisible, you can feel that there is a general trend over the island of Starry Island, gathering together in the Quartet, everyone is eye-catching.

The Xihai Dragon Palace is a deadly appearance. Under the suppression of the Longmen, it was completely smashed for the second-rate forces, and the gas transport plummeted.

The news that Xiao Chen returned to the island of Tianxing only shocked a few people. In the first time, the dust felt the hill of Xiao Chen’s retreat.

Today's dust is already a veritable female city owner, and the city owner token of Tianlong City is in his hands. Receiving the forces of all parties, laying out the gantry plan, and leading the major branches of Longmen, she is worried about all aspects.

Xiao Chen, just occupied a name, more time is spent on cultivation.

"Xiao Chen, brother, give you this."

After the arrival of the dust, he threw it to Xiao Chen, a jade slip.

Xiao Chen took a look and said: "What is this?"

The stranger smiled and explained: "This is a summoning order. You are a person who does things. There is always a front hand and no backhand. You persuaded the Supreme and the Lord, but did not leave a means to inform the other party. I asked if you You Tianzong is in danger now, how do you plan to inform the other party."

"Of course, I sent people to inform through the transmission array." When the words were just exported, Xiao Chen realized the problem and smiled slyly: "It's too slow, I really didn't think about it."

Moss laughed and said: "So I prepared a call for you, and you left the front foot. I will send this call to the Lord. I will crush this when there is an emergency. Zhang Yujian, other saints can receive the news."

Xiao Chen solemnly collected the jade Jane: "Thank you."

"Oh, it doesn't matter, it can help you, and you can't do anything else." Hearing Xiao Chen's thank you, a strange look in the eyes of the stranger, continued: "Yes, still ready to go out ?"

Xiao Chen sighed: "I want to go out, but, forget it, I have no idea at the moon palace. They have personally opened their mouths and said that they will not change me, and they will block my way." I can't even enter the city of Mingyue."

When I mentioned this, Xiao Chen was helpless, and Yuegong refused to be alone, and no one could move forward.

Even if this person is the king of the emperor, not to mention, not to mention Xiao Chen, not yet.

"You want to participate, the moon palace's martial arts ceremony?" In the dusty bright eyes, flashed a ray of light, whispered.

Xiao Chen nodded and told Zhou Tianxing’s words again.

Once the Moon Palace fell to the Shinto League, all the efforts made by Xiao Chen were in vain.

"Helping you to convince the moon palace, I have no way to let you enter the city of Mingyue, but it is not a problem."

After listening to Xiao Chen’s remarks, he smiled lightly, like a juggling act. In the hands of a jade fan with a moonlight glass, the fan blades slowly opened.

There are melodious piano sounds, elegant songs, fluttering out from the fan one by one.

Xiao Chen’s look changed, Zhang Kou said: “This is the Ming Yu fan of the Moon Palace. As long as there is such a fan, even the Moon Palace can see it. What do you get from it?”

When it was really the turn of the peak, Liu Xiaoming, Xiao Chen, who was already about to give up, suddenly appeared a road.

A strange and naughty smile: "Guess?"

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