Immortal and Martial Dual Cultivation

Vol 3 Chapter 1517: Transverse branch

Xiao Chen was slightly meditating for a moment, and his mouth showed a smile: "I guess it is related to the Super God."

The dust can be linked to the moon palace, and also let the moon palace send a Ming Yu fan, it is sure that the moon palace came to ask for a strange dust, and asked her to help refine the super **** soldiers.

She has a Tiangong Baojian, a technique of refining, which has been extraordinary and unconventional. Besides, I can't think of other reasons.

A strange smile: "It's not stupid. The super-destroyer is not my refining. I just assisted by using Tiangongbaojian to help control the flame temperature and let the sword-caster concentrate on forging."

Xiao Chen understands that the modestness of the stranger is definitely not helpful, or else she will not give her a clear jade fan.

With the Mingyu fan, it is entirely possible to let the Moon Palace help one thing, which is a owe to her.

Of course, it refers to the general thing, let the moon palace fall to the Dragon Gate, certainly can not be done with a Ming Yu fan.

"I was looking for me personally by the Holy Lady, and I was hesitant to agree. But she seems to expect the situation today. I have to ask for help again, I must help, get this Mingyu fan and hand it to you. ""

The stranger will come and tell the truth.

Xiao Chen’s heart, Moon Ice Cloud, did she really count this step?

Estimated not, Xiao Chen does not believe that anyone will be such a god, she just wants to give me a chance to go to the moon palace.

For the time being, no matter whether it is or not, this jade fan is indeed helping yourself.

Xiao Chen collected the jade fan and walked up in the room, thinking about how to face the people in the moon palace.

In other holy places, he has some certainty, but this holy place is really enough.

"Xiao Chen, brother, you don't have to worry."

The dust looked at Xiao Chen’s brow and opened his mouth and said: “In fact, it’s not you who are in a hurry. It’s the group of talents of the Shinto League. You have persuaded the big holy places, and they just persuaded the Four Seas Dragon Palace. ”

"Now the situation of the Tianxing Sea is entirely your advantage, why bother to put so much pressure on yourself."

Xiao Chen’s eyes lit up and he heard the words of the dust. He suddenly became cheerful and had a new look.

When the dust sees Xiao Chen's brow stretch, he continues: "Sometimes, if you think about the problem from another angle, you will find that the situation will soon be different. You shouldn't be weak in your own thread now, as you are in the Xinghai today, you are prestigious. Ding Tian, ​​the weak is the Shinto League."

"If they can't convince the moon palace, they are all in the sky, they want to destroy the Tianzong, it is more difficult, and the price is more, you have disrupted their deployment."

Xiao Chen’s eyes were stunned and nodded. “Yes, it’s a stranger, you continue to say.”

Moss received encouragement and continued to analyze: "As long as the moon palace continues to be neutral, Xiao Chen brother, you have already succeeded. And the Shinto League must, take the moon palace, otherwise their plan in the Tianxinghai is full Lose all."

Xiao Chen smiled and said: "That's right, why do you have to let the moon palace fall to the Dragon Gate, just keep it neutral."

Get the unraveling solution, Xiao Chen's thoughts are suddenly opened, and the most important thing is that the whole person's state of mind has completely changed.

"Thank you, if it is not for you, I will be able to enter the city of Mingyue. It is estimated that it will not have any effect, but it will have an adverse effect."

Xiao Chen calmed down and said sincerely.

It is like a sacred squad looking for someone to assassinate Xiao Chen, but he has become the same, and Xiao Chen went to the moon palace and grasped his bad attitude. It is very likely that he will become a sect.

When I thought about it, Xiao Chen felt that his back was cold, and he almost made a big mistake.

"Right, I haven't asked you, what is the Super God soldier?"

Xiao Chen asked curiously.

The Moon Palace wants to cast a new super-spirit, and Xiao Chen knows it. At the beginning, the ice cloud told him.

Jing Fengqin ranked tenth in the list of soldiers, too dangerous, and there is always the possibility of being squeezed down. The moon palace must re-cast new super-spirit soldiers.

"It is a set of swords, a sword and a sword. Although it is a two-handed squadron, the two can be combined into one, and the same pulse, counts as a super-sword."

This Xiao Chen understands that the set of weapons can be seen as one, and the seven sins in his hands are like this.

The stranger continued: "One handle is a wind shadow sword, and one handle is a cloud moon knife. The two are one. The shadow of the wind, the moon of the cloud, the wind and the cloud, the moon shadow is lacking. This super **** soldier involves five This kind of artistic conception, but also with the two sets of the righteous martial arts of the Moon Palace, the power is very horrible. Now on the list of the gods, ranking first!"

Xiao Chen casually asked: "What if there is no way to cooperate?"

Dust Road: "Since it is a complete set, it can't be matched, the power will naturally be greatly reduced, even the ordinary soldiers are not as good."

Xiao Chen is so casual to ask, three days later, a news that made him and the stranger unexpected, the wind has spread throughout the Star Sea.

The moon palace sent a message, above the ceremony, as long as anyone can pull out the cloud knife. You can enter the moon palace, marry the saint, and become a husband and wife.

When the news came out, the men of the entire Tianxinghai were all gone crazy.

In the moon palace, the average female disciple can marry, but only the saint can not marry. Become a virgin of the moon palace, enjoy the attention of the world, when you are high, you must abandon the seven emotions and desire, endure the loneliness that can not be told.

In the sea of ​​stars, it is a dream of every man who can marry a month.

As for the saint, it can only be thought of in the heart, but never imagined that now, as long as a knife is pulled out, the saint can be won.

This news, like a blow to a deep-sea bomb, spreads rapidly, and instantly concedes the deeds of the holy places by Xiao Chen, covering up the past.

The prestige of the saint in the sea of ​​stars, Xiao Chen came to the Tianxing Sea to see it, not only in the world of warriors, but also enjoys a good reputation.

Among the ordinary mortals, the status is more respected, just like a fairy in the world. Hey, a woman who is a wife, can’t think about it.

Both Xiao Chen and the dusty were shocked after hearing the news.

This unexpected thing, in advance, is really impossible for anyone to think of.

The stranger looked at Xiao Chen: "You said, have you already known this news, or why did you ask me on the same day, what will happen if the two can't cooperate."

Xiao Chen smiled bitterly: "It’s really a question, not you. I don’t even know what this super-powered soldier is."

The stranger smiled and said: "I just said casually, you don't need to be so nervous. It seems that it should be in the moon palace, no one can let the cloud moon knife recognize the Lord."

It is a very strange thing for the gods to recognize the Lord. Some soldiers can easily recognize the Lord as long as they have enough strength.

Some **** soldiers, such as the seven sins in the hands of Xiao Chen, need the military to think with the nature of the gods, otherwise they will never be able to recognize the Lord, no matter how high the strength is useless.

"Is it necessary? To sacrifice a saint for a sacred soldier."

Something in Xiao Chen’s heart could not be understood. He looked at the Mingyu fan in his hand and thought of something in the faint.

Mossy Road: "You don't understand, this sword and a sword, now crowned the list of soldiers. The Moon Palace has devoted tens of thousands of years to this accumulation. It is specially forged in response to the catastrophe in the Moon Palace. I want them to give up, no Maybe, this is the only way to go."

"And I guess, the moon palace will definitely have a counter-measure to control the person who can make the gods recognize the Lord."

Xiao Chen was some who did not hear the strange words, looked at the Ming Yu fan, and smashed the gods.

Moon Ice Cloud, is it expected that this scene?

It has long been guessed that no one in the moon palace will let the cloud moon knife recognize the Lord. Several times to discourage, but the Moon Palace still bent on it, refining this set of soldiers.

Therefore, I gave the dusty Mingyu fan and gave it to myself. Is this the opportunity for myself and the Shenbing ceremony?

After the turn of the peak, what I saw was not what I wanted, but the waves, and the branches.

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