Immortal and Martial Dual Cultivation

Vol 3 Chapter 1518: Heartbeat

Looking at the Mingyu fan, Xiao Chen’s heart was ups and downs, and for a moment he forgot to talk about the stranger.

"Xiao Chen Big Brother, Xiao Chen Big Brother!"

When the dust screamed twice, Xiao Chen responded: "Sorry, sorry, I just thought about other things."

The stranger smiled slightly: "In fact, I have already guessed how the moon ice cloud will come to Tianxing Island for no reason. It must be related to Xiaochen's brother."

Xiao Chen sighed softly, calmly said: "I can't talk about the origins, but she has experienced some life and death, and she has had an adventure with each other. Suddenly, she heard that she wants to marry, and her mood is somewhat fluctuating."

"How, Xiao Chen big brother likes her?"

The dusty eyes blinked and looked at Xiao Chen seriously.

This question is really hard to live with. Does he like the moon ice cloud? The answer is obvious. The moon ice cloud is a saint, the appearance is beautiful and refined, and the character is elegant and generous. Such a girl, no boy will not have a good impression.

Xiao Chen is no exception, but this good feeling, in the end, he does not know.

Moreover, nowadays, like the grass of duckweed, he will sink at any time. He is really afraid to talk about it.

There is only one lover in his heart that can be determined. Qingyun Liuru Yue, no matter how many years, how many things have been experienced. This situation is buried in the heart and unforgettable.

As for other people, Xiao Chen did not think too much.

Sinking and half-sounding, Xiao Chen replied: "Whether I like it or not, she will drag you to Mingyu, so she definitely doesn't like to marry. I don't know how good it is. I have to help her this time."


When the voice fell, the fairy spirit slammed, and the screaming and screaming was very dissatisfied.

Since it is necessary to help, then Xiao Chen must also go to the knife, the body of the moon shadow knife spirit, and immediately ate vinegar.

After Xiao San heard it, he laughed on the sidelines and counted down. Geng Jiao was angry and ignored her.

Xiao Chen couldn't explain it to her for the time being, but she could only be by her, and she said to me: "Be prepared, you will go to Mingyue City with me."

"I go with you?"

Xiao Chen nodded. "Well, this month's palace is very important to me. You are by my side, remind me of the necessary time, so as not to make stupid things."

The stranger said with a smile: "Yes, I want to see, how crazy the scene will be."


Among the lofts where Tianyouxi was located, everyone was surprised when they learned that Yue Bingyun was going to marry the person who pulled out the Yunyue knife.

They did not expect that before leaving, they would make such a mistake.

"The thinking of this month's palace is really unbelievable. If the person who pulls the knife is ugly and old, then the holy girl's moon ice cloud is not terrible."

The punishment shook his head and said that he could not understand.

Xie Zixuan smiled softly: "This is not easy, you can pull out the cloud knife, it will not be fine."

"Hahahaha, I will definitely try it out. It’s really ridiculous to marry a saint." The sentence responded faintly.

God Blessing’s brows are slightly stunned: “I don’t know if this is a sudden Turk, it’s good or bad for us.”

Xiahou absolutely analyzed: "Whoever pulls out the cloud knife, as long as it is not Xiao Chen, it is a good thing for us!"

The wind-free interface said: "Reassured, Xiao Chen, he can't even enter the door of Mingyue City, how to pull the knife in the past."

"The best situation is that some of us can pull out the cloud moon knife. In that case, the moon palace will inevitably fall to the Shinto League, and Xiao Chen has no chance at all."

Tianyouxi’s eyes turned and saw a few people present. I really felt very likely in my heart.

No matter whether it is Xiahou and the wind, it is a leader who has returned from the starry battlefield. Compared with the many stars of the Starry Sea, it must be superior.

Not to mention the punishment and Xie Zixuan, even after the supreme, the strength is unfathomable, even the general Emperor Wu can kill.

Compared to the leader of the Star Sea, I don’t know how much it is. Xiao Chen does not come out, no one can overwhelm him.

"Okay, then I decided to send someone to figure it out as soon as possible. In the case of Yunyue Knife, you have to prepare a few. If anyone can pull out the Yunyue knife, I will have a reward." Tianyouxi said with a deep voice. .

The criminals and others looked at each other and there was no objection. The look that flashed in the eyes is more eager to try, a woman like a saint, who will not be moved.

When Xiao Chen and Tian Youxi and others were preparing, the young leaders of the entire Tianxinghai were all in the midst of madness.

The news spread quickly, and many people in the Black Sea storm sea and the ice sea, in the shortest time, quickly got the news.

For a time, the news that the moon palace ladies are going to marry has spread throughout the world of the sea and has become the hottest topic of the moment.

The people who went to Mingyue City were many times more than usual, and they wanted to be on the top of the Shenbing ceremony.

In the sky, it is like a bright moon hovering in the palace of Tianzhu, and there is a trace of lingering on the face of the moon ice cloud, looking out of the window.

As a woman in the moon palace, she never wants to have a real feeling. For many years, her heart is also unchanged, and never wavered.

Only when she met that person, her heart slowly changed.

There has never been a person who gave her such a strong feeling, which is heart-rending and worrying.

But she is still sensible, and she has no hope of having any results. She puts the feeling of the heart in the deepest part of her heart.

Don't think about it, don't read it.

But now this situation is what makes her really unacceptable. Even if she can't marry a person for a lifetime, it is better than marrying someone she doesn't like.

Does he dare to come?

Can you guess the intention of giving him a Mingyu fan?

The moon ice cloud is so confused, how to do it, can not be quiet. In my mind, my thoughts are in a mess and cannot be sorted out.

"Ice cloud, what are you thinking?"

In the elegant room, the moon palace main, walked in silently.

Moon Ice Cloud was shocked and quickly turned back and bent: "Master, Ice Cloud is fine."

The palace of the palace of the moon shook his head and said: "All the thoughts are written on the face, how can it be okay. Don't blame the master, now the chaos will be ruined, and the demon will be robbed. It will soon come. The palace wants to be forced by the sacred alliance. To be safe, you must have this sword and sword."

"There are more horrible demons in the back. More need for the existence of the Wind Shadow Sword and the Cloud Moon Knife. The Moon Palace has been inherited for tens of thousands of years and must not fall here."

Moon Ice Cloud whispered: "I know, how the master arranges, the ice cloud will do it."

The moon palace main gentle smile: "You don't have to think too much, people who can pull out the cloud moon knife are absolutely worthy of you. With the pride of the moon shadow knife, you will not choose a person who is ugly again, if that People dare to bully you, the master must not spare him."

In the heart of the moon, I smiled bitterly. If it wasn’t the heart’s love, even if it’s good, what’s the use?

However, her face did not show up, nodded slightly, and said clearly.

I looked deeply at the moon ice cloud and looked at it. The moon palace was equally uncomfortable. The moon ice cloud is like her daughter.

When she grew up watching her grow up, she devoted all her efforts to her, but this time, she really has no choice.

The big moon palace, no one can pull out the cloud moon knife, this situation is unexpected.

In order to forge this sword, the resources consumed by the Moon Palace are far greater than what the outside world wants. If this sword becomes a display, the moon palace will be greatly hurt and difficult to recover in many years.

More importantly, the Shinto League has already given her a lot of pressure, and the Moon Palace does not want to fall to any power.

Must have their own cards, so that the Shinto League does not dare to use the Moon Palace.

It is unpredictable that the turmoil caused by the martial arts ceremony is far beyond her expectations.

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