Immortal and Martial Dual Cultivation

Vol 3 Chapter 1519: Determination has been set

Time goes by, half a month, and it’s coming.

During the period, Xiao Chen held the Mingyu fan and thought for a long time.

The jade fan unfolds, the Huaguang is overflowing, the melodious singing voice echoes in the Quartet, and it does not linger for a long time.

The elegant voice, as if the moon ice cloud is in the ear, the bits and pieces of getting along with her, the scene of the scene comes to mind.

This woman's style is constantly appearing in her mind. He can feel the bitterness and mourning in the heart of the moon.

She is asking him, helping him once, not letting this happen.

I can go to the moon palace, but Xiao Chen thinks that it is the help of the moon palace. Let it not fall to the Shinto League, if it is disturbed at the ceremony of the gods, he is a bit counter-attack, giving Tianyouxi and other people a chance.

This is why Xiao Chen, the reason to go with the dust, is to fear that he will be impulsive.

"Xiao Chen, brother, we are leaving."

The dust came in and whispered.

Half a month has passed, and it will be too late to leave. The dust has urged Xiao Chen to start several times. Xiao Chen said that he is not in a hurry.

But now, it is impossible to go, otherwise it will be late.

Xiao Chen will let the jade fan lightly, and silence for a long time, then he said: "Go."

After three days, the magnificent Mingyue City is like a bright moon appearing in the view of Xiao Chen. The sky, the sea, all directions, all are the warriors who go to the moon palace.

Needless to guess, these are all people who participated in the ceremony of the gods. They all want to try their luck and see if they can pull out the cloud knife.

Xiao Chen and the dust, with a round cap on his head, a white gauze in a cap, covering half of his face, can not see the appearance.

"It seems that there are still many acquaintances."

Xiao Chen looked around and showed a smile on his lips. He saw Ye Chen, who had not seen it for a long time. This guy was alone, flew toward the gate, and was recognized by many as the identity of the North Sea Alliance.

But today, he certainly won't be very special and will not cause too much discussion.

Too many celestial arrogances came to this Mingyue City. It was just Xiao Chen, who swept away at random, and saw the figure of Di Xinhan and the Tianzi Academy.

Now is not the time to say hello, still can not reveal their identity.

At this time, the dusty fingers pointed out: "Look, it seems to be Goddess Blessed Hee?"

Xiao Chen looked in the direction of the dusty fingers, a golden warship flying in the sky. Did not take the gate, but directly leapt in.

At the bow of the boat, a white-haired woman stood on top of her head.

Xiao Chen looks a little like this, but this outline can already make him affirm that the coming is the goddess of God.

"Who are the two people next to them, how are they so familiar?"

Xiao Chen noticed that there was one person left and right next to Tian Youxi. Looked familiar, but some can't think of it, the body is very dignified.

Next to Tianyouxi, when did the two more people, for a moment, Xiao Chen felt the game jealous.

This time, at the ceremony, there may be many unforeseen things. The marriage of the Virgin Mary is a matter of too many people.

Among the envious eyes of the people, the warships of the Protoss flew past the city of Mingyue. Instead of going in from the crowded gates, it disappeared a little bit in the sight of Xiao Chen.


At this time, a hoof sound suddenly sounded above the surface of the sea, bringing a whistling sound of the cold wind. In the air, the temperature suddenly dropped, and the cold suddenly came. Everyone felt inexplicably cold.

Xiao Chen looked back and saw a snow-covered BMW. He was a man with a frosty face, two whites, and a handsome man. He drove the ice and ice, and the snow fluttered.

"It’s not a snowy son, a little master of the ice sea, I didn’t expect him to come.”

"The father of the ice king, above the understanding of the ice will, no one can rival, command the entire ice sea, no worse than any immortal holy land."

"The charm of the saint is really unstoppable."

The area of ​​the ice-cold sea is not large. Because of the snow all year round, most of the sea surface is named after the ice. The name of the ice king, Xiao Chen heard of some, but never dealt with.

And far from the star of the sea, before the morning, Xiao Chen did not spend any thoughts, want to go to the ice sea.

Looking carefully at this handsome man, Xiao Chen nodded slightly, with good strength and many unique features.

It’s just a cultivation, there is already a realm of great perfection, and you can always rob the emperor. However, it can be seen that it is more cautious. The other party should have been stuck for 20 years in this great perfection.

"Don't snow the son, I didn't expect you to move to this saint. But in the storm, I fell in love with the saint. I don't think you should come."

The violent storm sounded, and I saw the rear of the snowy son. A young man came from the wind, and the eyebrows were clear and handsome.

Just like the face of the snowy, cold and cold temperament, this person's face is as unruly as the wind, the clear eyes, flashing wild and crazy look.

"Silver, this madman is coming."

"Is it the young master of the storm sea? This guy, but the old rival of the snowy son, doing things style, extremely crazy."

Don't Xue Gongzi sneered back and said: "Stupid, the moonstone girl borrowed from your storm sea, all used in the wind shadow sword. The eyes of the ice ice in the cloud moon knife are all made in my cold sea. Do you think anyone is likely to pull out the cloud knife?"

Shi crazy laughed: "Haha, then I waited for you, the secret of Yunyuedao, Miss Ice Cloud told me some, waiting for it."

Xiao Chen’s heart was a meal, but he did not listen to other words, and reminiscent of the words of Xue Xuezi. Moon Ice Cloud, is it true that this stone madness and the snowy son have not dealt with each other.

One thought of this, his heart could not help but feel uncomfortable, inexplicable irritability, so that he did not know why.

call out!

Shortly after they left, they heard a whistling sound between the heavens and the earth. Among the voices, it reveals a sense of knives.

Looking up, I saw people in the sky, some people flying fast, like a peerless knife, breaking the sky, dividing the sea of ​​clouds into two halves.

Xiao Chen won this person and couldn't help but lose his voice: "Wen Ziran!"

The knife king, Xiao Xiaotian, and his disciple, Wen Ziran, have not seen for many years. The sharpness and knives of this person are actually so terrible.

Its long drive straight into, flashing away, and then entered the city of Mingyue, as fast as the wind and lightning.

The meaning of the knife that can be left is not long, and it is between the heavens and the earth.


Between the heavens and the earth, Ling Xiao’s knife appeared again, and nine figures appeared in the distance. With a sickle, breaking through the clouds is like a sharp blade, flying fast.

The scent of these nine people is different, or the flames are smashing, or the snow is fluttering, or the storm is roaring, or the electric light is flashing, and so on.

The only thing that is the same is that everyone has an extremely powerful knife. At first glance, it makes people tremble.

"After a lot of knives, in addition to the original knife king Wen Ziran, the flame knife king, the ice knife king, the thunder knife king's pro-disciple disciples, all rushed over."

"It seems that the rumors are not fake. I have already heard that the palace of the palace has personally sent invitations to many knives. Now all of them are coming."

"Complete, it is estimated that we have no play, so many masters of the knife, Tianjiao leader, there will definitely be a pull out of the moon shadow knife, greet the saint."

The voice of many arguments, the sounds of non-stop, between words, are not lost.

There is still a hint of fantasies. Can you make a cheap one? It seems that it is just a delusion.

"It seems a bit difficult!"

Under the brim, Xiao Chen frowned, and he took out the Mingyu fan and took a look. The brow gradually unfolded, no matter what, since Moon Bingyun put forward this request, he will help him.

Pull out the cloud moon knife and destroy this ceremony!

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