Immortal and Martial Dual Cultivation

Vol 3 Chapter 1523: I will be alone in the moon tomorrow.

More than 100,000 warriors present, whoever is most shocked and surprised, is naturally a pro-disciple of ten swordsmen.

Just the surging swords and the swordsmen, they know more than ordinary people, the pressure brought by this knife.

Especially Wen Ziran, his face changed greatly, and there was a thick and strange difference between the eyebrows.

Who is this person?

The chaotic Mingyue Square suddenly became quiet, and all eyes were gathered in the hands of this mysterious man with a hat.

God blessing brows slightly wrinkled, doubts in the heart, the people are somewhat familiar, but she is not too sure whether it is the person guessed in the heart.

Three steps back, the look was shocked and angry, and asked with a sullen face: "Is he Xiao Chen?"

I haven’t seen Xiao Chen for several years, and the punishment is even more uncertain than that of Tianyou Xi.

Xiahou shook his head and shook his head: "The body is a bit like, but Xiao Chen can come to Mingyue City. He has improved the city at all, even if he covers his face, he has to be inspected when he enters the city."

The wind nodded and nodded: "It is not difficult to mix in, but the palace owner of Mingyue Palace has already confessed that he is not welcome. If it is really mixed in, the consequences will be even worse, Xiao Chen will not understand this truth. ""

Xie Zixuan sneered: "I want to use so much, what is the use, whether it is, or take off the hood on his head, it is not simple."

When the voice fell, Xie Zixuan's figure was like a ghost, and between the fluttering, he brought a piece of ghostly shadow. Every step of the way, leaving a ghost, ghosts falling, will roar and roar.

Thousands of ghosts flashed, making a scream of screams, turning into a strange sound of horror.

When the body of Xie Zixuan came to Xiao Chen, the thousands of ghosts screamed and merged into one. Behind Xie Zixuan, he became a **** of evil spirits, opened his mouth and screamed at Xiao Chen.


The sound waves form a whirlwind, invincible, and the sound is sharp and fierce. The most terrible thing is that you can go straight into the sea and cause mental attacks.

This ghost step is not only fast, but also has so many abilities. It can be described as unpredictable, and when it appears, it has caused the excitement of countless viewers.

In the moment when the evil spirits roared, Xie Zixuan eyes condensed, and the sword in his hand, like the phantom of the poisonous snake, stabbed toward the chest.

His body and his martial arts are almost seamless and flawless. Junfeng Zhundi, in the face of this attack, fears that it will pierce the heart on the spot, and instantly kill.

Unfortunately, he met Xiao Chen!

The spirit attack of the evil spirits, invading Xiao Chen to know the sea, the teeth and claws, is about to take off. Knowing the depths of the sea, the sultry Tsing Yi law, a pair of eyes, bursting out infinitely murderous, the spirit of the evil spirits is full of fear.

If there is no time to quit, it will be killed by the law of Tsing Yi.

In reality, Xiao Chen’s movements have not stopped, and the face of the other side is as fast as a sword. He displayed a dragon scorpion, and he suddenly became a fisherman.

The body moved slightly, like a fish swaying in the water, watching the sword front stabbed Xiao Chen.

The shocked person took a breath, but the next moment, I discovered that this sword was only worn on the body of Xiao Chen.


Fish dragons, green dragons go out to sea, all directions!

As the momentum changed, Xiao Chen went out into the sea and broke through the water. The realm was slow to fast. The body flashed forward, and the cloud moon knife was attached to the sheath, and it was smashed into the face of Xie Zixuan.

Hey, the imposing manner, the unpredictable Xie Zixuan, even the Xiao Chen clothing corner did not touch, they were taken out by the sly.

This is what it is.

Xie Zixuan’s ghost steps have already astounded the audience and made people feel terrible. But this mysterious person's body, but obviously must be high, I want to show off a show of Xie Zixuan, and in turn was shown.

It was a real show, and the scar on the face was the mark of Xie Zixuan’s shame.

"Keep him!"

The sentence is cold and cold, no matter whether this person is Xiao Chen, it has become their biggest enemy.

Hit the face of Xie Zixuan, it is the face of the gods, and must fight back.

A roar, the clothes on the upper body burst, revealing a strong golden body. The golden body is shiny, and the muscles that are bulging are full of suffocating power.


He stood in the punch and punched in the air, and slammed into the air. The power of a punch, the square space, a slight vibration.

In the heart of Xiao Chen’s heart, this sentence is not a punishment for the corpse of the corpse, but the faint power has already surpassed him.

But nothing, the other is the master of the sky, who is the master of the flesh, and there is a master who is the supreme master by the flesh, there is no need to compare this with the other.

The scabbard of the Yunyue knife, gently touched it, and placed it on the air. Xiao Chen Bai Yi, flying with the momentum, easily avoid the qi, the body is very elegant.

Punching out, the three imprisoned fierce, murderous fluttering over, and immediately surrounded Xiao Chen.

Each skill is unrelenting.

In the face of such storms and attacks, the four people still can't get into the clothes of Xiao Chen, like catching fish in the water, but instead being played by the group.

"This guy is too strong, first force him out of his hand, and if he gives him a chance, Yunyue will definitely be pulled out by him!"

After a knife king on the stage, I made a suggestion.

Other leaders, nodded after a glance, got up and flew, joined the team that besieged Xiao Chen.

Wen Ziran hesitated for a moment, thought about it, and killed the same. This kind of master of the knife, the opportunity is rare, it is really itchy.


For a time, on the top of the platform, in addition to the purely Chuzhou, Di Xinhan and other saints, all other interested saints joined the team that besieged Xiao Chen.

Even if you can't beat this guy for a while, you can't give him the time to pull out the cloud knife and let him stop.

These people do not know, Xiao Chen has already laughed at the flowers in his heart. Only the people of Shinto League have killed themselves. He still has some troubles.

After all, the other side is the same force, and the cooperation with each other is still perfect, and their respective strengths are not low.

But these people are all around, not only can not cooperate, but also contain each other, and even hurt each other.

The best way to do it is to use less and play harder.

They want Xiao Chen to stop, but they are in the middle of the mind and give Xiao Chen a chance.

"Hey, you hurt me."

"Get out of the way, obviously you hurt me first."

"I am just out of control. I don't have the strength to control it. I don't mean it. By relying on it, when the king is talking to me, attack me."

"Roll, a bunch of garbage, how far is it to go to me!" The sentence found that even the shadow of Xiao Chen could not be seen, his upper body, but also a lot of scars.

The anger of the gas attacked the heart, and screamed loudly, killing the two people.

Not doing it well, this action, the scene immediately became more chaotic. In the midst of chaos, the golden body that is swaying is the best target and becomes the center of chaos.

The scene suddenly fell into a vicious circle, and the more violent the punishment, the more serious the situation became.

In the center of his body, the golden body of the body, has been bloody, terrible, completely lost the original stunning.

"All of TM stopped me, people are gone, you still attack me what to do!"

After so many knives, the attack of Tianjiao’s leader, even if it is to refine the flesh, can’t hold it.

"Yeah, where the mysterious man went."

"Where, where."

"Stop all, look for it, find it."

Originally in the chaos, this group of people attacked each other and could not stop. Now I suddenly found out that I don’t know when the people they are besieging have disappeared.

I want to let Xiao Chen stop, and a group of people, but it has been messed up.


The punishment was condensed, and the figure of Xiao Chen was found, and it instantly rushed over.

I saw his bare upper body, which was terrible, all scars, and the hair was scattered, with some broken cloth on the body.

Where is there a little bit of arrogance, the temperament after the supreme, live off a miserable embarrassment, heartbreaking, want to pity.

A group of people looked at the sinful eyes, only to see Xiao Chen, already do not know when, appeared in a few kilometers.

The horizontal knife is in front and the right hand is on the handle of the moon shadow knife.

A shame and shame, flowing in the hearts of everyone, this is a bit embarrassing.

Seeing that the mysterious man is going to pull the knife, Tianyouxi is completely anxious, standing on the high platform and shouting: "Where the warrior is, if anyone can touch this person's clothes corner, I will reward the 10,000 yuan stone!"

The words came out, and the audience of 100,000 warriors exclaimed at the same time. Touching the clothes corner, you will enjoy 10,000 fine stone, this is not what is the money.

God Bless the heart is bleeding, but at this point, she has to make the next move to interfere with the mysterious man pulling the knife.


The 100,000 warriors in the field were all mad by the words of Tian Youxi, and they flew quickly toward Xiao Chen.

Xiao Chen smiled slightly, holding the handle and making a random stroke.

The incredible scene appeared, and the punishment must be used to make the whole body force, only to barely pull out an inch of the Cloud Moon Knife. In the hands of Xiao Chen, it was awkward and directly pulled out half.

The night falls, and the moon is hidden in the clouds.

In the middle of the night, Xiao Chen’s body glowed like a moon, falling like a moon in the world, cold and solitary.

The bright moon hidden in the cloud was attracted by the light of Xiao Chen, and jumped out from the middle of the month.

Heaven and earth, the two months of blending, the power of the gods, swept away.

In the face of the power of the gods, the 100,000 warriors who rushed over and over, were all blown out and screamed.

On the broad Mingyue Square, only Xiao Chen was left alone. Under the two-month blend, Yun Yuedao pulled out half of the supreme style, deeply shocking everyone.

Xiao Chen holding the handle, the heart has realized, in my mind, suddenly jumped out of eight words, I will be alone in the moon!

"This knife is for me."

Xiao Chen whispered a word and prepared to pull out the remaining half of Yunyue.

But at this time, a touch of light appeared, the sun shines, and the sky re-lights.

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