Immortal and Martial Dual Cultivation

Vol 3 Chapter 1524: Half is dark and half is daytime

It was originally dim, only the scene of the moon shining on the earth, suddenly, was shattered by a touch of light.

Then, the sky was bright, the light reappeared, and a golden glow appeared in the sky.

The light is more dazzling than the sun, but it warms the heart, makes people feel happy, has an indescribable negligence, and is willing to approach.

The sudden appearance of the light suddenly disrupted the mood of Xiao Chen, and the soldiers who had been pulled out quickly.

Sloshing, Yunyue knife re-entered into the sheath, and the gods were scattered.

Such a situation is really unexpected. Xiao Chen did not think that someone would steal the day and let the night turn into the day.

The Shen Bing was shocked and broke out. Xiao Chen retired three steps and his face was slightly white.

At the time of the knife extraction, the whole person's spirits are all connected with the gods. The power of the Shen Bing's anti-earthquake, but it is not a bit of a sham.

Although Xiao Chen is not serious enough to go to this point, it can be irritated and bloody, but it is unavoidable.

After a while, he recovered and squinted, his eyes looking through the hat.

There was a slight change in the face, and there was a person hidden in the golden light group. Just seeing a little outline, Xiao Chen can recognize it at a glance, it is the Protoss Emperor!


Taking advantage of Xiao Chen’s moment of loss, he reached out and took a shot and sucked Yunyue into his own hands.

When the light is gone, it reveals the true meaning, and the handsome facial features are like the gods, finely crafted and fascinating.

Above the high platform, Tianyouxi was overjoyed, and at the crucial moment, the Emperor of the Emperor was finally there.

The imprisonment and Xie Zixuan, watching the emperor in the air, there is no shortage. I thought that this emperor would not come, but who would have thought that when he was in the midst of a thousand years, he was really brought in by him.

"Who is this person? A powerful and powerful atmosphere, the body has completely possessed the temperament of a big man."

"He is the emperor, and his reputation has already been in the Kunlun mainland. The biography has been raging." Some people recognized that the emperor was indispensable, and said with surprise.

"There is no shortage of the emperor? How did he come together to make this excitement, he is not already a goddess?"

"I can't say that the strong one has one or two women, and it is a common occurrence in Kunlun. It's nothing strange."

"He met the mysterious man, I don't know who is strong and who is weak!"

The quiet Mingyue Square, because of the appearance of the emperor, suddenly became more and more lively. There is a lot of discussion and the discussion is not stopped.

In the midair, the emperor is as if it is a god. Looking down, the corner of the mouth is slightly swayed: "Qinglong Wang Xiaochen, since it is coming, why bother to hide it, bring a hat, can you hide your identity?"

As soon as this statement came out, it suddenly screamed and looked at Xiao Chen. In the eyes, all were incredible looks.

Is it really Qinglong Wang Xiaochen?

How did he have such courage, the Moon Palace had already let go, and Mingyue City did not change him, he actually dared to appear.

Above the high platform, the moon ice cloud has stood on the edge, staring at Xiao Chen intently, seems to want to see him transparent.

Xiao Chen’s heart was slightly shocked. He had already shrouded himself with his own knowledge. If anyone wanted to use his spiritual power to perceive his looks, a good-looking novel: the latest chapter of the incredible school. I only see a faint scene, I can't see anything, I can't know his identity.

There is no shortage of emperors, and he can see his identity at a glance, only one answer.

That is the spiritual power of the imperialism, which has completely surpassed him and is one level higher.

"Don't admit it? Then I will take this hat off for you. See if my emperor is right and wrong."

Seeing Xiao Chen not talking, the emperor lacked a sneer, and the figure suddenly disappeared. In the next moment, the light in front of Xiao Chen gathers and condenses into a figure, and it looks like the body of the emperor.

"Fast speed!"

The strange and fast body method shocked everyone, and everyone could not help but whisper.

Its lightning-like shots, all of a sudden took off the hood on Xiao Chen's head, a set of movements, flowing, no pause.

The speed of this method is like a teleport, so Xiao Chen is also caught off guard.

However, the reaction was very quick, and the figure was swaying, and the squid was like a squid, and it suddenly fell to the back of the emperor. It was too late to take back the hand, and the hat was taken back by Xiao Chen.

“No one tells you, is it polite to be a man?”

The emperor lacked a smile on his face and quickly retreated. But Xiao Chen was chasing the past and grabbing the cloud knife in his hand.


The figure of the two, above the square, quickly changed. The emperor lacks the light, reunites, gathers and then disperses, completely unable to understand the trajectory.

Xiao Chen is, unpredictable, between the slow and the slow, flexible transformation.

No matter how the body is indispensable, how can you not understand the trajectory, Xiao Chen can always change, just stick to each other.

For a time, the scene was gorgeous and colorful.

Strong enthusiasm, toward the Quartet, the entire space, there is a crack.

The focus of the competition, the cloud moon knife is spinning in the air, no one can hold it firmly.

The people who watched followed the ups and downs, but I didn’t expect that the competition would be so intense.

I thought that if the emperor suddenly took off the hat of the mysterious man, it would be enough to set it down. But who knows, the mysterious person immediately reversed the color, not only won the hat back, but also played so hard to understand.

After half an hour, the two showed up at the same time, stopped fighting and looked at each other.

Yunyue knife was held by two people alone, the emperor grasped the handle, and Xiao Chen took the end of the scabbard.

The emperor looked calm and smirked: "Now, I have held the handle, do you think you still have a chance?"

Under the hat, Xiao Chen smiled faintly: "Give you a chance, do you dare to pull it out?"

When the words came out, everyone looked at them and immediately looked at the goddess Tianyouxi. As a result, Tianyouxi’s face was slightly ugly.

"Who told you, I dare not pull it out."

The emperor lacked a smile, and the body burst out with more dazzling light than the sun, and the blade trembled fiercely.

The wind is raging, the sea of ​​clouds is tumbling, this amazing momentum seems to be forced to retreat directly from Xiao Chen.

"Yes? Don't think too naive."

Xiao Chen’s tone sank, above the head, the night fell, and the moon in the clouds, a powerful sword, spread from him.


Yunyue Knife feels this momentum, and the tremor of the blade is even more powerful. No matter how imperfect the Emperor is, it is impossible to pull out a trace.

Between heaven and earth, half is dark night, half is daytime, and there is a clear distinction.

The two men competed against each other and did not give each other. They all wanted to force each other out and hold the Yunyue knife in their hands.

The wonderful scene makes people open their eyes and secretly screams.

Whether it is the imperial, or the mysterious person, the strength is strong, it is amazing, and it is not as good as it is.

A little bit of a stalemate has caught the attention of everyone, not only the warriors present. Many elders in the palace of the moon will look at them and see the two men.

On the high platform, the moon palace vice-president, the brow is slightly wrinkled, she does not want the emperor to pull out the cloud moon knife.

Originally, in order to maintain the independence of the moon palace, the soldiers who were cast were able to pull out once the emperor had no shortage. That month, the palace could not be violated. If you say it out, then you will pick up the stone and lick your own feet.

But now, the emperor has not grasped the handle and has a clear advantage. The situation is not optimistic.

The heart of the moon ice cloud has also entangled.

She knows that if the emperor is really unplugged, the master will certainly fulfill his promise if he is unwilling.

If you go out, you can't take it back. Secondly, this cloud moon knife and wind shadow sword are related to the death and death of the moon palace. Can you survive in the robbery?

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