Immortal and Martial Dual Cultivation

Vol 3 Chapter 1526: Ceremony ended

Without the slightest suspicion, the master of this voice is the head of the palace, the head of the three great stars of the Tianxing Sea.

Wearing a cyan dress, surrounded by colorful clouds, the moon palace palace with the moon and the moon, slowly appearing in the sky, slowly falling down.

After it fell, the whole world was quiet, not only did no one dare to speak, but even the breath was completely icicles.

There is no reason for it. Everyone feels the wrath of this supreme, she has already killed her heart.

Back to her, Xiao Chen, the most stressful, the supreme power, trembled, and chilly.

This is the first time that he has the supreme and released his own momentum. Until then, he really understood. The horror of the supreme strength is a realm that he can't imagine at all.

However, Xiao Chen did not look back, but did not explain anything. Even if the Supreme appeared, it is difficult to calm his mood at the moment.

With a backhand, the Mingyu fan came out and the jade fan unfolded in the air. Huaguang is overflowing, beautiful and soft, with the sound of the piano, and the sound of the song, from which.

The moon palace main squatting with the flying jade fan, look a glimpse, obviously some accidents.

She reached out and took the Mingyu fan in her hand. Her eyes flashed and her face looked up and down. Obviously, there were some decisions in her heart that were difficult to make.

Bending over, picking up the half of the cloud on the ground, Xiao Chen got up and looked at the remaining half of the blade in the hands of the emperor, faintly said: "What you want is not this kind of knife that exists purely for the knife, give it to me. Let's go."

After saying that he did not wait for the imperial refusal, he reached out and took it directly. The emperor lacked some disappointment and did not struggle. It was so easy and let Xiao Chen win the past.

"Dust, let's go."

Xiao Chen's body shape floated, came to the dusty side, and turned back to the moon ice cloud after a slight smile, with the strangeness of the sky.

With the eyes of the public, go directly.

The Lord of the Moon Palace wants to speak and say something, you can see the bright jade fan in your hand. Looking back at what Xiao Chen said to the emperor, he looked back and looked at Xiao Chen’s back on the stage.

The heart sighed helplessly, with her wisdom, at this moment, how can we guess the ins and outs of things.

However, it was the moon ice cloud, dissatisfied with her arrangement, and the Ming Yu fan would let Xiao Chen enter the scene to stop the magic ceremony.

However, the moon ice cloud did not expect that the martial art ceremony was indeed destroyed, but it was unexpected. Xiao Chen, a knife, actually broke the cloud knife.

From this wind, there is no shadow, there is no moon in the cloud, and the moon palace is preparing for the efforts of the millennium, and it is in vain.

I knew that there would be such a storm, and the Lord of the Moon Palace may not hold any ceremonial ceremony.

Looking at the figure of Xiao Chen, a little disappeared in the city of Mingyue. The main palace of Yuegong Palace held the Mingyu fan tightly. After all, he still did not choose to shoot.

Perhaps, you and the devil are still a little different.

The eyes of the palace of the palace were turned, and the murderousness disappeared. Seeing that there is no shortage of the emperor: "You are the Emperor of God?"

The emperor returned to God without a defect, and nodded gently: "It is the younger generation, this time hastily, no report, suddenly came to Mingyue City, and many offended."

In the face of this supreme figure, the emperor has no shortage and no market, and the answer is decent, showing the temperament of some great people.

The Lord of the Palace of the Moon, looking directly at the Emperor, seems to have to touch through all the details of the Emperor, so that the Emperor feels a little uncomfortable.

After half a ring, the moon palace main nodded slightly: "Yes, you have not yet become an emperor, you have realized the unique **** of the Protoss, and cultivated the power of the gods. It is indeed true. Come with me, I will talk to you."

After a while, the emperor did not have to react, and the Lord of the Moon Palace was to summon himself.

The Cloud Moon Knife is broken, and the Moon Palace loses its greatest reliance. It is afraid that it will have to bow to the Shinto League. The emperor did not lack this idea, and his heart could not help but ecstasy. He smiled and said: "Thank you for the invitation of the palace, I am deeply honored!"

Something was smug in his heart. This morning soldier's ceremony, Xiao Chen seems to be a big hit, but in the end he still made a wedding dress for him.

There is no Xiao Chen’s slashing the moon, and with the pride of the moon palace, wherever he may be called alone.

This is the thing that Xiao Chen is most worried about before coming to the moon palace, but it still happened.

But at this moment, Xiao Chen did not regret it at all. He had already clearly defined his heart. This trip is just to help friends. Since the purpose has been reached, there is no regret.

It’s just the last sound of Yunyue’s knife, and it’s very big for him.

In the city of Mingyue, watching the imperialism and the palace of the moon palace together on the moon palace on the day, many people of the son-level character, his face changed a little.

Because some of the holy places behind the Son have been convinced by Xiao Chen, and promised to help Tianzong at a critical moment.

But now the attitude of the moon palace seems to have undergone some changes, so that their hearts are somewhat awkward.

The influence of the Moon Palace on the Tianxing Sea is unprecedentedly strong. If the Moon Palace falls to the Shinto League, then the Tianzong can only barely fight the situation and will soon become in jeopardy.

One by one quickly rushed back and brought the news back to their holy places.

The Lords, apart from the heart of the Dharma demon king, have made some subtle changes.

Among them, Zhou Tianxing, the most responsive, was furious and rarely saw the son of Chuyang.

Three days later, a message came out, and the hearts of these many saints were settled down a little.

The moon palace did not fall to the Shinto League, but took a half step and gave the emperor no promise. As long as the Shinto League can destroy the 昊天宗, the Moon Palace will join the Shinto League without reservation.

This is not good news, but it is the best result for every holy place.

After all, they have promised Xiao Chen to put the future bet on the body of Qinglong Wang. If the Moon Palace falls to the Shinto League, they will go out to help, and there is almost no chance of winning.

Soon, the ceremony of the gods ended, and unconsciously, it took half a month.

During this half-month period, there was nothing big happening in the Tianxing Sea. All of the talks were about Qinglong Wang Xiaochen. Above the ceremony, the earth-shattering knife.

The holding of the martial arts ceremony can be described as twists and turns, swaying people's minds, and it is difficult to become a topic. Especially Xiao Chen, in the end, actually broke the cloud knife, and left the Mingyue City alive, people feel completely unbelievable.

In the circle of Emperor Wu, this knife also brought great vibration and caused extensive discussion.

Because of Xiao Chen, I walked out of a road that I had never seen before. I used the knife to empty the air and used a knife to suppress the space. Breaking the Wudi, the long-term view of the field is simply incredible.

Half a month ago, there have been martial arts descendants on the island of Tianxing, and came to ask Xiao Chen for advice on the mystery of the knife.

Xiao Chen does not have Tibetan mastiffs, telling his own opinions and openly asking for advice.

On this day, Xiao Chen just sent away a large-scale Emperor Wu of the storm sea, and returned to the Fuzhong to discuss with the strangers how to deal with the broken blade, ushered in an uninvited guest.

It’s especially surprising that the stranger got this person to come. “Is it cold, sister, are you not locked up? How come out?”

It’s awesome that, after the ceremony, the rumors of the banned moon ice cloud.

The moon ice cloud smiled lightly, and then looked at Xiao Chen: "Now, I am not a moon palace saint, I want to go anywhere."

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