Immortal and Martial Dual Cultivation

Vol 3 Chapter 1527: Final battle shadow

The arrival of the moon ice cloud is obviously not expected by both of them. It is quite surprising to hear her saying that it is not the moon palace saint.

Xiao Chen and the stranger looked at each other and didn’t know what happened. Did the Moon Palace and the Moon Palace have broken?

"Ice cloud, what do you mean by this?" Xiao Chen invited Yue Bingyun to come in and tentatively asked.

There may be some sensitive issues involved, so Xiao Chen’s tone is not too persistent, just ask at random and not give pressure to the moon ice cloud.

Moon Ice Cloud smiled shallowly: "I didn't think so seriously. After the master knew my thoughts, I didn't force me any more, let me leave the moon palace. But I grew up in the moon palace, and now I leave the moon palace. If you can’t think of it, you will come here, you won’t drive me away.”

So fine, Xiao Chen and the dust are all relieved, and the Lord of the Moon Palace does not seem to be a cold-blooded person. It is obviously still with the mentoring of Yue Bingyun, otherwise it would not be so easy to let her go.

The stranger smiled and said: "He can't ask for it, where will he rush, I will go with the ice cloud sister and arrange the place to stay."

There is no such craving for the dust, but Xiao Chen will not mind that the moon ice cloud lives in the island of Starry Island, smiles a little, not much to say.

"Right, I have another thing to come here."

The moon ice cloud looked at it, and the cloud moon knife that was broken in half on the table, whispered.

Xiao Chen’s observations and his mind were tight, and he said: “But for this cloud of knives? Now the gods are lost, the spirit is nothing, the value is not big. Can you stay in my hands, I am willing to Half of the resources are returned to the moon palace."

Chad Yue Bingyun eyes pay attention to the cloud moon knife, Xiao Chen thought it was the moon palace, want to recover the cloud moon knife, so hurry to open.

For this cloud moon knife, Xiao Chen has no plans, he just wants to collect the two blades.

The final sound of the Cloud Moon Knife brought too much shock to him, perhaps because of a knife's respect for the knife. He just collected it.

Although the Cloud Moon Knife is largely above the level, it is voluntarily cut off by Xiao Chen, but Xiao Chen is the one who cuts it by hand.

Accepting the cloud moon knife, it can be considered as a make up, the heart of the embarrassment, although far from enough...

Yue Bingyun smiled and said: "No, no, I want to ask more. I want to ask you, I am willing or unwilling to merge the pieces of the Moon Shadow Knife and the Cloud Moon Knife to form a new sub-sword."

There was a strange look on Xiao Chen’s face. I didn’t expect that Moon Bingyun would say such a thing. If I think about it in a deeper level, would this be the meaning of the palace of the moon palace?

Moon Ice Cloud continued: "Xiao Chen, you don't have to guess, although the master did not say it, but this is what she meant. She took two moves and promised that the emperor is indispensable, but she did not give up in the dark. After all, after all. No matter who they are, they will not really be willing to be annexed by the Protoss."

Xiao Chen secretly surprised himself. This month, the palace palace master is really not simple. There are two moves in one game, and all the results are considered.

Especially the moon ice cloud this move, the other party is not now in the moon palace. Even if you come to help yourself, Shinto League has nothing to say, no excuses can be found.

If the Shinto League gains momentum, it really destroys the Tian Tianzong. She has already publicly expressed her support for the Shinto League and can also get a good position.

Thinking of this, Xiao Chen smiled and said: "You master, all for the moon palace calculations, everyone can be a chess piece, have you thought about your feelings?"

Moon Ice Cloud whispered: "Don't blame my master, I have never blamed her, the location is different, the angle of consideration is naturally different. What's more, this time, I am willing."

"As long as you like, I have a way to make the Cloud Moon Knife perfectly integrated in the Moon Shadow Knife, which can make good use of the characteristics of the Cloud Moon Knife."

Xiao Chen’s words are in meditation. This is indeed a big temptation, but you have to ask for the advice of Jiao Jiao.

"Jiaojiao, do you think so?"

Xianling ring in the middle of Jiaojiao | nodded: "If you just agree to the cloud moon knife can promise, just before becoming a **** soldier, let the moon shadow knife sublimate once."

Xiao Chen felt a little surprised, and asked in his heart: "Does the two merge, can't you let the moonshadow knife upgrade to the gods?"

"Nature can, but it will only be an ordinary **** soldier. The moon shadow knife is either not a **** soldier, or once it becomes a **** soldier, it must be killed on the list of gods. Just like you, or not into an emperor, once you become an emperor, you must become a military emperor. The man of the storm."

Xiao Chen stunned and understood. It’s not impossible, but it’s not willing. Now, the Moon Shadow Knife is like a quasi-emperor who has accumulated its heritage.

This is also good, Xiao Chen is not doing well now, with a preparation for a super-sword.

Xiao Chen nodded: "I have discussed with the Moon Shadow Knife. She promised, then I will trouble the Ice Cloud Girl."

The moon ice cloud blinked, and some surprises, this transformation of the blade, Xiao Chen actually will discuss with his own spirit.

After returning to God, Yue Bingyun smiled and said: "Nothing, nothing, no trouble. The real trouble is the strange sister, without her help, it is difficult for me to make the Moon Shadow Knife and Yunyue Knife perfect. Convergence."

Mosquito said: "No problem, as long as you can help Xiao Chen, brother, anything is willing to do."

Xiao Chen looked at the sincerity in the eyes of the two women, and moved in the heart. It is already a great blessing to get a confidante in life. He has two in Xiao Chen, and he has to say that this is a big fortune.

Moon Ice Cloud said: "It is not too late, let's start now, and strive to catch up when the Shinto League is against the Tianzong, when the general attack is launched."

When it comes to this matter, Xiao Chen’s heart sinks and a touch of sorrow spreads across his eyebrows.

The Tianzong and the Three Holy Lands have already started fighting, and the confrontation between the Emperor Wu has happened many times. As for the sporadic battles, it goes without saying that it happens almost all the time.

For a long time, there was a sacred place to sit in the town. Although the Three Holy Lands were in an advantage, they did not dare to touch the 昊天宗, and there was no real big battle. However, after the establishment of the Shinto League, the situation was instantly reversed, and Tian Tianzong was at a disadvantage.

Only after the thorough integration of the Shinto League, the big battle will be triggered. No matter from which angle, Yu Tianzong is the greatest enemy of the Shinto League on the road of unifying Kunlun.

Nowadays, it has been more than two months since the establishment of the Shinto League. This day is getting closer and closer.

Maybe it’s only a month away, or maybe tomorrow.

The lips are dead and cold, and once the Tianzong is destroyed, Xiao Chen will also suffer the disaster. The whole person’s air transport will be affected and will turn sharply.

"Ice cloud, it will take a long time." Xiao Chen asked.

Moon Ice Cloud thought about it. If everything goes well: "It takes about seven days. After all, it is just a fusion. It is not forging a new soldier. What's more, there is a strange Tiangong Baojian, assisting from the side, how long will it take? ""

"Seven days, I hope that for seven days, you should not have any troubles in the Tianzong."

In the end, Xiao Chen took out the moonshadow knife and handed it to the moon ice cloud. Shen Sheng said: "You two, although the peace of mind combines two handles, these seven days, I will help you protect the law."

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