Immortal and Martial Dual Cultivation

Vol 3 Chapter 1529: Endangered

The island of Tianxing Island has been changed into the refining cabinet on the fire island of the refining island. The dust and the moon ice cloud are helping to fuse the cloud moon knife and the moon shadow knife.

Outside the refining cabinet, except for Xiao Chen alone, there is no other person.

Unconsciously, three days have passed, and Xiao Chen has not been idle for three days. They are all above the peak of the martial arts ceremony.

That knife gave him a very wonderful feeling, and he had completely touched the fur of the space.

With a knife, I can't feel the existence of space directly with the knife. Obviously still in the water, can give him a feeling, but it seems to have jumped out of the space in general, mysterious.

Afterwards, he tried several times, and the knife field still could fuse all the power, and he cut the peak.

But the feeling of the knife is empty, but it can never be found again, as if it has never appeared before. Since that day, many Wudi have come to Xiaochen to ask for the mystery of that trick.

He did not conceal, and told his views on the knife field truthfully. At the same time, he also told his own doubts and puzzles to the Wudi who came to discuss and promote each other.

Chatting with many different Emperor Wu’s open minds and seeing all sorts of clever ideas, Xiao Chen’s experience is quite good.

How can a person be smart and superb, there is always something you can't think of, maybe these unexpected little places will be the key to your breakthrough.

In the past few days of discussion, the state of the knife is empty, although it has never been found, but Xiao Chen has integrated all the forces in the knife field, and the sharp hit is more and more skilled.

He gave the knife a name called the broken space. A broken word, representing him, the disintegration of the cognition of the old era knife domain, represents a break from the self, and creates a new way.

There is a vague idea in his heart, ready to accumulate what he learned in his life, and then create a set of knives, all the mysteries of life on the knife, all in one set of knives.

The knife method is named after the knife, and the broken type is the first type of the knife method. As for how many styles there are, it depends on the fate.

Closed eyes and eyes, Xiao Chen in his mind, constantly analyzing and summarizing the knife he learned.

Many years ago, Xiao Chen began to try to create his own knife, even if he got the skills of his predecessors, he would try his best to adapt himself. Hollyhock knife surgery, running thunder, four seasons knife method, thunder robber knife method, nothing is how.

It seems to be very tired, and it takes more effort to succeed.

But many years later, when Xiao Chen looked back at the road he had traveled, he was very fortunate to have taken this step.

At sunset, Xiao Chen suddenly opened his eyes and a small black spot appeared in his eyes. The black spots are getting closer and closer, turning into a woman with a graceful posture and tenderness like water. It is a master sister Shui Lingling.

Xiao Chen brows and picks up, and quickly gets up. At this time, the master sister rushed over, and it must be something that is very important.

"Master sister, what is it that makes you so hurried?" After Xiao Chen got up, he asked quickly.

Shui Lingling’s brows are somewhat ambiguous and her face is heavy. She said: “The forces of the sects of the sect of the sect have been assembled in the Tiantian state three days ago. Under the slam of the round, the outer eighteen squadrons have been broken. ""


Xiao Chen heard a slight surprise, and the most worrying thing happened in advance.

However, this day, after all, Xiao Chen’s state of mind will be counted. After a while, he will recover.

Xiao Chen looked calm and said without hesitation: "Is it necessary for me to help? As long as I should be a big brother, I can always ask the many predecessors of Tianxinghai."

Shui Lingling has a look like Xiao Chen, and her heart is moved. She smiles and says: "No, it is not at that time, but now there is a great lack of emperor-level guards. There is no pop-up window in Super Dongfu. Shizun has already talked with Linghuwang. I am looking for the help of Emperor Wu in the whole Kunlun, let me come and see if the younger brother can help."

Xiao Chen snorted and said that he has not yet reached the real most critical time. Those saints are the last cards and do not need to be used.

What is lacking now is the ordinary Emperor, and the older brother wants to ask for his own shot.

It seems that this Tianzong is indeed when it is dangerous. If it is not, then the older brother will not let himself shoot.

"No problem, I will follow you and I will follow you."

Should the big brother meet, Xiao Chen will naturally refuse, turned to the refining cabinet, and said something with the dust and the moon ice cloud.

In the refining cabinet, the two women changed their minds and said: "No, how can you go at this time, your moonshadow knife and Yunyue knife will be halfway together."

"Let's wait another four days."

Shui Lingling listened to the ins and outs, and her face showed a soft smile: "The younger brother has a good heart. Since the moonshadow knife still takes four days to integrate, then I will wait for four days. I can wait for the younger brother in the Tianzong. ""

"Nothing, I will go back with you, even if I have no knife in my hand, I am confident that I can fight with Emperor Wu."

Xiao Chen smiled slightly to show comfort. He should find himself in the big brother. That means the situation is very critical and must not go.

There may be no danger in four days, but once it happens, it will be regrettable. Xiao Chen does not want to regret it.

In the refining cabinet, the dust and the moon ice cloud looked at each other, and they all sighed with helplessness.

"Xiao Chen, brother, wait a minute, my sister and I will come out immediately, don't rush to go." The voice of the strange dust, passed out from inside.

Is there a turnaround?

Xiao Chen turned his head to Shui Lingling: "That's waiting."

Shui Lingling nodded: "Well, listen to your brother."

The two waited and talked, during which Shui Lingling briefly explained the situation of Qi Tianzong.

Qi Tianzong could only join forces with the Thunderbolt Palace to seize the attack of the Three Holy Lands. In addition to the Supreme Court, it relied on the Tiandi Mountain River.

If the big squad is broken, it is difficult to hold the hills of the celestial beings.

Listening to Shui Lingling's way, in her plain words, Xiao Chen felt the sinister crisis facing Tian Tianzong.

More determined, you must hurry to catch up with the idea, no matter what, you must do your part.

After half an hour, the moon ice cloud and the dusty force together carried a rectangular bronze scorpion and flew out of the refining cabinet.


After falling to the side of Xiao Chen, the bronze scorpion was quickly put down, and the ground was immediately swayed by heavy shocks. Several people swayed.

Shui Lingling’s astonished saying: “What is inside, so heavy.”

The dust wiped the sweat from his forehead and took a breath: "There can be a battle of a million pounds of ice, which can't be put into the ring."

Xiao Chen wondered: "What is this?"

Yue Bingyun explained: "You have to go ahead, we can only think of a stupid way. After the new moonshadow knife has absorbed these ice, you can use it. The advantage of the stupid method is that you don't have to worry about it. The downside is that I don’t know when I can absorb it, maybe ten days, maybe one month."

"It’s not so long, is it just four days?" After listening to Ling Lingling, she felt a little embarrassed and disturbed Xiao Chen’s business.


Xiao Chen smiled and put the bronze scorpion in a single hand. It was really heavy. However, his physical body is also comparable to many strong intensive bodies, and it is not too hard to pick up.

Prepared to put the bronze scorpion behind him, a warmth, suddenly came out of the bronze scorpion. Turned into a warm fire, flowing through the body's meridians.

The whole body is warm and the power of Hongmeng flows out automatically, with the help of this warm fire. The power of Hongmeng, the automatic operation of purple Lei decided at a very fast speed, carrying a large Sunday.

The speed of cultivation is about 20% faster than usual, and it is very stable. The most important thing is that it is automatic cultivation.

This bronze scorpion is not easy!

"I feel it. This bronze scorpion is a powerful sword in ancient times. Now the sword inside is not there. But this sword, even if it exists alone, is also a top emperor." Yue Bingyun got Xiao Chen's The look of the face, laughed.

Xiao Chen nodded: "It is indeed a baby, so if I go on, I can help me practice."

Moon Ice Cloud said: "Like it, then send it to you. I will talk to you later. There are many other magical uses for this sword. Such a heavy sword, the average person can not just walk on his body, not only will slow down. His own body is also easy to distract."

There are advantages and disadvantages, and it is true.

"Then I will go with the master sister first."

"No, I have discussed with Bing Yunjie, this time I must go with you." The dust suddenly opened, and the tone said firmly.

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