Immortal and Martial Dual Cultivation

Vol 3 Chapter 1530: Come back to the sky

I really couldn’t convince the moon ice cloud and the strangers. In the end, Xiao Chen took the two women’s peers and returned to the Tian Tianzong together with Shui Lingling.

The light flashed, and the four appeared at the same time as the transmission array of Tianzong.

Xiao Tianzong’s transmission array, Xiao Chen, is still relatively familiar. It has been used many times before and after, and the surrounding environment is familiar.

Looking around, you can feel the air and the tension. Everyone's face is quite heavy and frowned.

"See Master Sister."

"See the Dragon King!"

The Tiantian sects around the transmission array appeared in a group of people and bowed and bowed.

Shui Lingling nodded slightly and walked out of the transmission array. Immediately, a young disciple came over: "Master Sister, the Sovereign has been waiting for a long time."

"Know, let's go ahead."

Leading by Shui Lingling, the four men vacated and flew toward Haotiancheng. The transmission was not far from the sky, but after a few breaths, the four saw the magnificent Tiancheng.

Once upon a time, the Tiancheng City, which is once familiar, is filled with the meaning of sorrow. The ordinary people in the city have all been evacuated, leaving behind the disciples of the Emperor Tianzong.

Near the gate of the city, Xiao Chen suddenly felt that a fierce breath from the wall, **** came out, biting three people.

Like a terrible beast, suddenly opened his eyes, the line of sight locked the three.

Xiao Chen is not panicking. He knows that in the extraordinary period, the big array in the city must have been activated. Some of the guardian's large array of nodes, unidentified three people, must be prevented, sloppy.


Two figures came across the air, and a blood-colored red rope was attached to the right arm, and an old armband was tied in the middle of the red rope. Xiao Chen, on the left, was a bit impressed. He was a quasi-premier elder of Yu Tianzong, but he couldn’t name it, but he had seen several faces.

One on the right, you can be sure, never seen. The same is the character of the quasi-premier, and his body is filled with strong thunder.

Xiao Chen thinks that the Thunderbolt Palace has now settled in Tianzong, and it is true that he wants to guess. It should be an old man of the Thunderbolt Palace.

"Water Girl, please show your token and bring your armband to prove your identity."

Shui Lingling brows slightly wrinkled, but did not refuse, take out his identity token. Remembering the red armband, the two old lookes have eased down, so cautious, but also afraid that some Wudi changed their looks and secretly mixed in.

"This is my younger brother, and is also Qinglong Wang Xiaochen. The three of them have no armbands for the time being." Shui Lingling explained.

The old man of Tian Tianzong smiled and said: "No matter, the temperament of Qinglong Wang Xiaochen, I want to imitate it, but I can't imitate it. The Phoenix figure has no pop-up window. You can prove your identity by Lingling. There are three armbands here. Give them to them."

Shui Lingling took over and handed it to the three people, explaining: "This red rope armband, seemingly simple, is actually the lord personally refining, and the outsiders can't imitate it. With this armband, you can go in and out of the 昊天宗's major Once the person is taken away, as soon as the mind is moved, it will burn in an instant."

Xiao Chen, three people, after dropping blood to recognize him, he tied it to his right arm.

After crossing the wall, the four flew toward the inner city floating in the air. After a while, they crossed the heavy guards and came to the inner temple.

The quaint inner hall is filled with a huge sand table, and the sand table is simulated on the whole of Tianzhou.

Unlike the ordinary sand table, this sand table is a shrinking sky. Moreover, everything that happened in Tianzong will be displayed in it, which is very magical.

Xiao Chen stared at it and watched it for a few seconds. The original scene in the sandbox suddenly became bigger and directly mapped into his own mind. The scene of the transmission outside the city was clearly seen.

Outside the sand table, there are ten people standing, except for the sacred heavens, the rest of Xiao Chenda does not know, but without exception, they are masters of the Wudi class.

It seems that if you can come to this inner temple, either the status is not simple, or you must have the Emperor Wu.

Next to Haotian Supreme, stood a middle-aged man wearing a purple robe, and there was a sharp edge in his body. Xiao Chen only took a glance and felt a huge pressure.

In addition to this person, there are many great emperors in the field, which makes Xiao Chen feel some pressure. Those great emperors, even if he used the law and the world, may not be opponents.

After a few people arrived, the Emperor Wu of the scene all looked up and looked over.

Ying Zong Tian sees Xiao Chen, smiles and nods his head: "Xiao Chen, the younger brother, it is really fast. I originally expected that you will come over tomorrow."

"In response to the invitation of the older brother, it will naturally be faster."

In front of this group of people, the atmosphere is somewhat horrible, and Xiao Chen looks calm, with bronze swords on his back, and his mood is not fluctuating at all.

This style, let the many Wudi present, nodded secretly. To know the ordinary generations, seeing these big groups of people, they have long been ignorant of what they are, and they are not saying anything.

"I will introduce you to the friends present."

Ying Zongtian said, one by one for Xiao Chen, in addition to the Emperor Tianzong and the Emperor of the Thunderbolt, the other are some friends who have been invited by the Tianzong.

As for the middle-aged man who is particularly jealous of Xiao Chen, it is the deputy palace owner of the Thunderbolt Palace. The Lei Wang has been the actual power of the Thunderbolt Palace for a long time.

Named An Zixuan, there is the Eight Emperor Wu of the Emperor, and Xiao Chen knows that this person is the father of An Junxi.

No wonder, watching, some familiar.

Then, Ying Zongtian introduced the current situation to Xiao Chen, and the reinforcements of the ghosts and protoss came. Now Tianzong, who is already completely on the defensive, has been forced to nine times and the situation is extremely severe.

If you don’t break it, it will make the situation of Yu Tianzong even more dangerous.

Rong Zongtian said: "Xiao Chen, the younger brother, I am afraid that you can't let you rest. Now people are in short supply. If you are convenient, can you help to guard the ninth heavy squad now?"

Xiao Chen nodded: "Listen to the big brother."

Ying Zongtian showed a smile on his face. His finger was lightly pointed at the sand table. A picture jumped out of the sand table and appeared in front of several people.

It is a lake in the state of Tianzhou, called Maple Leaf Lake. It is one of the ninth heavy nodes of the big squad, and it is crucial in the entire ninth.

"You take my hand and go to take over here, Maple Lake will ask you."

Ying Zongtian handed the warrant to Xiao Chen, and said with a serious look.

When I first came to Tianzong, I was sent to the front line. There were not many complaints in Xiao Chen’s heart. It’s just a little sigh, and now the situation in the Tianzong is more serious than what I imagined.

"Zong Tian, ​​this Maple Lake is quite important in the ninth heavy circle of law. It is second only to several core nodes. Once it is broken, it will involve the entire ninth heavy circle. Is it cautious? ""

One of the great emperors present, some did not trust the strength of Xiao Chen, said.

Ying Zongtian smiled and said: "I will feel a bit sloppy when I put Xiao Chen’s younger brother here. I meant to let Xiao Chen’s younger brother, together with us, fight against the enemy.”

When this statement came out, the Emperor Wu was shocked.

Today, there are two battlefields in Tianzong, and one battlefield is the battle of positions, that is, the defense of the Tiandi Mountain River. There is another place, which is the personal fight between the top characters, which is a more intense and fierce battle than the former.

Ying Zongtian wants Xiao Chen to join the latter. Is it difficult for Xiao Chen to have the strength of the great Emperor Wu Di?

Xiao Chen heard the words and smiled: "Big brother lifted me up, but I am confident that I can keep Maple Lake and please rest assured that my predecessors."

After that, after receiving the warrant, he arched his hand and left the inner hall.

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