Immortal and Martial Dual Cultivation

Vol 3 Chapter 1533: Do your best

Qinglong Wang, please, I will talk to you about the handover. Miss Moss and Miss Ice Cloud, I sent people to arrange their accommodation separately. What do you think? ”

The purple old man respectfully said that although he had the strength of the Emperor Wu, he could be respectful in the face of Xiao Chen, who easily killed two Tianwu Emperors.

However, he feels that the rumors are still somewhat exaggerated.

Look at the strength of the Qinglong King, but it is the top small Tianwu Emperor, the emperor and momentum of the body, compared with the four heavens of Emperor Wu, there is a clear gap.

Perhaps, the killing of the Emperor of the Five Heavens should be the use of certain secret treasures or secret techniques.

Of course, no matter what, the top small Tianwu Emperor is enough for him to respectfully, do not have to think so much.

Xiao Chen nodded, and along with the purple old man, walked toward a pavilion above the small island of the lake. In the dust and the moon ice cloud, a small courtyard is arranged near the attic.

In the attic, the old man of the purple dress gave Xiao Chen a cup of tea. After he personally filled it, he said: "Qinglongwang, this is the case, the handover is not complicated. But it is very important, so don’t Don't care, I hope that Qinglong Wang understands this powder responsibility."

Xiao Chen nodded and said: "Ma elders, don't always call me Qinglong Wang, just call my real name. Now they are all in the same front, don't need such politeness, there is nothing to hide."

Ma Changla smiled and said: "Then I will be welcome. The Xiaochen brothers are like this. There are two main points in guarding this Maple Lake. One thing is that you just experienced the sneak attack that prevented the Shinto League and destroyed the nodes of the big array. This is More common."

"The second point is when Shen Dao Meng's large-scale attack, the activation of the plaque, echoes the entire ninth heavy array. This is the most troublesome in the weekdays, once the full attack, the pressure is great, only It can only be supported by the formation method."

Ma Elder said that he handed it to Xiao Chen, a fiery red card with a mountain and watermark on the front and a red-hot day on the back.

Xiao Chen took over and re-refined it, holding it in the palm of his hand. Suddenly I felt that the whole person's body was connected with Maple Lake.

In this Maple Lake, he was able to mobilize a huge force, attack and defense, and received a tremendous increase.

"This is the card near Maple Lake. The disciples in the battlefield will be blessed by the tactics. The red chapter is the latest chapter. You hold the cards, the blessings will be bigger, and you can call out at any time." Spiritual battle."

Ma Elder gave Xiao Chen a detailed explanation of the various methods of the array, all kinds of details, and the extraordinarily serious explanation.

Xiao Chen is talented and intelligent, only listened to it once, and he knew it, and he understood a seven seven eight eight. Just the rest, just try a few times and you will fully understand.

"It’s roughly these two points on weekdays. Now we can’t lose a single position. If we don’t lose a lot, the power of the big array will drop a lot. The supreme, and the great emperors, the more power they draw from the formation. less."

Ma Elder smiled and said: "But there is Qinglongwang sitting in the town of Maple Leaf, where the node should be unaffected."

After talking for a while, Xiao Chen mentioned the merits of the war. Before the elder Ma did not intend to mention the ten Hong Mengdan things, he always remembered.

Hong Mengdan, who came from Yanshi Wang, gave him great benefits and gave him a deep understanding of the importance of Hong Mengdan.

Ma Changla said: "Since it is on the battlefield, both sides will have the merits of the military as an incentive. The Shinto League does not know. The Supreme Master said that killing a one-day Emperor Wu will reward five Hongmendan."

"You know, for the Supreme, the power of Hongmeng has been cultivated to the extreme. There is no way to go further, so they can calmly refine Hong Mengdan, and it is said that before the King of Lei left, he gave it to the vast number of Hong Meng Dan, so our battles here are very rich."

Ma Elder looked at Xiao Chen and said that he was envious, and he was the same as Wudi. He naturally knew the magical effect of Hong Mengdan.

After continuing to talk a few words, Ma Elders left and left, the other side has many things to do, and Xiao Chen did not retain.

When the elders of the horse left, Xiao Chen left the pavilion and went out alone. He wanted to see with his own eyes, what is the current situation of Yu Tianzhou.

Maple Leaf Lake, the distance from Haotiancheng, is actually very far away. If it is an ordinary person, even if it is riding, it will take three days and three nights.

In front of Maple Leaf Lake, there is a wider territory, which used to be peaceful.

At this moment, Xiao Chen stood on the peak of the mountain near the lake and stopped to look far. Everything he saw was a ruin. The rivers and rivers of the city, all destroyed, are beyond recognition. The better capitals are all occupied by the warriors of the Shinto League.

In the middle of the sky, black pressure is all over, all of them are various warships of the Shinto League, and the flags are being displayed, facing the wind and hunting.

Standing on this mountain and looking at it all, Xiao Chen felt the power of personal strength.

In the war of such a scale, his power alone is extremely limited. Even if he only placed it on the ninth heavy circle, he couldn't play it, and he could only do his best.

The front line is too long, involving too many warriors, and can only rely on the strength of the team.

On the mountain top of this maple tree, Xiao Chen looked at it for a long time before he retired and walked on Maple Leaf Lake.

Sunset sun, stars flash, night, quietly.

Xiao Chen calmly came to the heart, just on the Maple Leaf Lake, the first move of the practice without a knife is broken. At the same time, quietly, to see if you can derive the second style, it is still idle.

In the Shinto League, the total base camp responsible for destroying the formation is another scene.

In the small room, the four great heavenly emperors of the corpse, the ghosts, the protoss, and the human race sat in the front row, and each followed their own group of small heavenly emperors.

In detail, there are four big heavenly emperors in the room, and forty-six small heavenly emperors. The Emperor Wu of the Taoist Alliance used to overcome the formation of the tactics was almost all gathered among them. As for the stronger Emperor Wu, it was the same as Yu Tianzong, and it was not the time for them to take the shot.

In fact, this is also an invisible contest. If you can't hold on to the top Emperor Wu, you will immediately fall into the trap.

For example, Qi Tianzong, the array of methods can not keep up, need to use the big heavenly Emperor to rescue the fire. The Emperor of the Great Heaven of the Shinto League will laugh and bloom, even though watching these big heavens are costly.

Recharge your batteries and wait for the other party to spend almost the same amount of money.

"In the direction of Maple Leaf Lake, the corpse died two Emperors. This is somewhat abnormal. The accompanying corpse warriors are also not alive. This is already abnormal. It must be clarified, otherwise it will affect the total attack of tomorrow. ”

The Emperor Wu of the Protoss, who is sitting in the middle of the world, is named Cold Zhengyang, and is the commander of the party's four-member coalition.

"There is nothing to check, the Emperor of the corpse, the strength is generally the same. Greedy adventure, under the general idea, the whole army is annihilated, I think it is quite normal."

The big-named Emperor Wu of the ghost family, who did not care for the laughter, would not be able to use the great Emperor of the corpse.

As everyone knows, corpses and ghosts have always been wrong, and it’s a strange thing to get together and not quarrel.

Leng Zhengyang shook his head and looked at the great Emperor Wu of the Terran. An old elder of the Fengqing Palace said: "Thousands of stars, what do you think."

The old man named Su Qianxing was in a high position in the Fengqing Palace. The protoss Emperor did not dare to take a nap.

Su Qianxing said: "It is not a big deal. Maple Leaf Lake is not the main node. Our primary goal is to put it in the Starfire City. This is the ninth most important node."

"Okay, then let's say so, tomorrow's general attack plan will remain unchanged. Within half a month, we will remove the ninth heavy law circle and give it all."

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