Immortal and Martial Dual Cultivation

Vol 3 Chapter 1534: Ghosts attack

On the Maple Leaf Lake, Xiao Chen walked in it, and the first move of the lack of knife method was broken.

With a few pushes, his understanding of this move has become more and more perfect. In the mind, the variety of this trick is becoming clearer.

The initial break-out style was simply to combine all the forces in the knife field with the lack of a knife. Then, using the explosion of the power of three knives, the knife was led out to achieve the destructive power of the gods.

The last time the Cloud Moon Knife was cut off, although the reason why Yunyue Knife took the initiative to die, but also the power of Xiao Chen, the knife can not be separated.

Change someone, give you a chance, and break the knife in your hand.

Just because that person is Xiao Chen, that is Xiao Chen, who has stepped out of his own knife, and broke through the empty form, with a knife and an empty stone.

That time, the empty space, rushed, all played on the spot. So that later, no matter how the test, there is no way to achieve the effect of the knife.

But now with the continuous improvement of Xiao Chen, this knife has basically been formed. As long as it is continuously cultivated, after it is completed, it will naturally appear as a knife.

More importantly, this move has been fully understood and can begin to comprehend and infer the next move.

For the second form of the lack of knife method, Xiao Chen has already had a vague idea in mind, and the day of molding is not far away.


Above the calm lake, two beautiful figures flew, but the settled dust and the moon ice cloud flew toward him.

At this moment, the sky is near dusk, and the two women are flying against the lake, draped in the glow of the setting sun. In the flaming maple leaves, the shuttle is so beautiful that it looks like a fairy.

Xiao Chen showed a smile on his face, stopped comprehending, and got up to meet the two women.

"When you walk around, how do you feel?" asked the stranger.

Moon Ice Cloud smiled shallowly: "I still laughed out, and I still understand the cultivation. It seems that the state of mind is relatively stable. The army is approaching, it is good to have this calmness."

The second woman asked for a question, and said what she wanted to say, but let him not know what to say.

Indulge in a moment, Xiao Chen said: "With the peace of mind, do your best. Although the Shinto League is strong, it is not without weakness. It seems that the momentum is amazing, covering the sky, maybe it is to cover up the inner timidity, if it can withstand everything The price has already started the general attack."

"How to say?"

The two women looked at each other and felt that there was something in Xiao Chen’s words that seemed to have discovered something.

Yes, after a round, Xiao Chen did find something. He said: "The Shinto League is very strong. At least it is more than doubled than the Tianzong and Longmen. But they have not yet launched a general attack. They only want to win the Tianzong at the least cost. ”

"It seems to be safe, just exposed, the intrigue between the forces, no one is willing to make more sacrifices, afraid to bear the price. And this is our opportunity, a powerful force, can not see his surface, depends His inner edge."

After a pause, Xiao Chen went on to say: "A person who loses his edge will not be sharp, and a force will lose its edge. If it is strong, it will be a loose sand."

"It seems to be very reasonable." The dusty and naughty smile: "The big brother, Xiao Chen, thinks about the law of breaking the enemy. Can you tell me?"

Xiao Chen heard the words, first of all, and then laughed loudly: "You must be so smart when you are a little girl, you can't bring you out later."

After that, all three people laughed.

Xiao Chen said so much, it seems to be very reasonable, in fact, it is all in vain, can only do what it can. However, these are not the key points. What is important is the mentality of the three people. In this storm, they can still laugh and look down on everything.

Everything in life, in all likelihood, how can everything go well, everything has a way to crack. When you are in trouble, do your best and do your best.

Bathed in the afterglow of the setting sun, the three people took the lake as a seat, fluttering in the maple leaves, and tasting the fine wine, so they talked leisurely.


When the sky will be bright, there will be a sudden roar in the distance, followed by roaring, such as thunder and lightning.

Xiao Chen got up and looked into the distance and whispered to himself: "Come on."

In the heart, there are some tensions and some expectations. There is still a moment, he will immediately experience this scene, the Kunlun mainland, a tens of thousands of years of rare war.

"Xiao Chen, brother, did the Shinto League attack?" asked the dust softly.

Xiao Chen nodded and said: "Come, but here we don't seem to be the main point of care, first go back to Lake Island."


The three of them flew to the island of Huxin. On the island, many disciples were already ready. It was obviously not the first day to experience such scenes.

The old man in purple quickly flew to Xiao Chen and asked for Xiao Chen’s instructions.

Xiao Chen's polite way: "The old gentleman does not have to do this. Everything is still handed over to you. If there is a strong enemy, I will be in person."

The battle is Xiao Chen’s strength, but he can talk about the command. He asks himself a lot worse.

Wen Yan, the old man in purple clothes, showed a smile on his face: "It is rare that the brothers of Xiao Chen are so generous. It is better to be respectful than the old ones. Please ask the Qinglong King to fight against it. All other things and things will be handed over to the old man."

Xiao Chen nodded, and he wanted this effect, so it was just what he wanted.

After ten breaths, in the field of vision, there was an overwhelming Shinto alliance warship. One of the largest warships, directly to the ninth heavy core node Spark City, has no focus on Maple Leaf Lake.


The next moment, I saw the magic cannon on the battleship and tilted down. A gorgeous light, criss-crossing, like a raindrop, falling toward the ninth heavy node.


Starfire City is moving towards the left and right grounds, flowing a sturdy force, and then, at each node of the entire ninth retracement circle, one by one activates the hand card.

The ninth retracement circle of the entire Tiandi Mountain River and the Sundial Array forms a circle, and each node is at least a million miles apart.

But at this moment, with the activation of the formation, all are closely linked together. Mountains, rivers, and cities, occupying the nodes of the array, are closely linked one by one.

Xiao Chen was in it, and after the activation of the formation in Xinghuo City, he injected a force of law.


Other places, Xiao Chen did not know, he can only see. On the sky above Maple Lake, there was a vague barrier, and all the magic cannons from the **** were blocked out.

The lake is churning, and the water column is rising from the sky.

The huge roar of the explosion, resounding between the heavens and the earth, inspires the human ear to be shocked.

The whole world, as if shaking, millions of miles of land, at this moment, there is no calm. The ground seems to be like the sea, rolling and undulating.

No matter where you stand, you can feel the huge waves.

The Tian Tianzong and Thunderbolt disciples on the island of Huxin were nervous, holding the blade and waiting for the upcoming battle.

Xiao Chen closed his eyes, white hair and white hair, his face could not see the slightest fluctuation.

After half a ring, he suddenly opened his eyes, and the four warships in front of the Shinto League flew straight toward Maple Lake.

The warriors of the Shinto League flew down from the battleship and smashed toward Maple Island.

Xiao Chen hand-picked the law, a force of Hong Meng, into the array. The warriors in the island all received the blessing of the law, and there was a hint of sun-like luster on the body, which was as warm as the sun.

The Shinto sects who landed on the lake, one by one, sullen, pale, like a ghost in hell.

They are all ghosts!

On the bow of the four warships, stood four ghosts of the Emperor Wu, cold eyes staring at Maple Lake, look calm.

"It is a ghost warrior!"

The disciples on the island have a panic color on their faces. The enemy they are least willing to encounter is the ghost family.

The ghost family means, mysterious and unpredictable, in addition to the cultivation of the dead air, but also the use of human souls to fight, can cause great fear.

The purple old man on the island of the lake is also surprised: "Ghost warriors, don't attack the Starfire City, how come us to Maple Lake."

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