Immortal and Martial Dual Cultivation

Vol 3 Chapter 1537: Supreme confrontation

The Emperor Wudi escaped three, and the ghost warriors below were almost completely destroyed. No matter from which aspect, this battle is a great victory.

Xiao Chen gently floated and fell on the surface of the lake. The elder Ma was commanding the warrior, cleaning up the ghosts on the lake, and some spoils.

When Chad’s Xiao Chen fell, he immediately flew over with a smile: “Xiao Chen’s brother really has you, this battle is really happy.”

Xiao Chen knew the reality more clearly, and whispered softly: "It’s just a sacred alliance. I don’t know if I am coming. The next time the other party is prepared, it will be a lot more difficult."

Elder Ma thought for a moment and his face sank: "It seems that I am happy too early, but in any case, there is Xiao Chen's brother here, I am confident in holding Maple Lake."

"Yes, yes, as long as Qinglong Wang is here, Maple Leaf Lake will be able to live."

The disciples of Tian Tianzong and the Thunderbolt Palace also laughed at the same time. Obviously, Xiao Chen is now in the hearts of these people, just like the existence of a pinnacle.

Xiao Chen was worried in his heart, but he could not show it in front of everyone. When he talked with Ma Elder, he returned to his own wooden house.

Time has already arrived at noon, and there will be endless horizons between the heavens and the earth. The continuous space will oscillate, let the clouds roll, and there will be no darkness.

The battle of Maple Leaf Lake is over, but it does not mean that the battle of other nodes is over, especially the ninth heavy core node, Spark City.

At this moment, Spark City is undergoing a round of fierce attacks, most of the Emperor of the Shinto League, as well as the king-class battleships, all gathered here.

As long as the Starfire City is broken, the ninth heavy circle will be collapsed and will cease to exist. The front line of the Shinto League will also advance.

Among the wooden houses, Xiao Chen did not care about the situation in other places.

Sitting on his knees, his hands are squared above his knees, running purple thunder, constantly absorbing the aura of heaven and earth, and voicing his own laws.

In the heart of the emperor, the power of the hundred Dao Meng is intertwined with each other to form a purple vortex.

Below the vortex, it is a lake, with the power of pure heaven and earth. Numerous purple spots, such as raindrops, fall to nourish the lake.

Then the lake, in the back of the purple vortex, condensed the power of a hundred words.

This is a very troublesome way of cultivation. If you can directly absorb the power of Hongmeng, you will not need to continue to cultivate the laws of the heavens and the earth.

However, in this exile, the absorption of the power of Hongmeng has received all kinds of present.

It is rumored that only after reaching the Supreme, there will be no restrictions. This is why the Supreme can calmly refine Hong Mengdan.

At the time of Xiao Chen’s silent cultivation, the mysterious sword behind it, while flowing out a warm stream. I will absorb the aura of the heavens and the earth, and I will be amazed by my life.


Two days passed, the sword was lighter in weight, and when it could be completely unsealed, it is still unknown.

Without a knife in hand, Xiao Chen’s strength dropped by a quarter, which is why he realized the lack of a knife. If there are other swordsmen, there is no one-handed sword, and the combat power is reduced by at least half.


The sound of knocking on the door sounded, and Xiao Chen opened his eyes, and with a wave of his hand, the door was gently opened.

Ma elders and strangers and moon ice clouds, at the same time come in, handed Xiao Chen three jade bottles, smiled: "Xiao Laodi, this is your reward, three bottles of Hong Mengdan, a bottle of five. Just correspond to you kill The three Emperors of Wu, the messengers of the inner temple, were shocked by your exploits, and no one has ever received so many Hong Meng Dan."

Xiao Chen’s eyes are bright, Hong Mengdan, that’s a real thing.

He can now have a hundred words of glory, but with Yan Shiwang to give him a glory, he can't get away with it.

Handing the jade bottle to Xiao Chen, the envy of the elder Ma’s eyes, can’t be concealed. Xiao Chen smiled, this is human nature, he still does not care about these.

"How about the battle of other nodes." Xiao Chen asked Dan medicine, he obviously felt that this time the attack of the Shinto League was extremely fierce.

Ma Changchang sighed: "It’s very hanging, and several nodes are almost broken. Fortunately, the Yao’s reinforcements have arrived. The battles in most areas have ended. The deaths and injuries are very fierce. Only Starfire City is still fighting.”

Was the Yaozu reinforcements arrived?

If Xiao Chen thought thoughtfully, he said: "So, do we need to go to aid?"

Ma Elder shook his head and said: "No, these nodes are also very important. If Spark City needs assistance, there will be a star-studded sky, which can be seen within a million miles."

Xiao Chen nodded and wanted to speak. Suddenly, the entire defense trembled fiercely.

The maple leaves are undercurrent, and the leaves above the lake are scattered around.

"what happened?"

There was a horror in the face of the two people, and they said inexplicably.

This horror, the incomprehensible, out of thin air, is very strange.

Only Xiao Chen and Ma Elder, my heart was amazed, and each looked at each other and probably guessed what happened.

Both of them have the heart of the emperor, and they are extremely sensitive to the strong breath. It is true that there is a supreme appearance.

The elder Ma’s look is dignified: “In today’s Shinto League, there are three supremes on the bright side, abandoning the Emperor of Heaven, the corpse of the gods, and the ghosts of the East God. It is impossible to abandon the Emperor, if he appears, the gas field will It will be even stronger. It may only be the corpse of the corpse or the ghost of the East."

Xiao Chen interface: "The ghosts are extremely dark. If Dongyue ghosts, we should all feel the chill, it is likely to be a corpse."

The stranger was surprised and said: "Supreme, so early, is this going to be a big battle in advance?"

Elder Ma vetoed: "No, now the big battle, both sides can not bear the consequences. It should be only a tentative confrontation, can be supreme, even if it is only tentative, it will spread widely. And whoever falls down, right The morale is very hard."

Xiao Chen agreed with Ma’s elders. In fact, he always believed that the key to this battle. It has never been supreme, but in the emperor below the Supreme.

Supreme, this kind of standing in the top of the Kunlun world, will never fight each other, even if it is a deadly enemy, there will be tacit understanding between each other.

"Ying Zongtian, since you became the Supreme, you have not yet played with others, you can dare to fight this corpse!"

Above the whims of the sky, there was a loud laugh and laughed with this.

In the sky, many visions, smoke disappeared, and the clouds that kept rolling up and down were directly divided into two halves and retreated from them.


The long-lost sunshine sees the sky, the dark and dark sky is swept away, and within a few miles, the sun shines.

Looking through the wooden window, it was thrown into the wooden house where Xiao Chen was located, and the mottled light spots fell.

Through the window, Xiao Chen looked into the sky, faintly seeing a strong middle-aged man with his upper body naked, step by step toward the sky above Spark.

In an instant, the Shinto martial artists who are attacking in Sparks City have risen a lot, and the offensive has become much more intense.

"The corpse god? Big brother, you and I know that there is no **** in this world, why do you deceive yourself like the group of protoss."

In the Tiancheng City, a round of Huanghuang Day was raised, and the big day was like a fire, burning a thousand miles of sky.

A figure, slowly coming out of the big day, eyes squinting at the distance of infinity.

"God is not a god, it is some sideline, no nonsense. I will ask you, dare not, go out of the heavens and the earth, a big battle!"

The corpse god, greeted the gaze and shook it.

He achieved supreme, full of thousands of years, and the face of the Zong Tian was full of energy, once again called.

"Why don't you dare!"

Ying Zongtian, stepping on the big day, coming across the sky, a supreme confrontation, is about to begin.

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