Immortal and Martial Dual Cultivation

Vol 3 Chapter 1538: Supreme fight

This is a supreme battle!

Xiao Chen was guilty, a little excited, and quickly walked out of the wooden house, and several others followed closely, and he was not willing to be slow.

The Supreme has been a rare sight, and the Supreme Fight is a thing that has not happened in the past millennium. It is difficult to make people not excited.

Other disciples on the small island of the lake have already left the wooden house, staring at the sky.

On the top of the sky, Ying Zongtian, who came from the sun, crossed the distance of a million miles in just a few steps. From the distant Tiancheng City, directly to the sky above the Spark City, it is obvious that I have mastered some space conception.

Rather than like Xiao Chen, I can only touch some fur, and even the threshold is not stepping in.

The figure is strong, like the god's punishment day, watching the arrival of Ying Zongtian, grinning and laughing: "Only one strength, how about playing?"

Ying Zongtian wore a long gown, his body shape was slightly thin, and the moment he left the battle, the big day under his feet disappeared. The faint road said: "I am right!"

It is obviously impossible for the two to really come to a decisive battle of life and death. For them at this level, in fact, many things can be ignored, and there is no real hatred.

Once the duel of life and death is too broad, neither side can afford it.

"It hasn't been done for a long time, Ying Zongtian hopes, you don't lose too fast."

The prisoner laughed loudly, and the right hand of the five fingers slammed a grip, rubbing and rubbing, the bones bursting, and the wind rushed in the air, and thousands of dragon shadows hovered behind it.

Xiao Chen’s face was amazed, this is the power of Qianlong, and the strength of Qiancheng has the power of Qianlong. That is all the strength, is it necessary to have the power of Wanlong, or higher,

And the dragon shadow behind the other side is obviously more realistic. Between the real and the false, it is looming, it is difficult to argue true and false.

I am afraid that the use of pneumatic power is much better than that of Xiao Chen. Even if it is also the power of Bailong, Xiao Chen is no match for the other side.

"I have heard that this corpse **** is the first person in the physical body. His body is now comparable to a top-level imperial weapon, and the ordinary soldiers are hard to seriously hurt him." Slightly amazed.

Obviously, the fighting power shown by the corpse of the corpse is deeply shocked.


The toes are a little empty, and the corpse of the gods is in the face of Ying Zongtian with a very ghostly body. Raise your hand, it is a punch, and the thousands of dragons roar behind him, gathered in this boxing, the entire right arm directly into the dragon, golden light.

Xiao Chen’s eyes brightened, and he’s got a good name at the glance.

This is the force of the air, and his knife is the same, the principle is the same. In fact, the corpse of the gods did not move, but with their own strength, they controlled the space.

When he was not moving, the whole space was moved, which led him to come to Ying Zongtian.

The final meaning of the emptiness is just like this. It’s just a punishment for the corpse, and it’s like walking through the road. And Xiao Chen, still searching hard, the gap is very big.

Xiao Chen’s gaze, no longer dare to move in the slightest, he has a hunch, after watching this battle, his lack of knives will be improved again.

That punch banged out, like a real dragon came alive and rushed over.

Originally, Xiao Chen thought that the big brother should not be as good as the other side, and he would not fight hard in the face of this punch.

Can be out of Xiao Chen's expectation, Ying Zongtian did not choose to dodge, in the palm of his hand, suddenly generous light, there seems to be a faint day.

In the face of a punch in the sky, the palm of the hand was pushed out. This moment, as if it was still dawning, there was a round of Huanghuang Day, which came out from the palm of Ying Zongtian.

The radiant heat will reflect the blush on the back of Zongtian, millions of miles of the sky, like blood staining half the sky.

The fist-handed handover, the big day and the real dragon against the bang, the whole sky trembled fiercely, and the space suddenly became blurred.

The two sides of the Starfire City battled underneath, the most profound feelings, countless aftermath into the stars and fell. Received one of the contacts, the explosion came and radiated thousands of miles.

Even in these circumstances, the two sides are still fighting for the Starfire City.

Look at the Scorpio, but this moment of returning, Ying Zongtian and the criminal corpse gods have been fighting, has been thousands of times.

As soon as the action is fast, Xiao Chen has no way to see it clearly. The actions of both sides can only capture some traces from the trajectory.

Even if there are only a few traces, Xiao Chen feels that he is benefiting endlessly.


Suddenly, a red-hot spot of light and true dragon debris mixed together, like a light rain, falling towards Maple Lake.

"No, run!"

Ma’s elders changed their minds and said with panic.

This is completely innocent, and the two great supreme players, although only use 10% of the strength. Whether it is the Shinto League or the Tianzong, it has suffered a lot and the losses are not small.

"Mo pan."

Xiao Chen did not panic, waved his hand, the card appeared in the palm of his hand, one hand smashed, and at the same time sent the power to the card.

On the Maple Leaf Lake, suddenly the water splashed, and the node was here, and it turned into a huge water bird overflowing with water.

Xiao Chen holds the cards and his body flickers like a dragon in the tail. He is shocked by a gust of wind and falls into the spiritual waterfowl bathed in soft light.

Sitting on the huge waterfowl with overflowing spirits, Xiao Chen vacated and stood under the turmoil. Xiao Chen was able to clearly feel that the winds of Maple Leaf Lake were full of wind and grass.

The pulse of the mountains, the breath of Maple Lake, and the aura of heaven and earth in the French pattern.

Xiao Chen feels that he is completely integrated with the formation, and every move can easily mobilize a huge force.

The power of the array, this is the blessing brought by the law, Xiao Chen is full of confidence, facing the falling light rain, shooting two palms.

One palm is called the Millennium Fire, and the palm is called the Millennium!

The two rounds of the moon rose from the back of Xiao Chen, and the two months came out together, and the endless glory was sprinkled. The light rain fell on it, and it did not let it fall.


The raindrops collided with the full moon, and the amazing explosion sounded in an instant. The aftermath struck, and Xiao Chen avoided it and was swept away.

It was in the air, after rolling a few laps, it landed safely.

I wiped out the blood stains at the corners of my mouth. Xiao Chen looked at Tian Tian and smiled bitterly: "Is this really only the power of the supreme!"

It was only the aftermath of the aftermath, and he was caught off guard. It wasn’t the last moment that the dragon was shunned, and the injury was inevitable.

"Xiao Chen Big Brother!"

Dust and other people, come over quickly and ask about Xiao Chen’s injury.

Xiao Chen got up and waved his hand and smiled: "The skin is hurt, it is worth it."

Only suffered some internal injuries, and it is worthwhile to change the entire Maple Leaf Lake.

Some disciples of Maple Leaf Lake won this scene and suddenly moved. Xiao Chen can not be injured, but at the crucial moment, it is still the top of the line.

Several people were about to talk, the eardrum suddenly vibrated, and some people showed a painful expression on their faces, and there was a brief loss of hearing.

Xiao Chen looked up and saw the top of the sky, Ying Zongtian palms ten rounds of the next day, slowly into the palm.

The afterglow of the surrounding round turns into rainbow light and slowly dissipates.

The corpse of the corpse is mad, and the upper part of the body is engraved with a dragon pattern. The dragon pattern sparkles with luster, as if it were a dragon, moving in the middle of the sentence.

As he retreated, the sky scene seemed to be a reflection in the water, moving forward, very wonderful.

Ying Zongtian smiled and said: "The criminal brother, you won half of the trick, thank you for your inheritance."

After that, after long sleeves, he returned directly to the city.

The punishment is gloomy and obviously cannot accept this fact, but he is also a person with identity. Also controlled to live their own temper, after a cold sigh, with depression and unwillingness, turned and stepped back.

After the reaction, Xiao Chen was ecstatic, and his right hand clenched his fist.

If you win, you should win the big brother. Think about the imposing manner of the corpse, and the unhappiness of leaving is really pleasant.

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