Immortal and Martial Dual Cultivation

Vol 3 Chapter 1539: Gathering in Spark City

The two supreme short-lived opponents ended with a half-finished victory in Yingzong Tian. It was only a 10% strength that affected the camps within ten million of the warring parties.

The corpse of the corpse was defeated by half a stroke, and the morale of the sect of the sect of the sect was greatly reduced. In addition, the squadron of the squadron rushed to the army and could not attack for a long time.

The city of Xinghuo is round, the mountain is not a mountain, the river is not a river, and the battles of several great emperors have destroyed the Fangshan River and the landforms without the blessings of the law.

Although the war stopped, the vision in the sky did not disappear for a while.

The dim sky, dark clouds, tens of thousands of miles, endless. Among the Scorpio, there is a fire that explodes from time to time, and that is the power of the great day of the Supreme Heaven. There are dragons and owls, and in the dark clouds, when they are hidden, it is the scorpion of the corpse god.

There are also various kinds of visions that emerge in an endless stream. With that, it is the martial arts of other great emperors.

Above the city wall, three old people, looking at the broken battlefield, have been long time.

The three people have a strong and unmatched atmosphere, and the strong sense of war has not yet dissipated.

The middle man is the deputy lord of the Emperor Tianzong. This person is a genius. Ten years ago, it was only one line away from the Emperor Wu, and it was thick and thin. Now it has reached the six-day big heavenly Emperor.

Compared with a few ancestors who had become emperors in the early days, they must be strong, but they are the leaders of the entire ninth squad.

On the left is a thunder and elder of the Thunderbolt Palace. There is a five-day repair, named Wang Xu, which is amazing in the thunder and lightning.

As for the person on the right, it is a little servant, but the demon emperor who came over, named Jiangchuan.

Bai Tian, ​​the deputy lord of the Tianzong Emperor, said: "Thank you, Jiangchuan brother came to help."

Jiang Chuan smiled and said: "Nothing, I am waiting for the life of the Spirit Fox King. I don't need to be polite. Not to mention the situation in Kunlun mainland today, after the fall of Tianzong, the Shinto League will definitely take the Yaozu."

The number of demon people is the most, and the Emperor Wu is also the most. There are only two emperors in the king. The strength is actually the weakest among the five.

If you fall down, you don’t have to think about it. The strength of the Yaozu is definitely not the opponent of the Shinto League. At this time, I helped Tianzong, that is, helping myself, Linghu Wang is still very clear.

Wang Xu said in a timely manner: "The Shinto League seems to have not yet initiated the general attack. These days are tempting."

Fang Baiyu nodded and said that he agreed with Wang Xu. The interface said: "It is estimated that the other party's ambition is very big and they want to kill us in one fell swoop. Not only the ninth heavy circle, it is simple."

"Don't say this, after the completion of the rest of the day, the person in charge of each node will be assembled and everyone will discuss it together."

"Well, I have to discuss the countermeasures."


In Maple Leaf Lake, after the end of the war, Xiao Chen immediately chose Jingwu. In the Supreme War, he gained a lot, and he had many new ideas for the lack of knife.

On a vast lake, a relatively remote lake, Xiao Chen stood on it, closing his eyes.

In the mind, all the flickering is the picture of the corpse of the corpse.

It is a difficult skill to force the air, and it needs to be accomplished with a high degree of accomplishment in the space. Xiao Chen still can't do it. It's too far away. He doesn't have such an idea.

He only has one idea, that is, to break through the empty form of the knife-free method, and then to the next level, to the point of perfection, to reach the point of the knife.

A thousand miles away, between square inches, can be called space.

Space conception, mysterious anomaly, even the Emperor Wu, most of them can only explore on the edge, can not enter the room.

Like the ordinary Emperor Wu, forcing the space to tear, is not to understand the space concept. It is precisely the most stupid, most savage method. Only the corpse of God and the brother of Yingzong Tian can be regarded as a slight grasp of the space concept.

The way of space is ethereal and impermanent.

Xiao Chen was originally inadvertently, and once he had done it with a knife, he saw the supreme confrontation this time, and he had a lot of feelings.

In the mind, the clues of countless Taoist lightes are intertwined and tangled. One idea appeared, but it was quickly denied, and the clues in the mind were subtracted one by one.

At the same time, Xiao Chen’s body slowly moved.

The lake under the feet, sometimes quiet, and sometimes moving, that is Xiao Chen is constantly trying to make mistakes.

Time has passed slowly. I don't know how long it has been in the past. There are only a few clues in Xiao Chen’s mind.

At this time, Xiao Chen suddenly opened his eyes. At the same time, the first form of the knife-free method was also displayed in an instant.


The moment when the light disappeared, the body of Xiao Chen disappeared at the same time. When he appeared again, he appeared in the front 100 meters out of the air, with a palm as a knife, slowly falling.

The flat lake surface is silent and there is a gap of thousands of kilometers. From the gap, looking down, you can stretch for a thousand meters, you can see the mud below.

One second passed, two seconds passed, and there was a gap in the lake, and there was still no closeness. It seems that the lake is separated from the hard water by an invisible wall, which is very strange.

But only Xiao Chen knows that what fills the gap is his broken knife.

What is even more bizarre is that the power of such a big knife has not caused any movement on the lake.

Xiao Chen’s face showed an excited look and whispered to himself: “It’s really wonderful. It’s like a knife. It’s the feeling. Royal, it’s not really to control the space, but to jump out of the space and put the space on the ground. Walk around."

"My knife is really perfect, and then I will use this battle to push out the second move of the knife-free method."

In the eyes of Xiao Chen, he has strong confidence and he has a hunch. There is no shortage of knives. On the day of completion, it is the title of Kunlun Knife King. When you change.

Who is changing, naturally he is Xiao Chen.

"Qinglong Wang, the deputy lord invites you to go to a star fire city." Just in Xiao Chen, when savoring the many mysteries of this trick, Ma elders quickly flew over.

Xiao Chen returned to the gods and converge on the look of joy and excitement. The calm way: "Elder Ma, can you know that the deputy lord is looking for me to do so."

Ma Changla smiled and said: "There is nothing to say about the specifics, but I heard that the deputy lord will bring together the entire ninth heavy node person in charge, and all of them are estimated to have major events to discuss."

"Then, let me go."

Starfire City is quite far away from Maple Leaf Lake, with hundreds of thousands of miles away. Xiao Chen showed his life and spent two full hours.

The land of the city gate, the atmosphere of the emperor filled with space, still did not dissipate. Looking up, the two skys that the Supreme once played against, can still see the residual mark, as if the two supremes are still playing.

Standing under the gate of the city, looking back and seeing the broken mountains and rivers, I would not be surprised.

Once, there was a bustling city in Tianzhou, but now it has become a loess and has been razed to the ground.

"Under the city, but Qinglong Wang Xiaochen." Above the wall, someone shouted.

Xiao Chen listened to this voice a little familiar, looked up and saw a person wearing a purple shirt, eyebrows like electricity. The handsome appearance reveals a fortitude and long hair fluttering.

So familiar, Xiao Chen recalled for a moment, immediately remembered who this person is.

Thunder and Power Palace An Junxi, Tianwu domain once the head of the seven giants, the first time I saw this person, the power of the whip, but brought a great shock to Xiao Chen.

However, this person is not strange in Spark Town. The Thunderbolt Palace has so many strong people, even the deputy palace owners have come, and An Junxi is completely here.

Guess good, it should be the same as Xiao Chen, responsible for guarding somewhere.

An Junxi looked like Xiao Chen, and smiled: "It seems that Xiao brother, remember who I am. Activate your hand, you can cross the enchantment and come straight in."

Xiao Chen was about to go up, and above the wall, suddenly a small head was pulled out. The appearance is pure and charming, the skin on the face is smooth and snowy, and a pair of show eyes, such as Ming jewels.

"Xiao Chen, brother, come up quickly, come up, Xiaobai has waited for a long time."

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