Immortal and Martial Dual Cultivation

Vol 3 Chapter 1540: Predecessor


Xiao Chen’s calm face showed a smile. When he knew that the Yao’s reinforcements had arrived, he was guessing that Xiaobai would come. He did not expect to come.

A little on the toes, Xiao Chen activated the hand card and easily fell on the wall.

I saw the city wall, not only An Junxi and Xiaobai, many friends are there. The master sister Shui Lingling, the demon peacock king Kong Kongyuan, and the spiritual fox king's pro-disciple disciple, Yuan Zhen, are all there.

Xiaobai’s Xiaochen came up and immediately went forward without any scruples. He took hold of Xiao Chen’s arm and smiled. “Xiao Chen’s brother, how come, everyone has been waiting for you for a long time.”

Xiao Chen smiled and said: "It is already very fast. If you know that Xiaobai is there, you will definitely be faster."

The words of Xiao Bai’s listening, the white cheeks, showed a shy red. Not at all, now the soul of the famous Wang Hu, the next heir to the demon king.

Shui Lingling knows the relationship between Xiao Bai and Xiao Chen, but she doesn't mind anything. She laughs: "Let's go, don't let the deputy masters wait for too long."


The people between the peers chatted quite a bit, and several people said that they soon came to the city government of Spark City.

Looking along the way, Xiao Chen found that there are many buildings in the city. Although there are blessings in the array, it has already been damaged a lot, and a suffocating cloud is over the city.

People add some worries, this Starfire City, under repeated attacks, the damage received, is expanding a little.

In time, the more you push back, the greater the pressure on defending the city.

The formation method also takes time to maintain, but now the attack of the Shinto League has almost stopped. The speed of repair is far from being good, and the damage is coming fast.

However, the city is actually not afraid. It is feared that the moment of breaking the city, there is no way to calmly retreat, and let the other party break through successively, and suddenly break through several circles of law.

For example, at the beginning, the Shinto League of ghosts and protoss, as well as the corps of the reinforcements suddenly killed. Killing Tian Tianzong was caught off guard, and the most peripheral warriors retreated in succession.

And the Shinto League, at all, does not give time to suffocate, all the way to chase.

After breaking the five-fold array of law circles, Yan Tianzong gradually gained a firm foothold, which was a heavy loss.

As he said, the group of people soon came, in the main hall of the main city of Spark.

Among the halls, the heads of other nodes have already arrived.

Sitting in the middle is the deputy master Bai Yu, the demon king Jiangchuan, and Wang Xu of the Thunderbolt Palace, sitting on the left and right sides.

Among the entire hall, the three men will be repaired by the great emperor, and the others will only be repaired by the Emperor Wu.

Before the future of the Yaozu Emperor Jiangchuan, the entire ninth heavy array of law circles, only two big heavens Wudi sit down. In the face of the attack of the Shinto League, the pressure is great, you can imagine.

It is not that there are no other emperors in the Tianzong and Thunderbolt Palaces. It is just the other great heavenly emperors, and there are even more fierce battles to be carried out.

When Chad came in, the three great emperors smiled and rose to meet each other.

Fang Baiyu strode forward and looked at Xiao Chen: "Yes, I remember that when I saw you for the first time, even Wu Sheng was not. Now, in just ten years, it has become the man of the entire Kunlun world."

"You, I will introduce to you, this is the Qinglong Wang Xiaochen, the owner of the Dragon Gate, and the most proud disciple of my 昊天宗, the latest chapter of Feixian. I have guarded Maple Leaf Lake for two days and have already left the three martial arts of the Shinto League. !"


The scene was shocked, and three Emperors were left in two days. This record is a bit too embarrassing. Usually Wu Di, even if it is not, can escape.

Unless there is too much difference in strength, there is no way to kill Wudi. You must know that Tian Tianzong and Shinto League have been fighting for so long. A lot of serious Wudi, can be killed by the Emperor Wu, but the number of hands.

Xiaobai squinted with big eyes and smiled: "Xiao Chen's brother is so powerful, it is as powerful as before."

The peers of An Junxi and others, also showed a shocking color in their eyes, long heard the name of the Qinglong King. Now that I personally heard these records, I realized that my name is not bad, and it is not false.

For a time, the people present were all getting up and greeted Xiao Chen.

Xiao Chen has experienced a lot of scenes, with a smile, calmly coping with, not arrogant or embarrassing.

After the chilling, Fang Baiyu let everyone sit and discuss countermeasures.

At the same time, the headquarters of the Shinto League is responsible for the ground attack, the high-level leaders of all ethnic groups, gathered together, watching the battle report, frowning.

In the room, there are six people, the Protoss Emperor Leng Zhengyang, the Fengqing Palace Su Qianxing, and the two old men of Baidi City and Shenwumen, as well as the two great emperors of the ghost and the corpse.

The six people present, without exception, are all repaired by the great Emperor Wu Di, who is responsible for besieging the Sparks City.

Compared with the only three emperors in Spark City, the strength of the Shinto League is more than doubled.

"Maple Leaf Lake, this node, what do you think?" Leng Zhengyang put down the battle report in his hand and said softly.

In the Maple Leaf Lake, the ghosts were completely destroyed by the army, and four emperors were killed and three injured. Among all the nodes in the battle, the death and injury are the most devastating and almost unbearable.

The corpse emperor, grinning and laughing: "Ghosts and martial arts, but this is not the case, it seems to be worse than my corpse."

A while ago, the corpse lost two Emperors, opposite the ghosts and old people, but did not ridicule.

Finding the opportunity, the corpse of Emperor Wu, is naturally a ruthless irony to go back.

The ghost-god emperor sneaked a sigh of relief; "That is Qinglong Wang Xiaochen, even if you change it to you, you can't take him."

"Don't make a noise, according to me, this node. It's better to give up, we six people want to attack the Starfire City and get away from it. Other small heavens are Emperor Wu, the pure broken is to send food, just take the Starfire City. If you don’t return, you have to retreat.

Feng Qiang Palace Su Qianxing, suggested.

"In other words, the three thousand emperors of your Protoss are ready to be dispatched. As long as the Protoss is really ironed, the three thousand emperors will be able to sweep the entire Tianzong in an instant."

The old man of Baidi City said a little dissatisfied.

As soon as this statement came out, the emperors of other ethnic groups immediately turned their eyes to Leng Zhengyang. The Protoss relies on the power of faith and claims to have three thousand gods, all of which have the strength of the Emperor.

Although the strength of the emperor is poor, it can be said that this number is large, and at the same time, even the supreme watch is afraid.

Cold Zhengyang’s face is a plate: “That’s the card of my Protoss, how can I move it easily. I heard that the corpse has been feeding the emperor for tens of thousands of years, and the number is also several hundred. How can I not see the body? The family took it out. There is also the Demon Soul of the Ghosts, the Tomb of the Holy Beast of the Three Holy Lands, but you have not seen them."

No one is stupid, and each family has a strong card, but it will certainly not be easily used in the battlefield where Yu Tianzong has not yet bottomed out.

Once the cards are gone, the damage is the air transport of the entire ethnic group. If it is not good, there may be danger of destroying the family.

The atmosphere between the scenes has become somewhat awkward. It can be seen that although the Shinto League is strong, it is not necessarily the same among the various ethnic groups and forces.

There are reservations between each other, each with a small abacus.

"Oh, anyway, your Protoss is the strongest. This Shinto League is also the gathering of your Protoss. You should do more in this war." The corpse emperor, screaming coldly.

Su Qianxing said in a round field: "This is a matter of mention. Anyway, these little people can't really make any decisions. Even if the cold brother wants to call more protoss power, I am afraid that everyone will get the consent of the emperor. It's all the same."

The resistance to differences still stems from the fact that Tian Tianzong is too difficult.

With the power in the hands of the present emperor, I feel that it is difficult to break the ninth ruling circle. Continue to fight, fearing that the loss will become bigger and bigger, and the fall of every Wudi will be distressing.

"My sect of the sect is so strong that even the other side of the ninth squad is broken, and the celestial celestial beings will be destroyed. How can you, but the more you fight, the less confident you are."

At this time, a clear voice sounded outside the room, and there was no shortage of Tianyouxi. The three holy sons and the imprisonment and Xie Zixuan strode in.

Its radiance shines, the face is full of smiles, and between the eyebrows, full of confidence.

"See the Son of God."

Inside the house, many great emperors quickly got up and said.

"You don't need to be extra rites, I come, come with the lord, and the deputies of the deputy ally. The big decisive battle will soon come, no matter how stubborn, how to resist, will not escape the end."

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