Immortal and Martial Dual Cultivation

Vol 3 Chapter 1541: Invisible crack

The deliberation in Spark City is somewhat boring, because most of them do not provide any substantive suggestions, and little is known about the Shinto League.

However, in today's World War I, the Supreme Supreme, won the punishment of the corpse of God, so that everyone's morale is relatively high.

In addition, Xiao Chen killed three Wudi two days, and the party was still optimistic about holding the ninth heavy array.

Xiao Chen looks calm, can't afford to wave, just listen quietly, rarely talk.

He is different from everyone else. The current Shinto League has not really made a force. The situation is not optimistic, and even a bit pessimistic.

"Xiao Chen, what do you think, talk about it, don't need to keep silent."

Fang Baiyu, who was sitting in the middle, smiled and pointed to Xiao Chen.

Named by the deputy lord in public, Xiao Chen has some words in his heart and wants to say, organized a language and said: "In these two days, although the battles of the various nodes are fierce, I feel that the sect of the sect is far from exerting force. Prepare for the retreat, otherwise you may be caught off guard and lose a few positions."

When this statement came out, it immediately caused an uproar and talked endlessly.

"Qinglong Wang, you said that it is not a long time for their ambition. This time of fighting, we are keeping the thrills, but no node has been broken. The loss of Shinto League is more than three times that of ours, said It’s not a big loss.”

"Yes, not to mention the fact that the Yaozu colleagues have also arrived, it is not even more solid."

"Qinglong Wang, too self-efetent."

"Now, there are only nine positions left. If you withdraw one weight, you will lose one. After the final big battle, the Supreme and the Great will be very passive."

"Yes, can't retire."

There are many different opinions, but most of them are shaking their heads and disapproving of Xiao Chen’s views.

Xiaobai blinked his eyes and said: "Everyone should not rush to deny. Listen to Xiao Chen’s brother, and Xiao Chen’s brother must have other ideas."

Fang Baiyu’s view on Xiao Chen is also quite surprising. Although he guessed that the Shinto League had a big move, he never thought about retreating because there is no capital to withdraw.

At the moment, he and the left and right looked at each other and smiled and said: "Xiao Chen's younger brother, now at the height of the war, can't say this sullen. Today's discussion is here, and you will go back and hope to hold their respective nodes. As long as the nodes are not broken, even if the Shinto League is stronger, it will be dragged down by us."

Xiaobai heard the words, immediately anxious, want to speak, but was stopped by the next Kong Yuan and Yuan Zhen.

Xiao Chen’s heart burst into laughter and he did not give him a chance to speak.

However, he also understands Fang Baiyu's approach. At this juncture, he said that the retreat has a great impact on morale. Now everyone has a sigh of relief. If it is actively retreating, once the gas is dispersed, the consequences will be extremely serious.

Therefore, there is no debate about anything.

With the heads of the various nodes, calmly out of the hall, the face did not reveal too much.

"Xiao Chen, younger brother, wait a minute."

The master sisters Shui Lingling and Xiao Bai and others chased it.

Xiao Chen stopped and said: "Master, what's the matter."

Shui Lingling sighed with a sigh of relief: "Don't be too concerned. Now the deputy lords are under great pressure. They are not deliberately not giving you the opportunity to speak."

Xiao Bai is obviously dissatisfied, whispered: "Xiao Chen's brother said that it is definitely right, Xiao Bai does not understand, why not give Xiao Chen brother the opportunity to finish."

Xiao Chen said seriously: "Master sister, you know what I said, just... don't say anything, I won't be angry with this thing, don't worry about me."

After I finished speaking, I looked at Xiao Baidao: "You don't have to blame me for this little girl. There is no absolute right or wrong in this world, but the angle is different."

On the side of An Junxi said: "In fact, I also agree with Xiao Chen's opinion, but now, there is not much retreat capital in Haotiancheng."

The master sister added: "The circle of law in the sky city, three for the whole, give up the ninth weight, the seventh and the eighth weight will have to follow the retreat. In other words, now only three times to retreat, it is really retired."

Xiao Chen nodded and said: "Don't worry, no matter what, I will do my duty and do my best to keep the Maple Lake this node. After the end of the war, we will find opportunities and gather together."

An Junxi smiled and said: "Well, we must live a word."

"White, will also work hard." Holding a fist, Xiaobai said seriously.

" Take care."

Xiao Chen arched his hand and said goodbye to everyone, rushing to Maple Lake.

Among the halls, the demon emperor Jiangchuan looked a bit heavy and tapped the desk: "This Xiaochen seems to have some people who don't understand, and there is no such thing as a young boy. The words are still not considered."

Wang Xu of the Thunderbolt Palace said: "At the crucial moment, it is a bit premature to say that you have to prepare for the retreat in public. Now some of the waters are difficult to accept, and the heads of those nodes should have moved their minds."

Fang Baiyu, who is sitting in the middle, seems a bit embarrassed. After all, Xiao Chen is still a man of his celestial beings. If you don't understand the rules, you will be dissatisfied, and you can't say anything.

The three big men, some time to Xiao Chen, are somewhat dissatisfied. Everything, just because of one sentence, unintentional words.

"Forget it, forget it, no matter what the other person's person in charge, what are the thoughts, let's take a little more. Young people, some still have some considerations, I have to apologize to the two."

Fang Baiyu arched.

Wang Xu and Jiang Chuan, they only had no choice but to accept it.

It’s just that in my heart, it’s inevitable that there are some whispers, and I’ve worked so hard to keep this star. Own people, but in public speaking, said that they should be ready to retreat at all times, completely ignoring their efforts these days.

Back in Maple Lake, Xiao Chen told the children about it.

The dust and the moon ice cloud are all slightly changed in face, some strange, and they look quite helpless.

The second woman is very thoughtful, how can she not understand, Xiao Chen made a big taboo. Some words, even if they are the truth, can't be said in public.

Fang Baiyu summoned the crowd, discussed countermeasures, and boosted morale. In this difficult time, let other node leaders do not have two hearts.

But Xiao Chen, but truthfully said something, the situation will naturally appear subtle.

Moss and relief: "Xiao Chen, don't think too much, this is a grievance. Remember, you can help Tian Tianzong's initial heart, and Tian Tianzong has the grace to do your best. ""

Moon Ice Cloud interface: "Xiao Chen, no matter what, we will support you next door."

Xiao Chen’s heart was warm, and he did not expect a small incident, which attracted so many people to worry about him.

He shook his head and smiled: "People are so sophisticated, I naturally understand that there are only some problems. I can clearly see them. But for some external factors, I don’t say anything, it doesn't match my heart. If something really happened, I It will be hard to settle down, and even if you say something wrong, you won’t feel anything uncomfortable."

He is such a man, if it is a small relationship, he will not say more than half a word even if he is thorough. He can be awkward, and he has too deep feelings for him. Even if he knows that he will not be accepted, he must say it.

The day after day, Xiao Chen’s words have not been verified.

The attack of the Shinto League, the firepower is not stopped, but the 昊天宗盟, which is still taking advantage of the law, does not have much to do. On the contrary, it will be miserable.

At other nodes, when the battle was not stopped, the maple lake where Xiao Chen was located was cleaned down.

Half a month later, I was hardly attacked, and I didn’t give Xiao Chen a chance. On the other side of Xinghuocheng, there was no intention to summon Xiao Chen’s past help. Xiao Chen, who had been preparing for a big show, was cleaned down.

This magnificent battle, which is a million miles away, seems to have nothing to do with him.

Xiao Chen didn't think much about it. The more he did, the more he felt that his guess was right. The heart, in this chaos, is more stable.

Day and night, the end of the day, perfecting the second move without the lack of knife, the dragon style!

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