Immortal and Martial Dual Cultivation

Vol 3 Chapter 1555: Emperor Road Struggle (3)

Among the cracks in the dark space, the breath that is revealed makes people feel a deep pressure.

Within the range of a few million miles from the entire Sparks City, everyone is as good as a man, and he does not dare to move. Even the imperial and Xiao Chen, who are walking on the emperor's road, feel a bit of pressure.

It’s just that the two are now innocent and distracted, and each of them is raging, one is fiercer than the other.

The emperor lacked a glimpse of his eyes and saw that Xiao Chen had just walked a few steps, and his heart was slightly settled. I can look up at my own nine-color emperor road. He just walked through the hundred steps and immediately gave birth to some desperate feelings.

Nine thousand steps, now even one-tenth have not arrived, it has already hurt so much.

In this legend, the highest standard of Emperor Road, can really finish?

No, I can't have any desperate heart. I have to finish this emperor road. This is the last chance for my emperor. The desperation of the imperial mind, only existed for a moment, disappeared without a trace.

His gaze has once again become firm and persistent. His persistence and desire for this emperor's road are lower than Xiao Chen.

Ten thousand blood steps, Xiao Chen has just started, this road is full of uncertain factors. Even after the end, I don’t know what will happen, but Xiao Chen’s mentality is better than the emperor.

There is no messy thought. There is only one goal in his heart, that is, to complete this **** road.

Whether it is a magic, or a road.

On the other side of the Tiancheng City, because of the mysterious power, Ying Zongtian, Wanfa demon king and other four great supremes gathered together, and the look between the eyebrows was extremely dignified.

"Is that beyond the supreme atmosphere?" Ying Zongtian said with some uncertainty.

The fox king frowned: "The Kunlun world cannot have the existence beyond the supreme, it is impossible, what is this!"

Yes, Ray King is strong, but it does not go beyond the Supreme.

Above the supreme, whether there will be a peak, this is not allowed, there is doubt. But the Kunlun world will not have a surpassing supreme existence, or surpass the supreme, it will never be able to stay in Kunlun, which is 100% certain.

The demeanor of Wanfa demon king has always been a little dignified, and sighed softly: "If, the existence of this is originally from Kunlun?"

In a word that awakened the dreamer, the other supreme suddenly thought that the Protoss was not originally a race in the Kunlun world. It came from the mysterious outer domain. It was only over a hundred thousand years. The original generation of the Protoss had already died. Can it be that the generation of the Protoss is still alive?

call out!

In the crack, a gaze was suddenly shot, and the four Supremes noticed at the same time that the subconscious would follow the gaze.

I saw a crack in the black and dark, faint, self-contained into a world. Above a golden sacred seat, a protoss old man with a crown and a majestic head.

Among the gaze, there is an extremely ancient and long-lasting atmosphere. It is only one at a glance that the old man in the throne is absolutely the existence of the living stone antique level.

Although the breath is strong, it can be four supreme, but it does not feel the life of this Protoss old man, as if it is only between life and death.

Between doubts, I saw the old man in the throne and waved the holy gago in his hand.


At the same time, the four Supreme felt a dangerous feeling. The figure flashed, and the distance of thousands of miles went straight into the sky and wanted to fly into the universe.

Since reaching the Supreme, the four have never had such a dangerous feeling, and they are extremely unbelievable.

How the Supreme moves, the outsiders can't even see the trajectory, and the four Supremes ran to the Scorpio.


Invisible, a huge golden palm, photographed from the stars. The four supreme, each spit out a blood, was directly photographed by the hard-boiled.

Such a scene is shocking.

Four of the supreme, while being photographed flying, these scenes, afraid that no one can imagine.

The corpse **** and the Dongyue ghost king were stunned. The Supreme is synonymous with invincibility in the Kunlun world. Today, four extremes were shot at the same time and were shot seriously.

Is this the Protoss card, it is a bit horrible.

call out!

Thousands of miles of the sky, in all directions, suddenly appeared a black lightning, roaring in unison, rushing toward the Protoss old man in the crack.

Abandoning the gods and gods face slightly changed, early expectations, and quickly stop summoning, cracks

Quickly close and close together.

But still a lot of black lightning, smashed into the crack before the cracks together.

This is the God's punishment for the fall of the heavens. The Kunlun community will never allow the existence of transcendence.

Hey, abandoning the Emperor of Heaven, there are several blood holes, and the blood is like a spring, and his face is pale.

"The speed of the criminal brother, the four of Ying Zongtian, have been seriously injured. You are enough to shake them, don't let them have any chance to counterattack!"

Abandoning the apocalypse of the gods, he said quickly and anxiously, obviously this time he paid a great price.

The corpse of the corpse did not care about the doubts in his heart. He listened to the anxiousness of his income, and on his toes, he caught up with the four supreme being shot.

"Abandon the Tianxiong, and then take it out again, directly cut off the emperor's road of Xiaochen!" Dongyue Ghost Emperor saw the strength of the Protoss old man and made suggestions.

Abandoning the Emperor of Heaven, he shook his head: "That is the body of my ancestor's ancestors, and the power of hundreds of millions of believers can barely leave a trace of soul to live. The power has already surpassed the supreme, and the heavens are not tolerant. I still can't bear the second. The thunder of the next day."

Dongyue Ghost Emperor noticed the injury of Tiantian and asked: "Is it okay?"

"No problem, all members of the Shinto League listened to the order, fighting hard, and destroying Xiao Chen on the road."

With one order, the entire Shinto League’s offensive, once again swiftly rushed over, and swarmed toward Xiaochen’s **** emperor road.

For a time, watching the day, it was dense, all the figures, all the warriors of the Shinto League, repaired regardless of the level, all rushed over.


Although the four supremes of the Tianzong side were not there, the 13th thieves of the Black Sea, the Tianfu Academy and other saints were there. They saw this scene and immediately stopped the tide-like warrior over the emperor's gate.

Moss, Moon Ice Cloud, An Junxi, Xiaobai and others, all of them are now vacated and join the team that blocks the Shinto League.

Under the cloud of millions of blood, suddenly launched the most expansive melee after the fall of the Qing Emperor.

That's right, it's really chaotic, and I give up the order of the Emperor. Let the entire Shinto squad, big and small, all participate in the war. The Tianzong side was defeated by all the members, and the number of people and the chaos of the scene were completely uncontrollable.

On the other hand, under the nine-colored thick clouds, the three holy masters each guarded one side, and the imperial winds were robbed, and they were completely unaffected by any interference.

The emperor lacked this scene, and above the emperor's road, he strengthened his confidence and cultivated a seemingly faint and breakthrough appearance.

Above the **** road, Xiao Chen is quite miserable. He not only has to face all kinds of wind tyrannical on the blood road, but also flashes some attacks by Shinto martial artists.

Every step is a tough one, but even so, he still walks step by step without any frustration.

The long-lost blood rain fell again, but this time the blood rain is the real blood rain.

Along with the **** rain, there are countless bodies that fall from the air on both sides of the **** emperor road. There is a sacred alliance, and there is also a scorpion of Tianzong, this battle is extremely fierce.

On the other side, the corpse of the corpse is an enemy of four, and it is as if the **** of heaven was abandoned.

The corpse of the corpse is dominant, and it is very fast, and the laughter is not limited. It is completely pressed against the four supreme hits. Ying Zongtian four people, the heart of the grievances, but the hand of God that day, the heart of their emperor has been broken, it is not hurt.

Under the blood cloud, the battle was fierce. Although the number of the Tianzong side was small, there was no supreme existence.

There are the 13 thieves of the Black Sea, and the existence of many heavenly sea lords, but they barely maintain a balance. Did not let the line collapse, leading to a large-scale attack, falling on the **** emperor road.

But this balance will soon be broken, because the Dongyue ghost emperor beside the **** of the gods will be shot.

Looking at the air, the falling body, and the essence of the emperor after the death of Emperor Wu. Abandoning the Emperor of Heaven also sighed a little, whispered: "It’s time to end it all."

"Void red sword!"

"The Emperor's knife!"

At this most dangerous moment, the distant Scorpio flew a knife and a sword. Piercing the Scorpio, wherever he passed, he penetrated the bodies of countless Shinto sects and flew over to the gods.

"Swords and Doubles!"

Abandoning the look of the gods, he was shocked and took his current situation. At the same time, facing the two super-swords, it is really not good, Dongyue ghosts must be helped.

Can the ghost king shoot?

Even if it is the same front, there is no bottom in the hearts of the gods. After all, this is a rare opportunity for him to fall.

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