Immortal and Martial Dual Cultivation

Vol 3 Chapter 1556: Emperor Road Cry

Summing the protoss of the Protoss, causing the abandonment of the Emperor of Heaven to be attacked by the thunder of heaven and heaven, and seeing that the hole in his chest has not been closed, he knows that there are multiple injuries.

The supreme body, even if it is not specialized in the flesh, is already incredibly strong.

Ordinary injuries, between the moments, can be restored as ever. It has not recovered yet, and it is obviously extremely serious. The timing of the sword and the king's shot is very accurate.

Abandoning the Emperor of Heaven has been unable to avoid, the attack of these two super-swords, hard to stop. Even if you are lucky, you will not fall, fearing that you will lose the power of a war and fall into an extremely dangerous situation.

At the beginning of the millennium, Dongyue Ghost Emperor stood up and stopped in front of the abandoning gods, and caught the sword for him.


In the huge roar, the space is distorted and refracted, and there are strange cracks in the road, and some people around it will fly out.

The Dongyue ghost emperor who caught this sword and sword, although one step did not retreat, but the corner of his mouth was overflowing with a trace of blood stains, and the injury was not light.

The Akasaka sword and the sword of the years quickly bounced back, and the two figures crossed from the horizon, catching up with the situation and breaking into the back of the sky with thick clouds.

For the first time, there were outsiders who had reached the place where the nine colors were covered with clouds. Although the melee was fierce and violent, they were all carried out under a cloud of millions.

The three saints who did not lack the protection of the law for the emperor, after a glance, did not move, because the swords and kings, not looking for the emperor.

Instead, it directly kills the rear, and the goal is to abandon the Emperor.

The knife king Xiao Xiaotian, the sword king Liu Yuyun, the most king of the Kunlun world is the closest to the supreme king. The two joined forces, and the super-swords in their hands were enough to suppress a supreme.

The emergence of the two, let the situation on the scene, once again into a state of balance.

Also let outside the Spark City, many neutral Wudi, as well as watching the lively warriors, feel a little nervous.

"The swords and the kings are coming. The two men are robbing, really attracting the attention of the whole world!"

"Kunlun, the big guy who didn't come, I'm afraid it's already a handful."

"I don't know who will be able to rob the success first."

Still calm speech, Yan Xiaotian and Liu Yuyun, each holding a super-spirit, directed at Dongyue ghosts and abandoning the gods.

Ghost King coldly said: "Don't you bother? Do you dare to shoot at this time, really not afraid of our accounts after the fall."

Liu Yuyun calmly said: "Ghost Emperor, I have no other meaning, just want to force the abandonment of the Emperor of Heaven, stop here. Continue, the loss is ultimately the entire Kunlun world, so that the Devil's Devil is in vain."

Xiao Xiaotian said: "Don't forget the Battle of the Hundreds of People 100,000 years ago, and let the Kunlun world directly decline from the peak of the martial arts to the present."

Dongyue Ghost Emperor said: "Foolish, because it is necessary to fight against the Abyss of the Abyss, so it is necessary to integrate all the forces, the purpose of establishing the Shinto League is the same. The Tianzong is the first step in the integration of Kunlun. The two are really stunned, and they are so eager to call the swords and kings!"

"For two hours for me, I personally tried to suppress the two guys who didn't know how to live."

Abandoning the cold voice of the Emperor, from the rear, the voice fell, and the body suddenly burst out of black lightning.

Leiguang explodes in the distant sky and blows out a huge hole in the sound of the scorpion. This is the beginning of serious healing, and it is necessary to force the heavenly sacred gods.

Sitting cross-legged, behind the faint, there is a small world after another. In every small world, there are countless believers who pray in the temple.

At this moment, hundreds of lower territories mastered by the Protoss, as well as temples throughout the Kunlun world, began to infuse the power of the gods to abandon the gods.

Under the King of Lei, the strongest supreme, once the gods of the gods are serious, no matter who they are, they have to tremble.


Swords and double kings, only one look, they immediately reached a tacit understanding. It is absolutely impossible to let the gods and gods succeed, and it is a great opportunity to stop it.

The swords joined forces and quickly fought against the Dongyue Ghosts.

Dongyue Ghost Emperor took an enemy two, facing the attack of two people storms, and suddenly became pressured.

With the Dongyue Ghost Emperor and the Abandoned Emperor, they were also dragged into the battlefield. The entire Sparks City was completely chaotic, and no one could be alone.

Above the **** road, Xiao Chen walked hard all the way, and unconsciously had already walked a thousand steps. Ten thousand steps, there are still nine thousand roads, it seems to be long-distance.

When a thousand steps were completely taken, there was a warm current in the blood marrow of Xiao Chen, and the heat was very comfortable.

Invisible, Xiao Chen feels his body, changed by the blood of this foot.

A lot of good. Pneumatic surge, five fingers gently grip, joint bones, Peng Peng rang, dragons and more.

The mobilization of strength is easier than before, and it has not yet used all its strength, which has led to the power of Bailong.

“Does every step I take, my body will improve, and after a thousand steps, I will complete an accumulation?”

The heart secretly indulged, and Xiao Chen went to see this **** road, showing a hint of excitement in his eyes.

There are also nine thousand steps, that is, there are nine opportunities for transformation. After nine changes, when I pushed the emperor's door and reshaped the golden body, the strength did not know where it would skyrocket.

As soon as I read this, Xiao Chen’s fighting spirit has become stronger, and he has become the emperor and the emperor.

At the same time, after the completion of the 1,500-step emperor, I also felt the benefits of this nine-color emperor road.

He had a colorful brilliance overflowing all over the body, and he punched it out with all his might, and even directly shocked a wind tyrannical.

"It's so powerful, the body actually has undergone a transformation. This nine-color road has the same benefits. My body has always been my weakness. After finishing this road, I can fully compete with Xiao Chen's body. ”

The emperor is full of joy, and the rest of the emperor's road can also give him five chances of transformation.

He looked up and looked at the door of the emperor, and his eyes flashed a killing. Whether it is for himself or the goddess who died, he must go up and push the door of the emperor.

Jiu Cai Di Road, this is God is looking after me, only to finish, I will be able to kill Xiao Chen!


In the sky, thunder came out one after another, and the thunder of the gods was forced to go out from the body of the gods.

Dongyue Ghost Emperor was joined by the sword and the double king. The suppression has been extremely miserable, and there are many knife wounds on the body.

But Xiao Xiaotian and Liu Yuyun, but they can't laugh out, because it is getting better and better because they abandon the face of the Emperor. The light of the body has been condensed into a light column, and it has rushed into the sky, and the sacred power of the gods has caused the wind to surge and the vision to continue.

Boom, the last **** of the gods, and finally was abandoned by the Emperor of Heaven.

"The great handprint of the gods, die!"

Already holding a breath of abandoning the Emperor of Heaven, he suddenly got up and put his hands on his hands.

Infinite spiritual power permeates. The gaze is condensed, and the powerful mental power is turned into countless swords that shimmer with the light of the gods, just like the essence, and the swords and the kings are locked.


The space was suddenly smashed out of numerous holes, and the swords and kings waved the super-spirits, constantly resisting, and there was a burst of sound.

The sound waves are far away. Outside the Sparks, many rolling hills are directly smashed under the shock of this sound wave.

It is just the power of the sound waves that are emitted. It can be seen that this contains the spiritual power of the gods, and the power is strong.


Taking advantage of the two men's defense, the gods of the gods and the Dongyue ghosts were shot together, each with a palm, and they were photographed on the two.

The two vomited blood and flew, the body was suddenly attacked by the gods, and the thorns were bruised.

Two supreme, standing side by side, coldly watching Wu Xiaotian and Liu Yunyun.

"With the supreme fighting, even if there are super **** soldiers, you are far worse."

Abandoning the Emperor of Heaven, he taunted that the two tens of thousands of temples used the power of faith, and finally restored his injury to seven seven eight eight.

"I am going to kill Xiao Chen, these two people have trouble to abandon the brothers."

Dongyue Ghost Emperor said.

"No, Xiao Chen, I personally came to strangle, this time I have to be sure that nothing is wrong, and I will cut off his emperor's road."

Abandoning the gods in the eyes of the gods, he has lost a bit of decisiveness. He has already lost his patience. Today, he should be the four most supreme of Zong Tian, ​​and he is being embarrassed by the punishment of the corpse.

The Sword and the Sword King were hit hard, and the Dongyue Ghost Emperor was able to cope with it. Looking at it, no one could block his determination to launch Xiao Chen.

At this time, Xiao Chen, after thousands of hardships, walked through 3,000 steps and began to experience the fire robbery.

In the thick flames of fire, he has walked quite reluctantly, and he has to face many Wudi's shots, which is undoubtedly fueling the fire.

But now the greater danger has come, a supremely supreme, will be shot to him, to personally shoot him to death on the road.

Taking another step, Xiao Chen, who was too late to relax, suddenly felt a very unpleasant instinct.

The heart sinks, looks up, and is a giant giant, smashing the sky and pointing to him.


Xiao Chen slashed his sword and fought hard to resist. But the power gap was too big, although it was blocked, it blocked the finger.

The heel is unstable, and it goes straight down. On the **** road of the flame burning, it slams down.

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