Immortal and Martial Dual Cultivation

Vol 3 Chapter 1557: The death of Xiao Chen

Xiao Chen’s body has experienced four transformations, and now he has once again faced the stalwart of the gods who have abandoned the gods.

A blow to this, it is not so bad, but the impact is too great, the body is on the **** emperor road full of flames, rolling all the way.

The flames burned, the pain of various injuries, all came together, so that Xiao Chen did not want to live, his teeth were tight, and he tried not to let his voice come out.


Moon Shadow Knife slammed on the emperor's road, and Xiao Chen, who quickly fell, stopped his body shape.

As if there is a hunch, Xiao Chen’s body suddenly moved to the left, and the forefoot just left for a moment. Seeing the Giants of the Sky, once again, just stopped at the location where Xiao Chen was originally located.

The giant finger fell and produced a powerful shock wave, but the entire emperor road did not move, and there was no tremor.

"Hide away?"

Abandoning the Emperor of Heaven, he was surprised to say that he had sacrificed a lot of damage to ensure absolute speed.

Xiao Chen, actually can still avoid.

In fact, Xiao Chen has no way of seeing the trajectory of the opponent's shot, and is completely hiding with intuition.

In the blazing flame, Xiao Chen opened the Taiji knife field and displayed the fish dragon step.

The figure was flashing, and I continued to walk forward step by step, without any sigh of relief. There is only one conviction in his heart, and no matter how bad the external situation is, he cannot abandon hope.

Between breathing, he came back again, the steps that he had reached before falling.

Looking up, these 10,000 steps have passed more than a third. If there is no external interference, in fact, this will already be able to go very far.

Lifting his feet, Xiao Chen dragged his body, decisively stepped down to the next step, above the **** steps, at the moment he opened his foot.

Immediately ignited the infinite flame, and in the flame, three fierce fire spirits emerged.

These fire spirits have the strength of the Emperor Wu, and there is no entity, which is extremely difficult.

Xiao Chen once again resisted the burning of the flames, while fighting with the three fire spirits, but also to improve the spirit, pay attention to the stalwart giants who always drop the gods at any time.

Physical strength, huge consumption, makes him exhausted.


Knife swearing, it is hard to kill the three heads of fire, Xiao Chen just want to step into the next step.


The Optimus giant finger fell again, and Xiao Chen frowned and was forced to retreat three steps.


Abandoning the Emperor of Heaven, this time, the continuous non-stop shot, will be forced to retreat five hundred steps.

For a time, Xiao Chen entered and retreated, and the pace of difficulty, the speed of the emperor's road, completely slowed down.

"Rely, it is too shameless, and the deity, actually used such means to deal with a younger generation."

"But you have to admit that this means is brilliant, and you don't have to worry about being too close. You can use Xiao Chen's wind and fire to smother it, and you can use Xiao Chen to easily kill Xiao Chen live in this road. Above."

"Yeah, the physical strength of people is not unlimited. Xiao Chen is under such high pressure, and his mental and physical conditions are likely to collapse at any time."

On the **** emperor's road, Xiao Chen's simple movements, in fact, are under tremendous pressure all the time.

On the outskirts of Xinghuo City, many of the warriors who watched it made a lot of remarks and felt sorry for Xiao Chen. For his hardship, it is like feeling empathy, shaking his head and sighing.

When I was in the dust, I was paying attention to Xiao Chen’s robbery. I got this scene, and some of them were ignorant.


The crisp sound sounded, but before the moon ice cloud flew, the cross sword blocked her for a knife.

"Don't be distracted. What we can do now is to help him kill some of the sects of the martial arts. If you disappear, it will only make him feel confused."

Holding the wind and shadow sword of the moon ice cloud, between the eyebrows, Jinyun make up, but still open to the stranger.

In the scuffle, it is true that there is no distraction, and the dust nodded and thanked, no longer to see.

The worry in my heart is still unavoidable.

Abandoning the gods on the face of the Emperor, there is a smile of calmness. He is not in a hurry now. All the rhythms are in the middle of mastery, and they are always the best.

As long as this is dragged down, and in a half-time, Xiao Chen will inevitably be burned alive on the road of Emperor.

No matter how strong the will, the flesh and blood, after all, is not cast from steel.

Who can stop the gods?

Ying Zongtian, Wanfa demon king, Zhou Tianxing, and the spirit fox king once again attacked and wanted to break through the blockade of the corpse.

However, the protoss ancestors, beyond the peak of the existence of the Supreme, really hurt them too much.

Even if they work together, they are not in good condition.

The sentence of the criminal day won the scene above the blood road, calmly smiled: "Four, or let go of it, in this fight, your original cultivation can be affected."

There was a crack in the heart of the Emperor, and it was supposed to be repaired immediately. The four people who had been fighting all the time did not stop.

In this way, the cracks in the heart of the Emperor will only grow bigger and bigger, and the last one will be out of control.

Zhou Tianxing’s main eyes flashed, and the jewel-like eyes of the stars appeared a little hesitant.

"What to do, Xiao Chen can't hold it anymore."

Zhou Tianxing’s main anxious counterpart Zong Tian said: “I’m thinking of a way. Before Le Wang left, didn’t you give me any cards?”

Ying Zongtian looks complicated, Shen Shen said: "There is a gift, but it can't be used now, not yet."

He was hesitant in his heart. Do you want to use the cards left by the King of Thunder now, but the King of Thunder is so numerous that it is impossible to use the cards at the last minute.

Wanfa demon king faintly said: "Can't use it, then don't use it, success or failure, defeat or not, everything is self-sufficient, I will try my best."

"Yes, the junior Xiao Chen did not give up, and we can't give up. You can't be crazy when you are in prison."

The spirit fox king was infected by the spirit of Xiao Chen, and sighed softly, and directly showed his own body.

A nine-tailed fox with a jasper jasper exudes a sullen, blood-red gaze, and looks cold and screams at the corpse.

Zhou Tianxing was hesitating for a moment and finally made up his mind to continue fighting. They have already made such a large amount of money, and now they give up, he is really reluctant.

In the palm of your hand, a picture of a comet slowly floats out.

Ying Zongtian waved a trick, a radiant sword, appeared in his palm.

The face of the sentence was slightly changed, and the dignified road said: "It seems that you are going to play really, then I will not be merciful."

After that, a black axe appeared in his hand.


In the sky, the vision of this place has undergone amazing changes. Shen Yun is scattered, rolling and moving, looking up, starry sun and moon.

The sword and the double king who are fighting with the Dongyue Ghost Emperor won this scene and looked at each other and said: "We also do our best!"

As soon as the phrase falls, the Void Sword and the Sword of the Year meet, and the powerful knives and sword fields are directly merged to form a unique sword comprehension.

"Damn, do you think I am afraid?"

Dongyue ghost emperor, his face sank, Zhang mouth spit out a ghost bead. I saw a few transparent ghosts floating in the beads, exuding terrible grievances and anger.


This is the Wanshenzhu, imprisoning the souls of tens of thousands of powerful people. When the mind is moving, you can gather together and form a body that is similar to your own cultivation.

It is the absolute card of the Dongyue Ghost Emperor. It is absolutely impossible to use it.

"Put it, throw away the gods and deceive people too much!"

The Tianzong side of the melee under the blood cloud, the situation of Xiao Chen, was also red-eyed at this moment, and some fell into madness.

Even the gentle white character, at this moment, is also filled with tears, murderous, terrible.

This cruel melee, all of a sudden, has become more intense.

Bloody, **** rain, the next more violent.

"Is it useful? In the face of absolute strength, no matter how unwilling you are, you have to endure the end of the demise, die!"

Abandoning the gods and ruthlessly, he shook his fingers and suddenly made all efforts.

For a time, Shenwei was soaring, he calculated that Xiao Chen was unable to pick up this finger.

Exhausted Xiao Chen, a flash of despair in his eyes, this finger, he has no way to avoid.


Xiao Chen was blasted out, his body was broken like a glass, and the breath of life quickly disappeared.

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