Immortal and Martial Dual Cultivation

Vol 3 Chapter 1558: Endless

Are you going to die?

At this moment, Xiao Chen did not feel any pain, could not hear any sound, and the picture in front of him turned black and white.

He saw it, the tears in the dusty eyes, the moon ice cloud was crying, and Xiaobai was rushing over here. There are also Fang Baiyu, An Junxi, Ye Chen and other friends and elders who fought for him, and their faces have an incredible expression.

All along, Xiao Chen has been transported by the atmosphere, and after many disasters, he has survived to this day.

But this time, in the face of the abandonment of the Emperor's shot, Xiao Chen above the emperor's road, even if there is a big gas, can not successfully escape.

This road is too difficult, from the Cangjie to Kunlun. From the obscurity of the Tianzong disciples, the name of the white knives was once again revealed, and then to the well-known Qinglongwang, Xiao Chen was really tired.

I still remember that when I first came to Kunlun, I was a nameless pawn.

Tianwu domain seven giants are high, a white snow-free, let him feel pressure. I also remember that in the Kunlun Mountain Tianlu Shenchi, when the first appearance of the Emperor was indispensable, the other side was arrogant and powerful.

There are too many past events, and they are vividly in sight. Before this moment, the time passed was particularly slow.

All kinds of pictures, one by one, there is a beloved woman Liu Ruyue, the most beautiful confidant, there is a relationship and good father Xiao Xiong.

Unwilling, really not reconciled, fell in this last step, died on the road of the emperor.

Looking at the **** paved road of the emperor, looking at the door of the emperor who is not too far away, there are too many unwillingness to gather in my heart.

Cry and laugh.

On the side of the Shinto League, with the power of life, Xiao Chen, who is dying. The face showed ecstasy, won, and Xiao Chen died, and the Tianzong side must be imposing, and there is no fighting spirit.

There is no reason for him, and he has lost the goal of struggle. Who can fight with a belief.

Xiao Chen, before his death, looked at everything in his eyes. He had been calm and indifferent. At this moment, he was excited.

Do you still remember the dreams of the past, whether you still remember the promises made by Qingyunfeng.

Want to give up?

Do not!

Never, Dengtian Road, the Gate of the Emperor, my generation of blood will last forever, to endlessly!

The fading radiance buried in the bottom of my heart, spread in the body, the blood that never goes out. At this moment, the explosion broke out, and Xiao Chen couldn't make a sound, but he proved his determination with action.

The moonshadow slammed into the **** emperor road and stopped the falling body.

His body, like glassware, is broken, flesh and blood, like a piece of debris, and then weathered with the flame.

The vitality of the body, a little disappear, no matter where you look, this is a mortal person.

It is such a state, Xiao Chen dragged his body and continued to walk toward the front of the **** emperor road.

Abandoning the Emperor of Heaven to hesitate for a moment, and finally he still stopped, he has not fallen to the point of a dead man.

The consciousness is getting more and more blurred, and the picture is getting more and more awkward. After a while, on the remnant, all the life of Xiao Chen disappears.

With a splash, Xiao Chen’s body crashed down and landed on the **** road of burning flames.

"Do not!"

Dust, moon ice cloud and other women, emotional out of control, shouted.

One can't help but rush to the emperor's road, but before they are close, they are flew out by an invisible force.

Bloody Emperor Road, this is a place where the gods can not be close, how can other people smash the past.

Dead, Xiao Chen is completely dead...

Under the blood cloud, the fierce melee, paused. Everyone looked at the road of the emperor and looked at the body above the emperor's road. His eyes were complex.

Even the opponents and enemies of Qinglong Wang have to admire, Xiao Chen is indeed a man.

He was so arrogant that he was so horrified that he could be seen in the world. It’s too hard for this **** emperor.

The death of Qinglongwang marks the end of an era, a legendary ending.

The arrogant leader of Xiao Chen, who has been pressed for a long time by Xiao Chen, is afraid to be able to breathe a sigh of relief and not face this terrible peer figure.

"It’s a pity that Qinglong Wang is actually so dead."

"Abandoning the Emperor of Heaven to personally take the shot, and it is an unprecedented **** emperor road, it is difficult to die!"

"A living legend has ended, and the Qinglong King is only a passing star in this era."

The sighs, successive ups and downs.


On the top of Jiu Caidi Road, the emperor lacked a sudden brilliance, and his breath suddenly rose several times. He actually was on the emperor's road, completed the epiphany, and the strength broke out again.

Such a change is really surprising. On the road of the emperor, facing the pressure of the fire, the emperor can still be enlightened.

"It was the air transport, the Qinglong King died, and the atmosphere was transported to his head."

"Yes, only this explanation, his gas is coming, it belongs to the era of imperialism, afraid that it is about to begin."

"It’s really time to run, and it’s flying into the sky. This is the nine-colored emperor road, and the emperor has no fear that he can finish it.”

"Forcibly robbing, attracting the nine-color road, the emperor has no gambling right!"

Seeing the situation of the imperial body, many warriors, first of all, glimpsed the reason.

Above the nine-color emperor road, the emperor lacks calm and incomparable, suppressing the joy in the center. The shackles on his body were swept away, and between the eyebrows, they became soaring.

"Did you die? You can rest assured that my emperor will not let you be alone, the person you are interested in, waiting for me to finish this emperor road, will kill one by one!"

The death of Tian Youxi made his hatred of Xiao Chen reach an extreme.

Even if it is dead, this flame of hatred can't be extinguished in the heart.

Under the blood cloud, Xie Zixuan was sentenced, and there were three sons and other people, and a smile appeared on his face. Xiahou never looked at An Junxi, who was fighting with him: "An Junxi, I don't want to roll it at once. If the Son of God goes through the emperor's road, you will die."

Dust, moon ice cloud, An Junxi and others, look sad, heart grief, hands can not help but tremble slightly.

Dongyue Ghost Emperor, a faint smile: "Yiao Xiaotian, Ying Zongtian, you still have to continue to fight!"

Sword and Sword King, watching the fall of Xiao Chen, as well as the spirit of the emperor, there is no shortage, in deep silence.

On the other side, Ying Zongtian four people, but also a loss of God, look very painful.

The corpse of the corpse was closed and whispered: "Let's go, you wait for the supreme position, the status is transcendent. Xiao Chen is dead, the Emperor, will not go to embarrass you."

On the other side of the Tianzong side, from the world to the world, to the strangers, and without exception, all received the deportation order of the Shinto League.


At this time, the abnormal changes suddenly occurred, above the blood color road. A white figure, slammed up, moved his legs and continued to walk forward step by step.

It is Xiao Chen!

But now Xiao Chen is just a corpse, completely without the breath of life.

With a will, he continued to support him after his death and continued to walk toward this emperor. Without a step, the body of Xiao Chen will be in the flame, weathering part.

Step by step, the weathered body exudes a beautiful flame than the fireworks.

Dengtian Road, the Gate of the Emperor, my generation will never die!

To the end of the dead, the dead Xiao Chen, these four words, the interpretation of the best.

This scene shocked everyone, no one, and was able to say a word at this time.

Sloshing, the moon shadow knife fell on the emperor road, making a crisp sound, but the body of Xiao Chen completely disappeared.

The voice, the endless stream, resounded in all directions.

Ying Zongtian suddenly laughed at the sky: "It’s ridiculous, I am supreme, but I can’t protect a younger generation, Lei Wang, I am sorry for you.”

His laughter, some bleak, long hair flying between, Ying Zongtian in the hands of the sword, fierce forward pointing: "Hey, I want to let me close, you dream. Let me swear by Zong Tian, ​​even go If you die, you will also turn the sect of the sect to him."

The corpse god, the heart of God, could not help but take a step back. He saw a trace of madness in the eyes of Ying Zongtian, a sharp and deadly edge.

"Xiahou, I will tell you the answer now, I want to stop at An Junxi, it is impossible!"

"A junior has a bones of death, my sword and the king, what fear!"

Unexpectedly, the death of Xiao Chen not only did not make the Tian Tianzong party lose morale, but instead brewed a bigger storm.

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