Immortal and Martial Dual Cultivation

Vol 3 Chapter 1562: Lei Wangdi

Looking at the emperor's lack of teeth and teeth, Xiao Chen shook his head slightly, this person is too self-contained.

It seems that everything must be his, but in the world, as long as you work hard, everyone has a chance. Everyone in front of the opportunity is fair.

Not because you are a god, you think it is yours, you must be yours.

Too many things, Xiao Chen is just taking his own path, not deliberately thinking about who to target.

The death of the goddess is not what he intends to do.

However, Xiao Chen does not regret it. Even if he is given another chance, his decision will be exactly the same as before.

Looking back, Xiao Chen was not going to see him and began to walk on his own road.

"You want to finish this emperor's road? No doors!"

The emperor flew directly without any anger, and he was amazingly fast. In the air, leaving a trace of the afterimage, between the afterimages, the space cracked a gap.

Near the emperor's road, the country behind it emerged, and Xiao Chenxi, who was under the red light, slammed out.

Between the heavens and the earth, there is a wonderful sound of praise, and the emperor lacks a body that shrouds thousands of gods and shines.


The blood-colored beam of light, a trace of waves, Xiao Chen's footsteps paused a little. It was not because the emperor did not lack this punch, but stopped, but Xiao Chen discovered something else.

At his feet, there was a round of Buddha's refining and lightening, which was extinguished, reflecting the **** aperture and flashing.

The blood-colored beam of light, all of which can block the imperialism of the imperialism, can not be separated from this Buddha's lotus print.

Lift your feet and take a step forward. The lotus light and shadow at your feet will move with you, always at the foot of Xiao Chen.

Hey, a step went out, and there was an infinite flame, coming towards Xiao Chen.

The fire robbery is fierce, and the momentum is endless. It can be shrouded in the darkness of the blood-colored column. I haven’t done anything to deal with, and the flames from the pavement are divided into blood-colored columns.

Two halves, and Xiao Chen is unharmed.

"What is going on here, on the road of the emperor, can someone actually intervene to protect the law?"

These situations are unheard of and unseen.

It is necessary to know that the gods who abandoned the gods could not help the imperialism and resist the fire, but Xiao Chen is now obviously having external forces to help him.

Then it can only be said that the people who help Xiao Chen are far more powerful than the gods.

In the heart of Xiao Chen’s heart, is it the hand of the big Buddha?

If it is, everything is well explained. The big self-confidence Buddha is the existence of the beautiful celestial celestial being. The Cangwu Xianjun is the first of the three thousand immortals. During the immortal era, the immortal can survive to the last one. The strength is unfathomable.

Even if it is abandoning the Emperor, there is the Protoss ancestor, in front of him, afraid that it can be killed by the fingers.

"No, you must not let him rob the success! Penalty, Dongyue, you join me and directly smash the door of his emperor."

Abandoning the Emperor of Heaven at this moment, completely unable to maintain calm, he felt a trace of fear for the first time in his heart.

Dongyue Ghost Emperor and the corpse god, apparently felt the terrible nature of the matter, his face was dignified, and several flashes flew over the door of the Emperor.

It is hard to say whether a supreme can smash the emperor's door. It is not possible to have a combination of the three great supremes.

"Is the big disaster that Lei Wang said, is it now?"

Ying Zongtian thought everything and whispered to himself.

It’s too crazy to smash the emperor’s door, this crazy thing. Even if it was really shattered, the shock wave from the explosion of the Imperial Gate was enough to cause serious injuries to the three people.

This is really to destroy the Xiaochen robbery, completely desperate.

When the time is not allowed, Ying Zongtian’s hand has one more token, the front of the **** of Wushen, and the back is a golden light.

“Is this a martial arts order?” asked the other three supremes.

The martial arts order, the inheritance token of the martial arts palace, as long as it has the martial arts command, it will be the palace of the martial arts palace. It is because of this token that the Sansheng Lord is not satisfied with it.

The four men are now injured, and they can't stop the abandonment of the three gods of the Emperor. They only use the cards left by the King of Lei.

Ying Zongtian secretly concealed himself: "The Wushen Order was cast by the first master of the Wushen Palace. Using this order, you can summon the avatars that remain in the order."

"How strong strength can a avatar be, can it be blocked by a avatar?

Three supreme? Zhou Tianxing said, frowning.

Above the Scorpio, the three Supreme Powers are getting stronger and stronger, and various visions are constantly appearing. Abandoning the Emperor of Heaven is even rare to see, and there is a more sacred geek in the hand, and there is a circle of gods behind the circle. Between the rotation of the gods, one small world after another has emerged, and countless believers have contributed a steady stream of faith to him.

On the bare side of the corpse of the corpse, there is a dragon pattern, just like alive, and constantly swim. His body, incarnate as a vast ocean, a dragon, swimming freely.

The soul of the soul of Dongyue Ghost Emperor, directly into the eyebrows, his eyes are derived from a Shura hell, countless ghosts and evil spirits, endless!

Seeing the three great supremes will send out the strongest blow. For this martial arts order, Zhou Tianxing does not report any hopes. He has begun to regret some now.

The peak of the Protoss ancestors was so powerful that it was incredible, and it really made people think that they could overcome.

Fortunately, the ancestors will never appear in a short period of time. The abandonment of the Emperor of Heaven clearly does not dare to bear the consequences of the punishment of Heaven and God. Otherwise, he will turn away when he turns around.

Wanfa demon king is laughing: "The original card left by Lei Wang is this. If it can really summon the martial arts of the first lord of the martial arts, even if only the strength of the body is 10%, the three supremes are not afraid. ”

"how to say?"

"That is a myth, you will see it soon." Wanfa demon king did not say much.

Ying Zongtian will hand the martial arts command to the sky and throw it away.

The hands are quickly printed, and a light is shining on the martial arts. The martial arts command in the air began to spin up quickly, and the light became more and more prosperous.

Between the flashes, the light is shot, the ground is hit by the light, and there are huge pits that are extremely incomparable.

The blast of the blasting out of the air, rolling in and out, many of the thousands of warriors outside the Sparks City, were all affected, one by one, swept away by the waves.

Between the horror, many warriors panicked, and quickly retreated, scared face pale.

"Wu Shenling, Lei Wang actually gave the martial arts order to Ying Zongtian!"

"Damn, the old ghost of Lei Wang, my three holy places have been passed down for tens of thousands of years, why are you not willing to give it to us!"

The three saints won this scene and suddenly got up and his face was extremely ugly.

When the last handprint is completed, thousands of rays condense and a figure appears.

The man was holding a long knife, the light was too strong, and he could not see the appearance. All he could feel was an unruly arrogance.

The sky is like a wind, like the wind, the electricity drifts between the heavens and the earth, and travels through the clouds. Only by this knife, wherever it passes, the wind is not the wind, the cloud is not the cloud.

Between the heavens and the earth, the wind is gone, and only the proud and sturdy swords are pervading every corner of every corner.

Above the emperor's road, Xiao Chen was a knifeman and felt a shudder from the bottom of his heart.

The body shivered and couldn’t move directly.

No, I should have seen this person?

Xiao Chen snorted and his brows were wrinkled. Although the swordsman of the martial arts smashed out, he could only see a silhouette.

But Xiao Chen, but believe in myself, must have seen this place in person. Otherwise, this familiar feeling will not be so strong, so direct.

"Who is this, how can there be power beyond the Supreme."

Abandoning the Emperor of Heaven, some of the thorns of this light are not open, and the voice is slightly trembling.

It’s like a huge wave, and the three supreme feelings are a little difficult to talk.

"No... pipe...we have to break the emperor's door first, otherwise...the chance to shoot is not enough."

Dongyue Ghost Emperor bit his teeth and said with difficulty.

"There is no chance!"

Ying Zongtian said a faint sentence.

When the voice falls, you can see the mysterious light and shadow, pull out the knife and send out a slash of light.

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