Immortal and Martial Dual Cultivation

Vol 3 Chapter 1563: Rushing a crown, anger, blood, sky

The moment when the long knife is sheathed, the sky is underground, in all directions, and everything is in the shadow of the knife.

Between heaven and earth, it seems that there are endless knives, every angle, every orientation, omnipresent.

Abandoning the Emperor of Heaven, the corpse of the corpse, the ghost of the East, the three people have no way to dodge.

Their keen sense of the six, whether they are heard or printed in their minds, are all knives and knives.

The knife is turned into a bundle, and the knife is one after another, like a surf, like a rolling thunder.

With a bang, the first generation of the Palace of the Valkyrie, raising the hand, sent out the knife light will be the three most supreme, volley flying.

Hey, the three of them spit out a blood, and their faces were pale.

Abandoning the small world of the Kingdom of God behind the Emperor of Heaven, all the fragments, you can hear the screams of a believer, floating between the heavens and the earth.

Inscribed with a dragon pattern, the body turned into a sea ocean, as if hiding the corpse of countless dragons, leaving a terrible knife mark on the chest.

The knife marks will be like the ocean, and they will be split into two halves.

The Dongyue Ghost Emperor was even worse. He had a pair of eyes and almost got rid of it. The Shura hell, which was derived from the eyes, was destroyed, and even the eyes were stinging.

After receiving the knife and returning to the sheath, the ancestor left by the first master of the Wushen Palace turned into a touch of glory and broke into the order of the **** of war.

Ying Zongtian waved a little, and the fast-moving Wushen ordered to stop and quickly fell into his hands.

On the side of the star, the star is twinkling, and in the depths of the eyelids, there is a thick color of desire. Beyond Supreme, the original master of the Wushen Palace, the strength is so strong?

"Ying Zongtian, what is going on here, is the first generation of the palace of the Wushen Palace, is it beyond the existence of the Supreme?"

Zhou Tianxing could not wait to ask.

Ying Zongtian shook his head and said: "No."

"Impossible, so strong, how can we not surpass the supreme."

Ying Zongtian: "Lei Wang does not surpass the supreme, the same can shock Kunlun, not necessarily have to surpass the supreme, can defeat the three gods of the gods. Afterwards, I will tell you in detail, now with me to continue to kill and abandon the gods ?"

Nowadays, the three gods who have abandoned the gods have also been injured. They are even worse than the state of the four of them. If they fight again, they will not be wronged.

"No problem, I have been fighting for so long, I am not afraid to fight for a while."

"No problem."

Seeing that the Wanfa demon king and the spirit fox king agreed, Zhou Tianxing also had to suppress the doubts in his heart and said: "I have no opinion."


The four people flashed and suddenly they turned to the trio of the gods and killed them.

"Go, let's go to protect the law for Xiao Chen's brother!"

Dust, An Junxi, Fang Baiyu and others, the figure is flashing, and it is in front of the emperor who wants to continue to shoot.

The remaining Shinto martial artists and the martial arts martial artists have once again fought together with Scorpio. This melee is really endless.

There is no shortage of cold eyes, such as Fang Baiyu, Moss, An Junxi, Yue Bingyun, Shui Lingling and other friends and elders of Xiao Chen: "I just want to block me now?"

Fang Baiyu and Jiangchuan stood in the forefront, Shen Sheng said: "There is no shortage of the emperor. Now that you have become an emperor, you are even surrendering to the four heavens and thunders. The future achievements are bound to be limitless. Why must we continue to make it difficult for Xiaochen?"

"Difficult to him?"

The emperor lacked a lot of laughter: "When I was saddened by him, he was against me everywhere. From the Kunlun Mountain Tianlu Shenchi, I couldn’t go with me. In the end, I even killed my most beloved woman. I can't swallow this breath!"

"If you let it go now, I can spare you a life, otherwise don't blame it, I can't take it!"

The dust screamed: "You don't deceive too much. From beginning to end, Xiao Chen's big brother has not deliberately saddened you, how can you say that?"

"You? I know you, Xiao Chen's best confidante, too, I will take you first. Let Xiao Chen, also taste it, what is the death of a loved one."

The gods of heaven, the legend of the distant!

The emperor lacked a fist to blast out, directly used his own stunts, countless sacred songs, and praised the most ancient and distant legends of the Protoss.

Past honours and myths have emerged between reality, and the world’s votes have been swaying, with a magnificent picture.

When this fist is out, it shows the heavens and the earth, but the mysterious family is the only one who is arrogant and overbearing.

Its great potential, rushing forward, directly broke Fang Baiyu and Jiangchuan's defense, and instantly came to the front of the stranger.


The emperor did not have a sigh of anger, and above the fist, there was a golden glow, and the sturdy emperor was so vast and continuous.

Surprised in the dusty heart, between the electric and the flint, the Tiangongbaojian was summoned.

The body smashed out, three hundred different flames, formed into a furnace of the refining, cross-armed on the chest.

With a bang, the dust was in front of the furnace, and it was split and the fist hit her directly.

Fortunately, at the last minute, Tiangong Baojian once again lowered a flame, which weakened the power of this punch. Did not let the strange body, shattered on the spot, just flew out, fainted.

"not dead?"

Feeling the strangeness of the dust, there is still a breath, the emperor lacks a slight frown, and will go down and make a punch.


In the sky, the sound of a slap in the road was heard, but it was the thunder and lightning of An Junxi, and the dragon came and swept the past.


The Emperor did not lack a hand to grasp, then pinch the faucet, and then forcefully pull, force to spread along the real dragon whip, in turn, An Junxi flew out.

No shadows!

Clearly no wind, the hair of the imperial is blowing indiscriminately. This is the moon ice cloud holding a wind sword, killing it.

"Hide and hide, give me out!"

There is no shortage of explosives in the emperor, and there is an incomparable spiritual power in the voice. A big drink, directly broken by force, the sound waves will be the moon ice cloud to see the sea shocked the sea, spit out a blood, it will come out.


Three arrows, like a meteor flying, Shui Lingling holding the yoke to shoot the sun bow, long shots.

The emperor lacked a scornful smile, a fist banged out, and the second move of the gods and gods punched out, the glory of the gods.

A divine light descended from the sky, shrouded in the absence of the emperor, and between the long hairs, he punched out in the air.

The sound of the explosion sounded, three arrows, the volley of the rupture, but the trend of the fists is not limited, the water Ling Ling Ling will drop the mysterious bird.

In the past, they were able to compete with the emperor without a fight, and they were not the opponents.

One move, no, half a move can't take it.

At the crucial moment, Fang Baiyu and Jiangchuan arrived at the two emperors and joined forces to kill the emperor.

However, the situation is still not optimistic, but only three moves, the two emperors revealed a situation of invincibility.

The imperial power is beyond the expectation, and among the great Emperor Wu Di, no one is his opponent.

But now, in the chaos, the king's emperor has been dragged into a larger battlefield, and there are strong enemies like the Three Holy Lords to deal with. No one at all, to block the imperialism at this moment, its power is strong, can not resist.

Above the blood-colored emperor road, Xiao Chen looks gloomy, clenching his fists and running fast on the road with the emperor.

Wherever he went, the blood-colored light column will smash the wind and the fire, all divided into two, all kinds of wind robbery, completely unable to block the pace of Xiao Chen.

Hurry up, hurry up!

At this moment, Xiao Chen has only one mind. He will finish this Tongtiandi road and stop some crazy emperors.

If you go wrong, don't know what will happen.

Running all the way, thousands of steps, the last three thousand steps, and soon there are only ten steps left.

As long as you take these ten steps, you can push open the door of the emperor. Reinventing the golden body, achieving the throne, ending this chaos.


It was at this time, Fang Baiyu and Jiang Chuan, both of whom were vomiting blood at the same time.

Looking around, to come to stop the strangers and other people, no one can stand in the space.

The emperor lacked a sneer at the corner of his mouth, his eyes sweeping on the ground, and the moon and ice clouds, the water Lingling, the strangers and other women, back and forth.

Finally, his eyes stopped and locked in the dust that passed out.

"There is no shortage, you dare!"

Above the **** emperor road, Xiao Chen, who has only the last step left, stands above the sky and turns back to drink cold.

The door of the emperor in front is only one step away. Outside the 10,000 meters below, the strangers and other people are hanging on the edge of death.

"Haha, why don't I dare!" The emperor did not care, and laughed.

On the road above Tongtiandi, Xiao Chen’s look is gloomy to the extreme: “There is no shortage of the emperor. I am swearing to Heaven, and this life will kill you.”

"Even if you can kill me, you can't stop it. I killed everyone you care about."

The emperor laughed with no disdain, and did not put the threat of Xiao Chen on his mind. When the volley fell, he flew directly toward the dust.

His eyes were cold, and the moment the **** died, he made up his mind and must kill all the people who Xiao Chen cares.

"you wanna die!"

Rage, above the Emperor's Road, and the **** emperor, only one step away from Xiao Chen. Make a decision that no one can think of, give up the emperor road, and jump directly.


The emperor road is broken, turned into blood, dyed red sky, more beautiful than the sun.

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