Immortal and Martial Dual Cultivation

Vol 3 Chapter 1569: Shadowless knife king

This knife really shocked Lingfeng, a younger knifeman. He had never seen such a gorgeous knife in his life.

The mandarin takes off, and the knife light illuminates the picture of the whole space, which will be hard to forget.

The horse moved and took the sound of the chariot slowly. He woke up Ling Feng and shouted in the carriage: "Predecessors, can you tell me the name of the surname, the younger generation Ling Feng, is also a knife!"

The carriage with a crisp and chilly wind ringing, all the way, no intention to stop, Ling Feng still wants to continue to catch down, but was blocked by an invisible force.

"I can't stay too long here. If I have a chance, I will see you again."

Among the chariots, there was a word that made Ling Feng feel very surprised. He shouted loudly: "Predecessors, remember my name, my name is Ling Feng!"

After a while, Ling Feng understood that why the predecessor on the chariot said that he could not stay here for a long time.

I saw, in all directions, in the sky and underground, flying out of the dense blood crows, in pairs, flapping their wings, chasing the past desperately toward the chariot.

It looks like a thick cloud of blood, wanting to swallow the chariot alive.

Oh, suddenly, Ling Feng feels that the sky has moved.

Looking up, I suddenly found that a million miles of blood clouds over the Sparks City continued to condense and condense into a huge horrible blood crow, and also chased the chariot and flew over.

In front of the scene, I was scared of Ling Feng and muttered to myself: "This Qinglong Wang Xiaochen is coming to the end. The sin is so deep... It’s awful, I don’t know if several younger brothers and sisters are going out."

Recalling this matter, Ling Feng quickly unfolded his body and walked through the graves, leaving the Sparks City.

After leaving the city, Ling Feng saw far away, and the three younger brothers and sisters who were anxiously waiting, had a little tiptoe and flew down.

"Feng brother, you are fine, great."

"The demon warrior, was killed by Feng Ge?" Several younger brothers and sisters, said one after another.

Ling Feng shook his head and said: "The demon person is the royal family of the **** demon, and I am too much to cultivate. I can't kill him."

"That's not dead yet, we have to leave quickly."

"No, he is dead."

Ling Feng will tell the three people in the scene of the endless grave, and the scene is still fresh. Now, the heart is still jumping.

"It is a shadowless knife king!"

"Feng brother, you are talking about the shadowless knife king!"

"Unfortunately, if I knew that the shadowless knife king is here, Zhang Shidi and Liu Shidi would not have to die."

After hearing the explanation from Ling Feng, the three quickly said that Ling Feng quickly asked: "You know this predecessor."

Pretty face Liu Yun said: "Of course I know that you have been retreating for the past few years, preparing to cross the fire, and it will not be long before the emperor comes out. Maybe I don't know, but we have already heard of the shadowless knife king. The name is already."

Ling Feng was a little excited, and the past calm lost most of the time: "Let me talk about it, this predecessor, what the end is."

"This shadowless knife king is also a character who suddenly appeared in the golden age. About three years ago, there was a knifeman riding a black chariot, wandering around the five major fields of Kunlun, challenging the famous families. Knife. Regardless of the strength, as long as it is a well-known knife, he will come to visit."

"Because this mysterious person never gets off the bus, it is just a knife, and he has no one to see his true face. So he is called a shadowless knife. Later, his reputation is getting louder and louder. The empty knives, and a six-day martial arts swordsman, became a tie, the name of the shadowless knife king, it is a real name."

Crossing the six heavens, you can become the king of the emperor. Although it is the bottom of the king's emperor, it is also the king of the real king.

This predecessor, just a knife in the air, can be tied with the six-day Emperor Wu, the name of the shadowless knife king, it is indeed worthy of the name, not a fake.

Ling Feng secretly indulged himself, and with the knife he saw before, he had a general understanding of the mysterious shadowless knife king.

"In other words, his strength is so high, why should he fight with some of the lower swordsmen, not afraid of self-destruction?" Ling Feng said with some doubts.

The swordsman has his own pride and is bullying, but he is not ashamed.

Liu Yun smiled and said: "Feng Ge, you don't know, this shadowless knife king is very low-key and modest. Even if it is a knife cutter who is much lower than himself, it will give enough respect and courtesy. In his view, any swordsman, as long as he has his own unique place, it deserves his admiration."

"A lot of swordsmen are eager to play against this person, because every knife and knife who fights with the shadowless knife will realize many things from it."

Ling Feng’s eyes lit up, and his mind was like a slap in the face. He felt that he had seen a lot of things at once.

After a long time, he sighed and said: "This is the real knife king, I am still too far."


At this time, three people appeared in the distance, leading a person, white clothes like snow, long hair fluttering, from top to bottom, revealing a cold atmosphere in the bones.

Can have a pair of clear eyes, calm as water, a good solution to this cold and arrogant temperament, will not produce a feeling of rejection of thousands of miles away.

Cold arrogance and peace, the perfection embodied in him.

He is the two people, the temperament is also extremely extraordinary, if there is someone who debuted in Tianwu domain, they will immediately recognize the two.

One is the first swordsman in the southern 18th state, and the other is the Simon Leopard, one of the seven giants in Tianwu.

"Big Brother is coming!" Liu Yun said with a surprise: "I am afraid of you, after the accident in Xinghuocheng, I will ignite the fireworks that Bai Dajia gave us."

The big white brother in Liu Yunkou is Bai Ruxue. For this person, Ling Feng is also admiring his heart.

In the golden age, the three saints of the Terran fell to the Protoss, and Shuiling Ling was closed because of the incident of Qinglong Wang Xiaochen. An Junxi walked away from the starry sky and has not returned yet. For a time in this big world, the Tianwu domain human race can truly support the scene of the peerless arrogance, one is not left.

Fortunately, at the crucial moment, Bai Wuxue stood up. He used to fight for the best of the Qinglong King and the White Bone Queen. He chose to retire and retreat.

This retreat is a full eight years.

At the moment of the customs clearance, it was the golden age of the world, and in the chaos of the wind and cloud, the road to God, successfully survived the fire.

On that day, the white snow fluttered, the ice was frozen for millions of miles, and the nine thousand ice steps were paved.

The moment when the emperor's door was pushed open, the thick and thin hair was distributed, and the white as snow flew three thunders. So far, it has become a leader of the younger generation of Tianwu domain. Nowadays, the repair of the six-day Emperor Wudi has not been inferior.

Under his leadership, the Tianwu domain freshmen united together to form the Water Moon Alliance, which was used to exchange and confront, the increasing number of devils in Kunlun.

After Ling Feng became a emperor, he also joined the Water Moon Alliance. The fireworks symbol is a member of the Water Moon Alliance.

Because of the millions of blood clouds in the Starfire City, the smokers are ignited, and outsiders can't see them.

Liu Yun and others will ignite the fireworks after they leave the city.

"Big Brother, actually you came in person." Ling Feng said, arching his hand.

Bai Ruxue calmly smiled: "There is a lot of weirdness in the Starfire City. The average person in the Water Moon Alliance is coming. I am afraid I can't cope with it. Moreover, I got the news. Recently there will be a group of demons who will enter the Tianwu domain wild battlefield. I am afraid of you and them. Come across."

Feeling the true fear of Bai Ruxue, Ling Feng felt warm in the heart, thanked again, and talked about the encounter in Xinghuocheng.

"Is it a shadowless knife? No wonder, I faintly heard some wind chimes, but unfortunately, I always wanted to make this person, and this time I passed."

For the identity of the shadowless knife king, Bai Ruxue is also curious and wants to see one side.

"Right, about Qinglong Wang Xiaochen, how much does Big Brother Bai understand?" Seeing the scene in the endless grave, he really made him curious about the past character.

As soon as this was said, the face of the popular and the Simon Leopard changed slightly.

However, now that more than a decade has passed, Bai Ruxue has seen very little about the grievances between himself and Xiao Chen.

After the emperor, his vision and mood have increased too much. The question raised by the audible Ling Feng, the look of white as snow, is quite complicated.

At the time of customs clearance, Bai Ruxue was the most urgent, and he wanted to fight with Xiao Chen again. After hearing his deeds, I felt so sad and sad.

"I have dealt with him a lot, but I never really understood him. There are not many people who know him in this world. At least I don't understand. To say the deepest impression, I can only say that he is a real knife. ”

For a long time, Bai Ruxue said such a remark.

That sinful day, the forcing predecessor, the shadowless knife king to be far away, is actually a knife?

Ling Feng secretly shook his head, not very confident.

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