Immortal and Martial Dual Cultivation

Vol 3 Chapter 1570: Take the car as a jail

Ling Feng has enough reason not to believe that if such a sinful person can become a knife, it is really a kind of tarnishing of the knife.

The real swordsman should be a predecessor like the Shadowless Knife King, with great strength and humility and low-key.

If it is not that person, the master will not die, and the sister will not be so sad.

The joy of being an emperor can also be shared with the most respected elders, but it is destined to think about it because of the Qinglong King.

For Qinglong Wang Xiaochen, although Ling Feng is not like the younger brother and sister, he will show his hateful expression on his face.

In his heart, I have always remembered this person, but I hide my hatred and hide it in my heart.

"Right, Big Brother, you just said that you have the news that there are demons who will go to the wild battlefield recently, and the Water Moon Alliance will go." Ling Feng shook his head, no longer thinking about the Qinglongwang, asked the topic .

Bai Ruxue nodded. "That is nature. It is said that there will be His Highness among the demons. It is still unclear. It is the pulse of the Eighteen Emperors."

There are a total of eighteen emperors in the abyss of the demon world. Each of the demon's devils has its own bloodline. These bloodlines are collectively referred to as the devil's children.

The royal family of each pulse will form their own forces, such as the royal family of the **** emperor, which is composed of the Blood Devil Hall.

His Royal Highness is the strongest and highest-ranking existence of this royal family, and the future demon, equivalent to the human prince.

"Why, you want to go with us?" Bai Ruxue asked.

Ling Feng nodded and said: "I can?"

Bai Ru Xue laughed: "Of course, if you go, I can't guarantee your safety. You have to think clearly."

Ling Feng decidedly said: "I think very clearly, although you said that my talent is not lower than the speed of the knife king after the knife king, but today this battle is to let me understand. The bottom of the cultivation is not high, the talent is stronger It’s also awkward.”

"Well, that counts you, your talent, and only in the battle of life and death, can be completely developed. Go, first go with me to the Water Moon Alliance."

After the party agreed, quickly leave the Starfire City.

Half an hour, after the group walked away completely, in the sky of Spark City, two black dragons, pulling a black chariot, passed through layers of blood clouds and landed on the ground.

After landing, the two fierce dragons, immediately turned into black horses, docile low head.

"White as snow, Ximen leopard, popular, long time no see, it has become an emperor..."

In the black chariot with the seven-handed squadron, the mysterious shadowless knives, watching the direction of the pedestrians, confessed to himself, seemingly recalling something.

"Big brother, do you still have to go to Starfire City for a while?"

In the chariot, a mirror appeared next to the figure of the mysterious man. Sitting on the mirror, a girl with a big thumb, asked with her hand on her head.

"Don't go, it's getting sinful and getting more and more difficult. The stronger my strength, the stronger they are, the more they kill, and the endless."

The so-called shadowless knife king, naturally is Xiao Chen, and this time every year, he will come to a star fire city.

Take a look at it, on the countless tombstones, the word Xiao Chen, outlined with blood.

In his life, he never regrets doing anything, but he was blamed for five years ago, and he regretted his life.

Too much embarrassment has become his heart and suffering. Just like now, the black chariot is like a cage, trapping himself. The knot is an invisible cage that traps his heart.

That long sin, he has long wanted to annihilate.

Every time, his strength will be doubled, but those sins will also become stronger. It seems that the day that has never disappeared will not disappear unless he dies.

Those sins in the sky, although they have an impact on him now, but in the faint, Xiao Chen always feels that keeping these sins will eventually cause serious problems.

"Where are we going now?"

"Liangyuncheng, there is a knifeman there. In the rumors, there is a unique understanding of the double-knife flow."

The horses are rushing, the wheels are rolling, and the black chariots are like ghosts. In the middle of the night, it is fleeting and heading towards the city of Light Cloud.

Among the chariots, Xiao Chen did not idle, running the purple thunder, and kept practicing.

When the emperor road was broken, the purple emperor's door was drilled into the heart of his emperor. His martial road was not desperate because of the broken road of the emperor, and he took another road.

In the moment when the emperor entered the body, there seemed to be some shackles in his body that were interrupted. Some rules that were long-term imprisonment on the military did not exist.

For example, the power of absorbing Hongmeng, he clearly does not become an emperor, but the amount of power that can be accommodated in the body has already exceeded one hundred.

In the past five years, the power of the Emperor in the heart of the Emperor has reached a thousand or so, which is comparable to the Emperor Wu of the Five Heavens.

Compared with the regular Emperor Wu, he does not have the soul of the Emperor, nor the Emperor Wu.

He didn't know for himself. What is it now? He is walking a path that no one has ever walked. No one knows where the end will be.

But fortunately, his swordsman's heart has not changed, and it is enough to go along this heart all the way.

In the heart of the emperor, the mysterious purple emperor door, since the moment of jumping off the emperor's road, the instinct cracked through a gap.

In the future, no matter how hard he tried, even if he achieved the current cultivation, he could no longer push the imperial door to the slightest.

It is not that his cultivation is not enough, but that there is an invisible resistance that will not let him push the door.

Sometimes he would think that the Emperor's Road in Kunlun will be a conspiracy of Heaven. When I opened the door of the emperor, I actually closed another door, the one that left Kunlun.


At this time, the black chariot suddenly stopped. The seven-handed squadron, trembling, lingered, and made a crisp and cold wind chimes.

Xiao Chen didn't open his eyes. A hundred miles away, a vague shadow was coming towards him step by step.


On the people, there is a strong knife, like a ridicule, and the mind is released.

The seven-handed squadron, the trembling of the more and more powerful, seems to feel the power of the coming.

Xiao Chen is calm and calm, and looks dissatisfied. In the past five years, he has challenged all the swordsmen. Many older swordsmen have lost under his knife, and his swordsman's heart has already changed.

These five years, for Xiao Chen, are as long as decades. The heart of the swordsman is in the midst of transformation and sublimation, and it is precipitated and polished in the years, and there are many vicissitudes of life.

Seeing more, naturally, the Thai mountain landslide before it does not change color.

Hey, the body of the black knife in front disappeared suddenly, drowning in the night, without a trace.

Xiao Chen pointed a little, the front of the chariot without a knocking blade, made a heavy muffled sound, and quickly popped out.


In the darkness, a sound of humming sounds like a blue sky, deafening. A figure was forced out in the air, and after landing, he even stepped back.

The sacred squadron was once again inserted back.

Heaven and earth are calm, as if nothing has happened.

Xiao Chen opened his eyes and his eyes condensed on the coming person. He was able to pick him up and was qualified enough to let him remember this person.

Wen Ziran!

Come, it is actually the knife king after Xiao Xiaotian Wen Ziran.

"The shadowless knife king is not a shadowless knife king, and sure enough, it seems that I did not find the wrong person." Wen Ziran received the knife and returned to the sheath, whispered softly.

"How do you find me?"

In the chariot, a voice of vicissitudes came out, and Xiao Chen asked the voice.

"As long as it is a knife, there are no people I can't find." Wen Ziran said confidently. "Two months later, there will be a knife tea party, and I hope that you will come. This is the first in the golden age." A knife tea party."

A golden invitation flew out from the hands of Wen Ziran, and then flew out faster and faster, with a sharp edge and a boundless wind.

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