Immortal and Martial Dual Cultivation

Vol 3 Chapter 1589: Another 蹊跷

I wanted to leave a living and forced to ask for the whereabouts of white snow. But the four people did too much. Xiao Chen was too lazy to manage so much. If he killed, he would kill.

For the devil, he has always been decisive, decisive, and able to kill, and never give up the second move.

Entering the funeral gang, the unusual atmosphere is more obvious. The black dragons moving in the sky and the invisible feng shui layout are extremely uncomfortable.

It seems that rumors, nine out of ten is right, there is indeed a bone of the emperor, and this demon is still a small one.

"Who is, dare to smash the restricted area!"

Not long after, the reincarnation was immediately discovered, and a group of demons stopped Xiao Chen’s way.

This is also the intention of Xiao Chen to slow down the speed. If it is full speed, it is impossible for this group of people to stop him.

The chariot stopped on the shattered rock pile, and Xiao Chen looked at a group of people in front of him through the curtain. Unexpected discovery, the leader, the strength is actually good, more than the four magicians of the customs.

This person is Wang Tian, ​​one of the four great protection methods of the Blood Devils Hall. Once there was a mountain house where the old fire monsters lived.

"kill him!"

Seeing Xiao Chen in the chariot did not speak, Wang Tian said coldly, and the ten imperial warriors of the Gorefiendum behind him. Turned into blood, flying away, but blinked through the curtain and into the compartment.

Wang Tian's face sneer, this year's shadowless knife king's reputation is too loud, so that there have been many imitators, like to insert a knife in front of their chariot.

But he hopes that this is not an imitator, but a real shadowless knife king.

Nowadays, the head of the shadowless knife king is already astronomical in the abyssal demon world. The two devils can use their heads for thousands of Hongmendan.

If it is the real body, he is definitely not the enemy, but it is called the four major guardianships, and under the sire of the temple, the king of the emperor will also be in the first place!

"Ah!" There was a scream in the carriage.

what happened?

Wang Tian was surprised when he was a ten-day-old Emperor of the Emperor Wu, and he should not be too big a problem if he was to deal with one person even if he was not.


The wind swelled, the curtains swayed, and a body came out from the air. Dropped to the ground, the mountain rock was blown into the sky, and the dust began to rise.

The elites of the ten Blood Devils Halls all died. For a moment, Wang Tian’s heart was bleeding.

Even in the golden age, there have been people who have been robbed from time to time, and the emperors have emerged endlessly. Compared with the ancient peaks, there is not much difference. But Wudi is still standing at the top of the military. The number of Wudi represents the strength of a force.

In particular, these ten people are also the Emperor Wu of the Blood Devils Hall. The Gorefiend Hall is extremely high, and all the elites can enter.

"No shadow knife king!" Wang Tian said with a bite.

"Yes, it is me."

"You are so daring, the Kunlun parties have not yet reached the summit, and they dare to slay this Longgang. Didn't you really put our three magic halls in your eyes?"

Among the chariots, Xiao Chen said faintly: "As far as I know, your three great demon halls are also the bottom of the rankings. Otherwise, the 18th Devils Hall will not send you to take the lead and be a cannon fodder."

"Hey, is it gunpowder, you will soon know."

When the voice fell, the momentum of Wang Tian suddenly rose, and there was a **** long sword in his hand, which burned a thick flame. This is the performance after the **** magic.

Xiao Chen has a cold-eyed view. He does not believe that the other party has the courage to dare to shoot him.


Sure enough, as he expected, the fierce Wang Tian, ​​looks like a desperate look with Xiao Chen. After the momentum reached its peak, throw a sword and turn around and run.

Xiao Chen, who had already received the news, sneered, and the two horses showed their true body and turned into a mutant dragon.

With Xiao Chen's reincarnation, he crossed an arc and avoided the **** sword of the other side, stopping in front of Wang Tian.

"where do you want to go."

Wang Tian was shocked. This shadowless knife king completely saw him, but he calmed down. He has five days of cultivation, even if he is facing the king's emperor, there is a chance to fight the wounds.

"I know that it is not your opponent, there is no shadow knife king. If you let me go, we will not see anyone. Otherwise, I will fight for the wounded and escape. I will tell you the message of your presence, the three great temples." Underneath, you will die!"

Wang Tian stood by the sword and threatened Xiao Chen.

"Do you think too much, thinking that I was sneaking in? The four devils who have been guarded have been killed by me, even if you don't say, the three magic halls will soon know the news."

not good!

Wang Tian’s heart whispered, and he immediately applied blood and shadows, turning into a bloodline. Blood shadow is the talent of the blood family, the **** warrior of the high blood, you can use this technique, a thousand miles.

However, this blood shadow is more expensive for qi and blood. Generally, the blood family will rarely use it unless it is forced to do so.


In the crisp sound, the arrogant blade ejected, and the knives of the knives made the blade look like a bright moon.

The screams of screaming sounded, and Wang Tian was directly stared on the ground by the blade of arrogance, and a lot of blood was spilled in his mouth.


Wang Tian shouted, holding the blade in both hands, his face showing a painful expression, and enduring the pain of pulling the arrogant blade hard.

After getting up, the head does not continue to run, the shadowless knife king is stronger than he imagined, and it is not an opponent at all.

The arrogant blade slammed into the chariot and Xiao Chen looked at Wang Tian's back. Slightly surprised, the vitality of the blood family is really tough, just the knife has inserted the heart of his emperor, and actually has the ability to escape.

But the more this is the better, the stronger the person is, the more you know in the Gorefiend.

Knowing the chances of white snow-free, it will be a little bigger, otherwise he will be looking for one by one. This is amazement of the Longgang, and it can be found.


Xiao Chen's momentum is like the wind, the front curtain of the car is directly shaken, the view is wide open, and the back of Wang Tian's escape is clearly seen.

"Come back." Xiao Chen reached out and grabbed a thousand words of force in the body, spinning in the palm of his hand, a huge suction, and Wang Tian directly pulled back.

Like a teleport, the powerful force makes Wang Tian not have the power to resist.

The front curtain, after the other party was sucked in, was still slowly falling, not completely close together, showing how fast this speed.

"There is no time to talk nonsense with you, tell me, where is the white snow?"

Xiao Chen was sitting in the middle of the room and asked Wang Tian with a single hand.

In the closed space, Wang Tian saw this mysterious shadowless knife king for the first time, with masks, black hair and strong gas field, which brought great pressure to people.

When I heard Xiao Chen’s problem, Wang Tian’s eyes flashed a little noticeable change, but it quickly covered up the past.

Coughing a few times, Wang Tian smiled hard: "It turns out that you are here to save people, then you better rule me, otherwise it is difficult to guarantee the safety of your friends."

Xiao Chen looked at him: "A little rule for you?"

Wang Tian was looked at by the creeps and quickly said: "No need to use it, I said, you just have to let me live a path."

"Don't bargain with me."

Carrying Wang Tian’s hand and exerting force slightly, Wang Tian suddenly felt a deep pain in the bone marrow and shouted loudly.

Half a minute later, Wang Tian, ​​who couldn’t stand it, said: “I said, I said that after being wounded by the three priests’ guardians, he fled to the dead sand dunes of the wild battlefield, and the four guards of the Fire Hall. Hunting him."

not dead? Well, the ice of eternal ice can be sent out.

The death dune Xiao Chen knows that it is an innocent desert. The body of the Bai people of the same year was buried under the desert. It has long been weathered, and can be seen everywhere, rotten gods, broken armor, and demonized death.

The local environment is complicated, and the wind and sand are really suitable for escape. Bai Wuxue should be able to support it for a while.

"I have already said, can you let me go?" Wang Tian knew that the hope was not big, but he still asked unwillingly.

Xiao Chen did not answer, he still had to think about the other party's words, whether he was cheating on him.

Xiao Chen under the mask did not say a word, which made people feel unfathomable and unpredictable. The enclosed space, quiet and terrible, was uneasy in the mid-air.

"You are lying to me." In the atmosphere of depression, Xiao Chen eyes closed, murderous and burst, suddenly opened.

Wang Tian’s face was furious, how did he know that he had just opened his mouth and immediately understood that it was Xiao Chen’s swindling him.

"It really is lie to me, you are so bold!"

With a bang, Wang Tian’s body flew out of the compartment and, after landing, made a violent explosion.

The chariot slowly moved to the side of Wang Tian. The cold voice of Xiao Chen came out from it: "Give you the last chance, tell me the truth, otherwise... I will not kill you, I will hand you over to the moon. Those relatives of the alliance members."

In this sentence, Wang Tian, ​​who is struggling to get up, is scared and pale, fearful.

How badly the people in the Shuiyue Alliance were killed by them, how angry those relatives were, Wang Tian knew best, but fell into their hands and went to **** without going to the other.

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