Immortal and Martial Dual Cultivation

Vol 3 Chapter 1590: To bully more

In the depths of the Longgang, three of the extraordinary magicians stood together and chatted casually.

The three have many similarities, all with an impeccable appearance, noble and temperament, purple marks on the eyebrows, and the clothes on the body are covered with a touch of gold.

The only difference is that the pattern of the crests in front of the clothes is different. The patterns are exquisite and small, representing the three halls of the Blood Devil Hall, the Wind Demon Hall and the Fire Demon Hall.

Yes, these three are the three priests in the rumor. It’s just strange. There are no other people beside the three men standing next to each other.

The temple of the Fire Demon Temple is named Xuan Yan. After a random look, look at the Wind Devil Hall next to it: "Wing Xuan, you think this time, which temple is most likely to win the evil spirit of the sword."

"The most important opportunity is naturally the first demon temple, the second demon temple, and the third demon temple, and other magic halls have opportunities, but not comparable to the three halls." Dian Yixuan, thought for a while, calm analysis.

The blood demon temple Wang Feng is shaking his head: "I don't think so."

"How to say?"

Wang Feng, who listened to it, seemed to have other opinions. Both of his Highnesses looked at the past.

"Have you ever thought about it, if the one in the sacred hall is also coming over, hey, that variable can be big."

After Xuan Yan’s two people listened, the handsome looks were slightly discolored and fell into meditation. Indeed, if the person comes, the variables will be big.

"Impossible, this person is good, but he is also smart and tight. He knows that there are things that he can't touch. This is a evil sword!"

"not sure."

Hey! Hey!

At this time, two gusts of wind blew over, the wind condensed, and the two devils of the Wind Demon Temple came out and squatted on one knee.

"Seeing the three Highnesses, Qin Yun and others have been killed."

I heard this news, the three faces did not change, Qin Yun four people are not the top strength. To guard it, it is only to delay the time before the leading figures of the parties have arrived, and not to disturb them.

I just didn't think that the leaders of other domains came so fast, it was a bit out of plan.

"Who is moving the hand, is Chu Yang of the Tianxing Sea, Sima Lingxuan of the Dark Sea, or the Confucius of the demon domain, or the ghost and the corpse?"

"It’s not the first time to be a gentleman."


As soon as the words came out, the faces of the three Highnesses of the Highness changed a little. Yi Xuan said: "Whose, who did it."

"There is no shadow knife king."

The scene was silent for a moment, and the **** demon temple sneered: "It’s just right, my father’s name is his head, and the second emperor is looking for him in Kunlun. He even dared to appear. I will inform you of the second emperor. It’s a credit for me to kill him at the time."

After that, the **** demon temple Wang Feng began to close his eyes, and the purple mark continued to flash.

Others know that this is the unique secret method of the blood family, and similar means are available to all ethnic groups.

After a while, the Hall of the Blood Devils smiled and said: "My uncle is in Tianwu domain, and it will take a long time to come."

"In this case, I will not intervene in this matter."

Both Xuan Yan knew that the shadowless knife king had robbed the **** emperor and had already complained. Very interesting to sell Wang Feng a favor.

Wing Xuan pointed to the devil who was still lying on the ground: "You should go down first, continue to search for the dragon's point, and you don't care about the shadowless knife king."

The two devils got up and their figures became lighter and thinner, turning into a gust of wind and blowing into the distance.


It has just flew a few kilometers, and in the distance, two more fierce winds have suddenly been blown up. It is not the general wind, it is the knife wind. It is not a knife in the wind, but an infinite knife and a wind.

The wind is accompanied by thunder, lightning tears, and the void is cut.

Two screams of screaming screamed, and two originally elegant wind demon temple devils fell across the body and fell to the feet of the three highnesses.

Look at the knife wound, there are faint thunders flashing, the two devils mourn the pain, the body is shaking, and can no longer stand up.

Hearing again, a figure fell heavily and stirred up countless dust.

The **** demon temple has a brow: "Wang Tian?"

"His Royal Highness is a shadowless knife king. He is here to save white and snow." Wang Tian said with difficulty.

The sound of the wind chimes started, the two sides mutated the dragon, pulled a chariot, and slowly fell.

The old man next to the three priests quietly dispersed, inadvertently, the three princes were protected in the place where they were most vulnerable to protection.

The three old men who are not amazing are the mysterious bewilders of their respective magic halls.

Among the chariots, Xiao Chen looked at the three devils, and was slightly surprised. There are only one old man around the three people, where are the other people in the magic hall?

"Very good, can bring the shadowless knife king to this place, you can be regarded as meritorious service. After you die, I will let the father emperor, to seal you!"

The hall of the Gorefiend Temple said a faint sigh, and a palm shot, annihilating Wang Tian's last vitality.

Before he died, Wang Tian opened his mouth and tried to say something. He wanted to tell the three Highnesses, not to underestimate the enemy, but Wang Feng did not give him this opportunity.

If you want to say it, you will not say it after all.

"Who gives you such great courage? I dare to come to us three people." The Wind Demon Hall, the lower wing, looked at the reincarnation with great interest, and smiled faintly.

Xuan Yan smiled and said: "This chariot is good, I want it. Wang Feng is not that we don't give you a chance. It is his own door. This can't blame me."

"I know." Wang Feng said faintly.

Xiao Chen couldn't understand what the three people said. The reason he came here was because Wang Tiandao had something else.

Bai Wuxue did not escape far away, and was arrested. The three nobles did not kill him. They were shut down with other elites of the Water Moon Alliance.

According to Wang Tian, ​​the move is to take these people as hostages.

After getting the evil shadow sword, there may be a big man in the Kunlun world to block it. At this time, there are hostages that can be handy. More or less will always have some benefits.

"I don't understand what you are saying, just ask, Bai Wuxue can be in your hands." In the chariot, Xiao Chen asked.

Under the temple of the Gorefiend, he clap his hands, and above the warship in the air, he immediately walked out some of the devils, pressing the imprisoned white snow, Ling Feng and others, kneeling on the ground.

Xiao Chen glanced and the heart was laid down.

"Let's let go, I will leave this place immediately, and never participate in the battle of the sword."

The three high-ranking ladies laughed at the same time. Wang Feng said coldly: "There is no shadow knife king. You haven't figured out what the situation is, let's release it? Soon, you have to lie on it, and dare to speak up."

The two halls of the Wind Demon Hall and the Fire Demon Hall showed a taunting look and clap their hands.


In a sudden time, among the dragons, or the wind, or the flames, or the blood.

The flames of the sky are like falling stars. After landing, the flames squirm and condense into adulthood.

In the squally wind, it is also a demon person, coming out with a cold face. Between the blood and the light, each of the Gorefiends, showing the body shape.

On the empty ground, suddenly stood full of densely packed devils, inside and outside, circle and circle, surrounded the reincarnation.

At random, the number of the devils of the three major demon halls is not less than 3,000, and one third of them are repaired by Emperor Wu.

The hustle and bustle of the scorpion gathered together, and suddenly the wind rushed, and the black dragons that swam in the sky were all swayed by this magical power.

The air suddenly became thin, the atmosphere was depressed and tense, and there was a cold chill that was spreading.

Kill and kill!

All the devils sipped three times, and they were in the hands of the rifle, and at the same time, they were squirting and pointing to the reincarnation.

Three thousand murderous, condensed to the essence, the chariot in front of this pressure, seems to be unable to withstand, screaming.

The seven-handed squadron trembled and creaked.

"How many people are bullying people?" Among the chariots, Xiao Chen seems to be talking to himself.

Wang Feng sneered: "You are a fool, shouldn't you think we will shoot you in person?"

Xuan Yan faintly said: "I am waiting for His Royal Highness, noble, how can I not care for myself."

"Don't be angry, today is to bully less, kill you!" Wing Xuan sounds cold, with a hint of mockery.

Stupid to find the door, but also blame them for playing more and less, this shadowless knife king is just so.

"Enraged? No, I just don't like to bully too much, so some means are rarely used. Today seems to be, but it can be used, thank you."

Among the chariots, Xiao Chen looked calm, and in his words, he could not feel a trace of panic.

What do you mean?

Unprovoked, the three deities of the devil, feel a slight wrong.


At the same time, the seven-handed squadron was unsheathed at the same time. There were seven figures in the ground around the chariot. They reached out and took the soldiers, and each station stood in one direction and protected the chariot.

Still not finished, in the chariot, Xiao Chen's eyes suddenly flashed a fine light, the body momentum, suddenly soared.

A long shank knife flies out of the chariot and turns into a thousand knives. Each beam of knives is as dazzling as the scorching sun.

The light is too dazzling, the three deities of the devil, can not see clearly, slightly blinked.

When the light dissipated, the three men looked horrified, Zhang Dazui, and their faces were unbelievable.

I saw the three great demon halls. Every demon person was surrounded by four swordsmen. Looking at it, the three thousand devils, in turn, were surrounded by water.

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