Immortal and Martial Dual Cultivation

Vol 3 Chapter 1624: Defender Oniyama

He did not read the mistake, ten steps, each step on the footprints, all covered with red blood. Gorgeous and conspicuous, and even some bright and excessive, people's blood is absolutely not so dazzling.

The strange scene made the black swordsman, scared to face no blood, and quickly looked at Jiang Tian’s voice and trembled: "Ginger, save me!"

"You don't move."

Although Jiang Tian is eccentric and arrogant, he will not see death.

This matter is a bit out of his expectation. Just ten steps, there will be no big problems. Even if there is a problem, it will not be so serious, blood footprints, this is a very unclear sign.

Originally, I wanted to let the black swordsman suffer a bit, and then I solved it, but now it seems that the problem is a bit big.

This is not the first time that this is the first time in the Xiangong, and there are no more than ten times before and after. As long as you don't enter the fairy palace, with his means, there is no danger at all.

But now it seems that there have been some changes, some people have moved the feng shui here!

There must be a demon in the abnormal situation. There have been no accidents since then, and there is nothing else but this reason.

"You don't want to move, I am going."

Between the words, a blue flag of the wind and water, flew out from the body of Jiang Tian. Turned into a line of glare, in a moment, according to a certain array of methods, inserted on the ground.


Where the flag falls, the blood on the ground splashes, the screams sound, and the listeners are flustered. The black swordsman was even scared, but he did not dare to urge Jiang Tian.

The entire ground, at this time, gently squirmed. The square inch, between the creeps, continues to stretch.

Such a strange scene makes everyone even more afraid to shake, and the face is a nervous look.

Only Jiang Tian, ​​still calm, printed with footprints of blood, step by step.

Above the throne, Xiao Chen did not move his face, and there was a fixed dragon needle in his right hand. This is the treasure of the dragon that he used to find the dragon's pulse. He once built a lot of it.

Later, although I put down the cultivation of the geographers, I can look at the dragon secrets, the dragon dragons, and the dragon needles, but they are always there.

The brilliance of the feet flashed, and every step of Jiang Tian, ​​the blood was dispelled and turned into a **** light, surrounded by his body.


In addition to the array, suddenly there was a terrible cry, a pair of green eyes, flashing and flashing outside, accompanied by dull breathing.

"What?" Feng Xiao asked, some nervous.

Being in the position of Emperor Wu, the strength of the sky, but the unknown things about this ghost class, but they do not understand.

The middle-aged couple also held their right hand on the blade and ready to shoot at any time.

Under the mask, Xiao Chen slightly frowned, this is not a good sign. Jiang Tian is busy dispelling the evil blood, and the array of innocents is self-contained. If this thing breaks into the rush.

A group of them, afraid that they will be in a hurry, they will kill each other if they are not good.

Unknown, always the biggest source of fear.

Hesitating for a long time, Xiao Chen still decided to shoot, flexing a finger, and the dragon was turned into a glimmer of light. In addition to the array of methods, the mysterious existence of swaying, screaming, rolling to the ground.

At this time, Jiang Tian also finished ten steps, dispelled all the blood, the ground stopped creeping, and everything recovered as usual.

"Okay, temporarily safe."

Jiang Tian pointed to the black swordsman, indicating that he could come back, the black swordsman, relieved.

After standing for so long, the body has long been stiff.

Stepping out of the leg, a bang, the body is torn apart, and the limbs are solved, and a drop of blood is not leaked. It turned out that he had already become a dry corpse without knowing it.

Xiao Chen seems to understand that the blood was so overdone. That is the blood of the emperor, the blood of the black swordsman.

In such a sudden scene, everyone who was shocked, the chin was falling. A seven-day king of the great emperor, actually dismembered by the air, instantly died.

"Trick or treat, it was already dead when I took the wrong first step, wasting my time!"

After Jiang Tian glanced at it, the resentful martyrdom.

"Ginger old, what is going on?" The old man of Mai, suppressing the fear in his heart and asking Jiang Tiandao.

Jiang Tian is not concealed. Actually, he said: "Someone has moved the feng shui of this place. It is correct to guess. It should be the cultivators, except for those who dare to do so."

"The nineteen psychic mountains around this have all become the ghost mountains. The yin and yang are in chaos, the five elements are upside down, and the next step is the same as the kid."

Feng Wei took a breath: "There is such a powerful, he is the Emperor of Heaven of the Seventh Heaven, how is it possible to die and die."

Jiang Tian disdainfully smiled: "You think too much, know how the ghost mountain is made, it is built with the bones and blood of the great emperor. In ancient times, the ritual law does not exist, the reason is unknown, the right and wrong are not divided, people and beasts There is no difference. Acting rudely and evilly, dying an Emperor Wu, it is no different from a beast, so it is so casual."

"In the time of the ancient times, there was a ritual law, and I knew that I was buried in the earth. In the years after that, there would be no ghost mountains, and all the ghost mountains in the world existed here."

These secrets that Feng Wei accidentally listened to were also slightly stunned and felt unacceptable.

"That cultivators, what do you want to do, will we all be trapped here?" The old man of Mai, but thinks farther, remembering the fairy palace.

Jiang Tian faintly said: "Don't think about it, there must be something they must gain in the Xianlou Palace. You can't let anything go wrong, otherwise these guys won't make such awkward hands."

"What do I do now, a mixed fruit I found in the Xiangong Palace in the Loulou 100 years ago, is now just mature, is it just to give up?"

The old man in Ma Yi was depressed in his heart, and he said that he missed the secret of his heart.

"Hey, the mixed fruit is a good thing, the rumor can increase the cents that the millennium has been cultivated. The old ghost, you can hide enough, would you like to prove the supreme?"

Jiang Tianxiao said, not at all for the immediate situation.

Middle-aged couples, as well as Feng Wei, and Xiao Chen have some involuntarily looked at the old man.

Really have this thing?

This is the legendary thing. During the immortal era, it was extremely rare.

The old man of Mai clothing can't take care of a lot, Shen Sheng said: "Jiang Lao, I don't care so much, you must send me to the Xianlou Palace."

Such a scene happened on many hills, and the elders of the holy places everywhere were forcing their own divisions to find ways to go down the mountain.

Not only the mundane, every person who comes to the Xiangong Palace has a purpose. A rare opportunity, do not want to miss, the next time the Xianlou Xian Palace appears, but you missed the golden age.

Jiang Tian faintly said: "Impossible, the feng shui has been chaotic, the ghost mountain has become. I can come and go freely, but if you want to bring people, don't talk. I will wait a month and be sent out. ”

Above the throne, Xiao Chen looked up at the sky, the sky was dark, and the sun, the moon and the stars were not seen. But the knowledge of Xiao Chen was injected into the naked eye, or let him see the astrology in the sky.

The five fingers are above the armrests and gently tapped.

The old man in Ma Yi is in a hurry, but his city is much better than the black swordsman. He knows that he can't be arrogant, and he can't force Jiang Tian.

I feel aggrieved in my heart, I don’t know for a while, how to be good.

Xiao Chen took back his sight and looked at Jiang Tian. This old guy resorted to the sky. It is impossible to have only such a way, there must be reservations, but I don’t want to lick this drowning, deliberately.

He looked at the stars, and on the other ghost mountains, there were geographers who used the feng shui wonders and the vision of the ghost mountain to fight, and they were walking down the mountain step by step.

Other geographers have the means to break the bureau, and Jiang Tian is even less likely to be gone.

And from the beginning to the end, in addition to some simple Feng Shui flags, I have not seen any powerful dragon search secrets used by Jiang Tian.

His baby, the heaven and earth, the Qiankun flag, did not see the shot.

Between doubts, I suddenly found out that Jiang Tianzheng looked at himself like a smile.

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