Immortal and Martial Dual Cultivation

Vol 3 Chapter 1625: Is a person a ghost

"This **** old, will not recognize himself."

Like laughing and laughing, what is the idea of ​​playing, Xiao Chen moved away from the line of sight and secretly pondered.

Several people in the team seemed to be a little depressed. It was here for a month, and no one would be willing.

Especially the old man of Mai, the fruit of the fruit, if it is unintentionally obtained by others. He will vomit blood, depressed and want to die, these blows will directly kill his last fighting spirit.

The middle-aged couple, each whispering something, did not know what to think.

"Ginger old, since you don't want to bring people, then I will be on my own. I am not the first time to come to the Xianlou Palace, or some preparation."

The old man in the linen can't hold back, step forward and say faintly.

Jiang Tian was too lazy to pay attention and waved: "Please, you and my agreement, stop here."

"Life and death, success or failure in the sky, I have my own ideas."

The curtain said calmly, and then went out of the coverage of the array and chose to go on his own. I really want to have some cards and means.

Well, too, there have been several visits to the Xiangong Palace, which are alive and alive.

"I have discussed both of them and decided to go down the mountain, but I would like to ask the **** seniors some questions."

The middle-aged couple came forward and came to Jiang Tian, ​​apparently wanting to get some guidance.

Jiang Tian is not postponed, a faint saying: "The yin and yang are upside down here, the five elements are in chaos, but every night, when it should be the most calm. Take an hour every day, don't worry, you should be able to go down the mountain in seven days."

"But it's not absolute, the risk is to look at it."

After that, I gave each of them a piece of jade, no more words.

"Thank you, seniors." The two thanked them and waited until the middle of the night to start.

For a time, people walked almost, leaving only Xiao Chen and Feng Wei, the two knives did not make a decision.

Feng Wei obviously has some uncertain ideas. I don't know what to do. I asked Xiao Chen: "No brother, what do you think?"

Xiao Chen naturally has to go, but obviously he is repaired by his master, and he can barely protect himself. It is only a burden to bring one person.

The importance of the reincarnation is self-evident. Xiao Chen replied truthfully: "My strength can barely protect myself, but if I walk with people, there is no guarantee."

Feng Xiao smiled and said: "Let's see us at the Xianlou Palace, I hope I can go there alive."

If Xiao Chen thinks thoughtfully, he will take out a brocade box and hand it to the other party. There are some fixed dragon needles in it. Maybe it can be used at a critical moment.

"What is this." Feng Wei asked in confusion.

Xiao Chen calmly said: "Some gadgets, my own refining, dealing with ghosts and evils, some role."

Feng Wei didn't care too much, but he was still very moved. After he collected it, he said, "Do it."

" Take care!"

After Feng Wei left, the whole team was left with Xiao Chen and Jiang Tian. Jiang Tian smiled casually: "People are gone, boy, you can take this mask off."

The mask was not picked, and Xiao Chen wondered: "When did you recognize me?"

"At first glance, you have some doubts. The unique atmosphere of the guru can't be hidden. When you use the dragon needle, you can already determine a seven-eight-eight-eighth, but the Tibetan is really deep enough."

Jiang Lao went on to say: "The world has forgotten you, but how can you think that the Qinglong King of that year has changed and become the shadowless knife king."

Some words, let Xiao Chen silently rebut, can only default to the other side's guess.

"Let's gossip less, your eye of the sky, the realm of cultivation. The secret of the cave, is there a cultivation?" Jiang Tian said seriously.

"Ask this, what has not been cultivated for a long time, and these years have put the energy on the knife." Xiao Chen did not conceal anything, the tone said with a trace of doubt.

Jiang Tianxuan said: "Stupid kid, actually put the eye of the hole in the sky, this is not the cultivation of the heavens, how many people can not ask for it. I am too lazy to care about you, I thought I could help me some, now it seems You guy is also a drag bottle."

Xiao Chen was ashamed in his heart. This was scorned by Jiang Tian. He listened to the other party's words. He deliberately let the old man and other people leave.

"Look at the Dragon Mirror, the dragon and the dragon are still two treasures."


"There is still some use, get ready, go with me to see what the ghosts of the cultivators are playing." Jiang Tian finally said his purpose, he thought he was looking for the troubles of the cultivators.

This can be contrary to Xiao Chen’s plan. He is looking for a round of return. The cultivator will not be related to him as long as he does not play the idea of ​​returning to the round.

"Help me this busy, I will help you get a turn back, I know where the reincarnation is."

"The deal." Xiao Chen did not consider, said directly.

Jiang Tian smiled and said: "It's decisive enough, but you can't promise it. If you refuse, I will go directly to help the people at Zhou Tianxing Palace."

After preparing for it, Xiao Chen blended the throne into the black suit, and the dragon mirror was suspended silently on the top of his head, standing side by side with Jiang Tian.

Jiang Tian holds the heaven and earth, and stretches his hand, the turbid sky, slowly separating. The sun, the moon and the stars, the brilliance flashes, and the panoramic view.


This Xiao Chen will also, but there is still a gap between Jiang Tian and the astrological signs that can be understood.

"What is this doing? Isn't the feng shui in this place already messed up? The stars are so varied that they can't make a clue." Xiao Chen said inexplicably.

"Look, the cultivator, on which hill, found it!"

Ginger eyes condensed and settled on a ghost mountain in the northwest, with the ghost mountain at the foot of the two, almost across the valley.

"Looking at the eye of your hole, is it right?"

Xiao Chen took off the mask, the eyebrows, the vertical eyes open, the vision suddenly infinitely elongated. The picture in the distance has been magnified by countless times in front of the eyes, and the details are all missed.

When it is time to reach the limit, Xiao Chen finally saw it, a fairy ship!

The time of the eye of Dong Tian could not be too long. After confirmation, Xiao Chen was ready to work.

At this time, in front of the picture, suddenly a face is added.

The owner of the face, the white fairy who appeared on the hill when he had not entered the place before. At this moment, the eye of the cave has not yet dispersed, and the other's face is like a sticker in front of Xiao Chen.

The beauty of this woman, no need to repeat, perfect, invincible, extraordinary and refined.

Just look at it, Xiao Chen feels a fear in the endless, scared back three steps, the last step of the casual workers went wrong, the mouth overflowed with a trace of blood.

"What did you see?" He was vomiting blood in the morning, and Jiang Tian was a little excited and asked urgently.

Xiao Chen took a short break and replied: "A fairy boat, and... a woman in white, I don't know if it is an illusion."

I thought that I could see a lot of Jiang Tian, ​​and I was disappointed. "You are too low in the eyes of the sky. If you go further, you will see more of the realm of flying eyes."

The eyes of the gods are just a realm. When the cultivation is successful, the eyes of the cave can fly in the sky, not in the **** and the flesh.

Can this situation, Xiao Chen did not think about it, too difficult and too difficult.

"That woman." Xiao Chen wondered: "Don't you say that it won't appear?"

Jiang Tian sighed: "I probably know what they are going to do."

"This woman is the first woman of the Tian Xuan, the first person in the Taikoo years, and she is extremely obsessed with the immortals. After the end of the martial arts, she moved to the 19 ghost mountains, locked the aura of the Diao Xianxian, and prepared to become a ghost."

Xiao Chen muttered: "Ghost fairy? The fairy is not a good thing. It is not impossible to enter the fairy with a ghost. It is not possible for her to succeed."

"A few million years ago, the ghost knows the result. This cultivator may want to find her body and dig out how to cultivate ghosts."

Jiang Tian worried and said: "If this is really unearthed, it will come out of the tower, and the world will be chaotic."

"Go, go see with me."

Tiankun Qiankunqi, rotate one circle and double. Jiang Tian immediately stood up, and Xiao Chen thought for a moment and followed up.

He would like to know that the white woman he saw was a ghost or a ghost.

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