Immortal and Martial Dual Cultivation

Vol 3 Chapter 1633: Pain to the peak, no pain in heart

It’s too late, these four words are applicable no matter where they are.

For example, this beautiful flower rain in front of you, tens of thousands of fireworks, taking the extremes of yin and yang, volley and dance. In the world, it is difficult to have beautiful scenery and surpass the present.

It’s too much to be beautiful, it’s not a good thing, when the tens of thousands of fireworks exploded together. It is the sickle of death, more horrible than the most powerful beast.

Xiao Chen didn't have time to appreciate these beautiful scenery, and did not think about the consequences after the landing of Wanhua. He had more important things to do.

He wants to kill!

After three times, I asked to leave and I was not allowed. From the Heavenly Immortal, he threatened him to die with him, and when he forced him to submit it, the killing in his heart quietly sprouted.

I can't stop it now, I don't want to stop.

And let this killing, stir in the heart, let go of every cell in the body.

If a man wants to marry and kills his mind, he will not be decisive.

Therefore, when the day was a fairy, when he asked for mercy, Xiao Chen refused to accept it.

Who knows you, will it be no longer extravagant, will not make small means.


Among the Taiji knives, the yin and yang two dragons, which are endlessly transformed into knives, roared away. In the squally wind, Tianyi Xianzun and Mingyue Xianzun are engulfed.

clang! clang! clang! clang! clang!

Two storms formed, and there was a continuous sound of screaming in the storm. Each true dragon is composed of five hundred swordsmen. They use the Taiji knife field to meet together. When they break out, they will continue to attack the target.

The strength of five hundred people, integrated together, Xiao Chen will feel that some can not afford, not to mention two Xianzun.

After half a ring, there was a little bit of light in the storm, which was the essence of the body after the bodyguard was defeated.

Deep in the eyes, a little cold, flickering.

Above the throne, Xiao Chen is like a striking bowstring, and it is like a ghost phantom. Holding seven sinful blades of sin, the sword fell and the sword danced.

No shortage of knife, fourth move, broken heart.

This trick breaks the heart, first breaks himself, then breaks the enemy. When this knife broke out, Xiao Chen’s heart broke and the pain filled the whole body. Because of the pain, it is unforgettable. Because of the pain, it will stimulate all the anger in the heart.

In the absence of a knife, it is the most negative and most radical move.

On the morning of Xiao Chen, he was hesitant and wanted to create this knife. Because of the pain, there is no edge, there is no end, the abyss of hatred is not close.

Once caught in, it is very likely that you can't extricate yourself. The power of the knife may be beyond control.

It’s not a sword, but a knife, and it’s a magic.

However, no one is perfect, nothing is done, and the knife can't have a perfect knife. After pondering for a long time, Xiao Chen still created this knife, intending to turn it into a shortcoming of the lack of knife.

There is no perfect knife, no perfect person, and some are just a heart that pursues nothing. This is the essence of the knife-free method.

The storm dissipated, and the two sages vomited and sneaked away, panicked, and all kinds of handcuffs changed rapidly.

Late, Xiao Chen is ready to go, waiting for this moment for too long.

Just after the storm, the corner of his mouth overflowed with a trace of blood, and he was carrying a green evil light Xiao Chen. Appeared in the field of vision, the horrible suffocation, scared the two hands and feet trembled, the liver and gallbladder cracked.

Tian Yixianzun, the ultimate regret in his heart, actually threatened such a monk.

The fall of Wanhua can not affect the mood of the other party, but it is even more firm.

As long as he knew this, he would never have let go of such awkward words.


The blood of the two splashed, the body of the two, in contact with the blade, broke, turned into dust, fell into the blood lake.

The two human figures are small, and they are shot out. They are attached to the magic of the life, just like a laser movie.

"There is no shadow knife king, you wait, today the body is destroyed by the enemy, he will be **** debts."

"You don't even know who you offended, the big man behind Penglai Xianhai, you can't afford it!"

The revenge of the two men appeared in the mind of Xiao Chen.

Xiao Chen glared at the two Yuan Ying, who were like dogs who lost their families. They were too lazy to pay attention to them, and they smashed back to the throne.

Among the eyes, two flashes of light flashed and then quickly rotated.

Right index finger, gently click, with a flash of light in the eyes. The fingertips are shot, a tiny taiji yin and yang flame map, and then expands.

At the end of the day, it will be expanded to cover the entire lake surface, and the flowers of the 10,000 empty flowers will be gently dragged.

The power of Hongmeng in the body, less than half in an instant, can look at the 10,000 petals that will fall after half a meter above the head.


The strong feelings of exhaustion in my mind came, and Xiao Chen lie down so directly, reincarnation of the throne's heart, and flew in, just catching Xiao Chen.

Xiao Chen lying on the throne, blinking slightly, the blood stains of the dry mouth.

In order to run away these two great deities, Xiao Chen can be said to be exhausted and hurt. Mana not only consumes an empty space, but also seriously overdrafts, and the heart is even more wounded.

But fortunately, he finally drove away the two great deities and kept the holy shrine.

If you look carefully, you can actually find it under the weak appearance of Xiao Chen. In the right eye, there is a peerless edge, and his strongest brand of thunder and lightning has quietly moved.

At the moment, it is still far from being able to rest. The weak appearance is just the illusion of Xiao Chen.

Tian Xuan Sheng, this little trinity reminds the people to pay attention, Xiao Chen has never relaxed his vigilance.

The beauty is the ultimate, the mysterious Tian Xuan saint, silent, appears in front of Xiao Chen.

A faint look at Xiao Chen, the line of sight seems to have stopped for a moment in his right eye.

"What is the last knife called?" Tian Xuan Sheng said, asked.

"Broken heart."

"Good name, many years ago, I also had such a sword, called heartbreak. I did not expect that after a million years, I will see a knife of the same kind of work, you and I seem to have a fate."

Xiao Chen was not surprised in his heart. The other party was practicing the martial arts to the extreme, and then scattered the fascinating genius of the martial arts.

"Wrong, you and me not only have no chance, but different. I am deliberate, but you are used to nature. If I guess it is correct, your sword is broken, and at the end of the day, your whole heart is not It is."

Xiao Chen is not too slow, and continues to say: "It hurts to the peak, no heart to re-open. This sword has no heart, to really want to see something, that power, what is the strength."

"How did you guess it?"

In the eyes of Tian Xuan's saints, the look is changing, but the face is still no waves, or the beauty is shocking, not waiting for a trace of red and tacky.

Xiao Chen quietly dissipated the sharp edge of his right eye, and it is already certain that the other party did not plan to do so.

At that moment, when he was the weakest, the other party did not start, and he took a breath, but he was no longer so good.

In the face of the question of Tian Xuan's sacred woman, Xiao Chen replied truthfully: "From the time I first saw you, I felt strange, and the beauty was so extreme that it was still heart-rending and I dare not approach."

"When you just said the heartbreaking sword, I suddenly understood that you have no expression, no smile, no tears, no pain, no trouble. Because you are, you are an unintentional person."

Tian Xuan Sheng, silent for a long time, seems to have been said.

Can be explored the biggest secret, the woman's face, still no waves, have to say, it is really chilling.

Unintentional, is it still a person? Obviously not counting, non-human and non-ghost, then the problem before Xiao Chen, there is an answer.

Ghostly immortal, Tian Xuan saint was indeed a ghost fairy, and it is still a real ghost.

Thinking of this woman, can not be shot to anyone, Xiao Chen guessed a possibility. This woman may be just a trace of the remnant of the Tian Xuan saint. When the real Tian Xuan saint was a ghost, she left Kunlun.


Xiao Chen reached out and waved, and the holy priest fell to the other side and said: "I have done it as a promise, and I have helped you hold the holy shrine. Now is the time for you to fulfill your promise."

Tian Xuan Sheng looked at the holy shrine and looked up: "No hurry, then promise me the last thing, all your requirements can be satisfied."

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