Immortal and Martial Dual Cultivation

Vol 3 Chapter 1634: Where to find fairy

Xiao Chen frowned slightly and said softly: "What requirements."

"Open the coffin for me, I want to see the same thing inside." Tian Xuan's sacred opening, said something, let Xiao Chen feel quite unexpected.

As soon as this was said, Xiao Chen’s heart suddenly became alert and teared off the seal.

The two sages wanted to tear off the fairy charm, and they spent a lot of effort to settle. Now Tian Xuan's sacred woman wants him to tear off the seal.

Xiao Chen was speechless and said with no anger: "Tian Xuan Sheng, are you teasing me? I know that I want to let the two immortals succeed, and it takes a lot of effort. You now say this. ""

If you want to see the same thing in the holy shrine, then don't let him stop the two immortals. After the two fairy gods are torn off, it is not good to see them on the side.

Why do you want to pull such a bad excuse, no need!

"Do you think that an unintentional person will have a heart to lie to you?" Tian Xuan's face is calm, still can not afford to wave, quiet to the extreme.

Xiao Chen’s words are like a slap in the face. This sentence is better than a lot of explanations.

For almost a moment of export, Xiao Chen will be convinced, and the meaning of sadness, there are not many people in the world who can understand.

Unintentional people, no matter how strong, are a kind of sorrow.

"Okay, I promise you!"

Intellectually, this request is absolutely unacceptable, but Xiao Chen is coming this way, no matter how it changes. The heart has never changed, and deep inside, there is always a naive and emotional.

The matter of time, if always decided by reason, meticulous, careful and careful, what is the difference between that person and the machine.

This time, he is willing to believe in the Tian Xuan saint, even if he is deceived, he will not regret it.

Feng Xianfu is not good to tear off, but there is a Tian Xuan saint to explain, Xiao Chen only needs to listen to it.

In the communication, Xiao Chen found a very strange thing, and Tian Xuan's saint did not seem to know the seal fairy.

It seems that Feng Xianfu is not the same as her own refining. It takes a long time to explain.

"Isn't it necessary for you to refine the seal?" After several attempts, it took a lot of trouble, and Xiao Chen couldn't help but ask.

Tian Xuan's daughter was silent for a long time and said: "No, I used to have a Taoist who helped him seal it."

Xiao Chen heard a glimpse of it and stayed for a while. Some people couldn’t think of a monk like Tian Xuan, and there would be a Taoist monk.

The martial arts are extremely rigorous, and they are completely repaired, and they are instead cultivated, and at the end of the process, they become unintentional people.

It is hard to imagine that someone will be willing to fall in love with such a woman.

"What about others?"

"Should be... already dead." Tian Xuan's sacred deliberately said, some uncertainly said: "When I did all the martial arts repairs, he was protecting the law for me. After I sealed it for me, I would not Know his situation."

In fact, no one can ask for nonsense, from the age of Taikoo to the present, no one can.

Of course, such a monk like the Tian Xuan saint is certainly not in it.

After half a quarter of an hour, the two seals were dissolved, and Xiao Chen hesitated for a moment, finally gently pushing the sacred.

No vision appeared, let Xiao Chen breathe a sigh of relief, among the holy shrine, lying quietly lying a body.

The corpse was well preserved and still looked like it was before life, without decay and ulceration, and no odor.

The appearance and the Xiao Xuan of the Xiao Chen are almost the same, but some are old. The white hair is full, the crow's feet are very obvious, and there are some weak wrinkles above the forehead.

Quietly closing his eyes, like a woman who fell asleep peacefully, holding a picture in her hand.

Xiao Chen’s eyes caught the painting in the hands of the corpse. The first instinct told him that the object that Tian Xuan Sheng wanted to see was this painting.

After being dead for millions of years, he is still squatting, and this thing is obviously extremely important.

Xiao Chen also couldn't help but wonder why it was such a painting that it had such great charm.

"Is this something?"

Tian Xuan Sheng nodded slightly: "Get it out, I will take a look."

Xiao Chen said according to the words, hold the hand and hold the picture carefully. It turned out that the body was a little tight, and it was involuntarily increased.

A dead person can't naturally compete with Xiao Chen. With a little effort, the picture will be freed.

call out!

At this time, the abnormal changes suddenly occurred, and the closed eyes of the corpse suddenly opened. A cold light, from the eyes of the **** out, enveloped Xiao Chen.

Cold into the body, Xiao Chen's body, on the spot, froze. Even after a million years of death, this eye, the peerless edge that is brought, still makes people dare not resist, and the heart trembles.

After so long, there was no accident, and vigilance was inevitably reduced. When the painting was taken, the female body suddenly blinked, and the ordinary people were scared to death.

Even more terrifying is still behind, opening his eyes for a moment, the female body will vacate and one hand will grab toward Xiao Chen’s neck.

The murderous murder of the floods, in desperation, Xiao Chen's strong desire to survive, let him break through the suppression of the female corpse, and the body leaned back.

At the beginning of the millennium, Xiao Chen finally avoided this fatal blow, and the female corpse still had some action.

The Tian Xuan saint suddenly appeared, pointing at the eyebrows of the female corpse, and the female body was turned into a myriad of dust.

At the moment when the female corpse was broken, a gust of wind was set, and the picture was blown out.

Xiao Chen, who was shocked at the throne, couldn’t move away if he had a gaze.

In the exquisite painting paper, there is a bright moon hanging in the sky. The painter uses the deep skill to describe the bright and elegant of this moon.

The whole picture is filled with this soft moonlight, revealing a beautiful taste.

But when the moonlight falls on the ground, the mood changes suddenly, and the white moonlight is like a white frost, paving the courtyard.

In the courtyard of the laurel tree, standing in the hoarfrost of the earth, the **** of heaven and heaven, standing with a sword.

In the painting, she has the appearance of a genius, pure and snowy temperament, heroic and refreshing, staring at the moonlight, revealing an inexplicable sadness.

It is this kind of sorrow that will be filled with soft moonlight, rendering a pale, cold and frosty.

The inscription in the painting: the moonlight is like a frost, and the water is hurt. Red face is easy to get old, where to find fairy...

The distant moonlight, covered with courtyards, is like a cold hoarfrost, with a hint of sadness. Who can bear this grief, only the woman who is soft and tough like water.

It can be as good as water, and if you don’t go back, the scars of the years will eventually fall on this face.

In fact, the running water can not stop this endless sorrow, staring at the moon in the night, just ask, where to find the fairy!

In an instant, Xiao Chen understood the artistic conception in the painting and read the sadness and helplessness hidden in the verse.

Slightly reaching out, the scroll slowly floated back and fell into the hands of Xiao Chen.

Looking at the people in the painting, looking at the unintentional Tian Xuan Sheng, I have to say that it is really sighing.

There are still sorrows in the paintings, and there is helplessness. But this person is in front of him, but nothing is left.

"Is this painting painted by him?"

Xiao Chen held the picture in both hands and looked up and asked the **** of Tian Xuan. He naturally referred to the other Taoist.

Silence for a long time, it seems that some of the liberated Tian Xuan saint, nodded slightly: "Yes, it is his painting, but also the most nostalgic thing in this life. After a million years, I left a trace of thought, just to see this painting again. ""

"I really like this picture."

"Then keep it, keep it for me, and now you can fulfill your promise."

"Not urgent."

Xiao Chen rolled up the scroll slowly, took out a mirror box from the Qiankun ring, and solemnly installed it.

Tian Xuan's sacred woman is a bit puzzled. I don't know Xiao Chen, who has been showing anxiousness all the time. Why is it so slow?

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