Immortal and Martial Dual Cultivation

Vol 3 Chapter 1635: Get what you want

"Ask you."

Xiao Chen packed everything and looked at Tian Xuan's holy girl: "Where is your real body?"

A little unexpected, Xiao Chen will ask this question, Tian Xuan Sheng Yang shook his head and said: "I don't know, I just lost my thoughts. After I was a ghost, I left this exile."

"How to leave."

"I don't know, I don't know anything after she left."

Xiao Chen heard that he could not give birth to a trace of doubt. In this case, who in the world can truly determine that the Tian Xuan saint has become a ghost fairy.

Just keep some legends, but how can people in Penglai Xianhai take so many years to prepare for the legend of nothingness.

Even two immortals have come, and it has been a bit weird to sacrifice so many masters all the way.

It should be someone who gave the exact message that there is a ghost in the world, and this group of people in Penglai Xianhai will be crazy.

Who is this person?

He has seen that the true body of the Tian Xuan saint after the cultivation of the ghost fairy, wants to use the people of Penglai Xianhai to explore the road.

As for the law of ghosts, after Xiao Chen and Tian Xuan's sacred understanding deepened, they knew that there would be no second person in the world to be a ghost.

No one is as glamorous as her, and no one is like her. If she is so arrogant, she will not even want to.

Even if she knows how she has become a ghost, no one can make it.

"Fulfill the promise, give me a round to decide." Xiao Chen is not thinking too much, and said the biggest purpose of this trip.

Tian Xuan Sheng Sheng reached out a little, and the two appeared in front of the sky. In the picture, a group of people in Zhou Tianxing Palace are trying to crack the prohibition.

On the stone platform of the central government, an old black book was placed, and the reincarnation was written in ancient Chinese characters.

Chu Tian, ​​the head of the Sun Palace, is looking forward to seeing the reincarnation on the stone platform. I can’t wait to take it away immediately.

Reasonableness still exists, even if the power is close, you have to ban it and then take it.

The ban on the Xianlou Palace is not the same, and it seems that there is nothing. In fact, one step at a time, there are arrays in the array.

Tian Xuan Sheng female finger in the place where the temple is located, gently click, close the eyes for a moment.

call out!

The reincarnation on the stone platform suddenly disappeared, just under the eyes of Chutian, inexplicably disappeared.

"What happened, how did the reincarnation disappear?"

Chutian screamed in surprise, it was incredible, and these strange things were unheard of.

In the picture, he was furious and arrogant, and his manners were lost. However, it is also reasonable. Anyone who experiences such strange things will be like this.

When the picture disappeared, the black reincarnation appeared in front of Xiao Chen’s eyes, reaching out and holding it in his hand.

Xiao Chen feels a little dreamy, and it is too easy to be a little bit. Is it really time to turn back?

The things in the hands, heavy and incomparable, old and long-lasting atmosphere, decided not to be fake.

Turning over the cover, Xiao Chen looks dignified and looks at it carefully. The round of reciprocity is of great importance, and it is really unbearable that he has any sloppyness. He has no time to wait until the next time in the Xianlou Palace.

After half a ring, Xiao Chen finally confirmed the things in his hand, it is indeed a genuine reincarnation, can not fake!

Tian Xuan Sheng did not lie to herself. After all, she fulfilled Chen Nuo, the unintentional person, and would not be deceiving.

"Thank you." Xiao Chen received a good round of return, solemnly thank.

I really didn't expect that it would be great to get a reincarnation in such an easy way, to avoid the fight with the Sun Palace.

“You are welcome, this is only part of the promise, and it is the real reward to promise your mixed fruit.”

Tian Xuan's saint is not happy, not calm, and calm, and there is another picture in front.

It is a medicinal garden in the Xian Palace in the Loulou, a powerful mysterious beast among the gardens. Or a poisonous snake, or a poisonous bee, or a strange bird, hidden in it.

An old man dressed in linen, sneaking in the medicine garden, facing the depths of the medicine garden, a fruit fruit touched.

It was a mediocrity, and Xiao Chen recognized this person at a glance. He did not expect that he really came here.

This spirit is ordinary, the color is not gorgeous, and there is no fresh feeling of refreshing.

Only one glance will be ignored, and it will be completely inaccessible.

It is such a fruit, but the appearance is exactly the same as the legendary mixed fruit.

Only by concentrating all the energy and staring at it will you find that in the uneven surface of the fruit, there is a golden light that is difficult to look directly at.

Staring at a quarter of an hour, the image of this fruit in my mind suddenly becomes golden, as if I had a sacred prince and closed my eyes.

Among them, mysterious, can't speak.

"The seed of this fruit is the one I found in the relics of the immortal. I have matured more than a million years later. I have not eaten it myself. Such a fairy can be worthy of everything you help me."

In the view of Tian Xuan, the reincarnation is useless, or the fruit of the fruit is paid.

Mixed fruit, also known as the mixed fruit and fruit, after the legend is eaten, you can increase the millennium to cultivate, and instantly realize.

Even if there is no such thing as the legendary, it will be good, otherwise it will not let the immortals compete.

At this moment, the careful old man in the linen is just a little closer to the mixed fruit. If you look closely, you will find that his forehead is black and his color is very poor.

Only one pair of eyes, staring at the mixed fruit, sparkling.

He is already very toxic, and if he is not careful, he will die immediately.

"Do you know this person?" Tian Xuan Sheng asked.

Xiao Chen nodded: "Come in together."

"He is dying, at least seven kinds of strange poisons, and three more steps, he will die."

“Is there any way to save him?”

Well, there is a side, Xiao Chen is not a stone heart, asks.

"You want to save him? If you are not saved, people should have self-knowledge, greed blinds their eyes, and death is self-seeking."

The voice of Tian Xuan's saint has just fallen, and the old man in the linen faltered and squatted and fell to the ground.

"No, I haven't got the mixed fruit yet, I haven't become a supreme, I can't die..."

In the unwillingness of the old man, a big snake spit the letter and slowly slid over it, and Zhang mouth swallowed it.

The picture disappeared, and the fruit of the fruit appeared out of thin air. It was like a reincarnation. The magic appeared on this blood lake.

Even if I have seen too many lives and deaths, Xiao Chen was a little surprised at the same time. The old man in the clothes was so convinced that he was so dead.

After waiting for decades, I finally hoped that the Xianlou Palace would come, but the result was the same.

The fruit was taken back to the palm of his hand. Xiao Chen felt a little heavy and had some accidents. He did not expect this fairy fruit to eventually fall into his own hands.

Before I came, I never thought that as long as there was a round of retreat, the trip to the Immortal Palace would be complete.

"You also heal the speed, and then drag it down, it is not a matter of time." Tian Xuan Sheng, said.

Xiao Chen collected the mixed fruit and looked at Tian Xuan's holy girl: "What about you?"


Tian Xuan's holy woman shook her head and said: "I am just a glimpse of the sorrow. Now I have a thought, and there is no existence. It is unnecessary. It is good to accompany this fairy palace quietly."

Xiao Chen’s heart was a bit sigh, and he felt a little bit bitter. After all, he was an unintentional person. The picture that made this outsider feel awkward, but in her opinion, it was just a thought.

Suddenly, when I think of it, Xiao Chen’s look changed slightly and stopped the idea of ​​preparing for healing.

"In the Xianlou Palace, there should be a group of masters wearing blood coats. Can you help me to see where this group of people is?"

I almost forgot, and this strange group of forces is worthy of attention.

The blood-stained door is mysterious. After entering the fairy palace, the whereabouts are also very different. And the strangest thing is that the prohibition of the moon in the hall, did not block these people.

It was because of this doubt that Xiao Chen couldn’t help but venture through the ban.

Tian Xuan Sheng, in this fairy palace, although can not shoot against the enemy. Obviously there are still some means, if not, it is a pity.

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