Immortal and Martial Dual Cultivation

Vol 3 Chapter 1644: The first battle

Half a month, for the military, but a blink of an eye.

For the Xihai Dragon Palace, which waits for a long time, no, now, it should be said that the blood-stained door is less hurricane, but it is like a year, and it is impatient.

Outside the entire sea area of ​​the island, there are dense **** battleships, and the battle flag of the blood-stained door is hung on each battleship.

A dazzling look is like a thick cloud of blood that falls on the ocean.

The blood-stained door is so powerful and powerful.

Among the dense warships, eleven main ships, seven colors of dragons each occupy one, and each of the four dragon kings, one of which is the flagship of the battleship where the West Sea Dragon King is located.

Integrating the forces left by the sea king, the strength of the blood-shirt door is unprecedentedly strong and reaches its peak. In addition to a little poorer, it is completely comparable to the immortal holy land, and even has it.

In the distant sky, there are many warriors, as well as people in the Holy Land, closely watching the every move of the blood-shirt door.

Of course, these people are not here to help, just want to rely on this battle, to understand the strength of the blood-shirt door.

The current Qinglong King is not the Qinglong King who was in the middle of the five years ago. The people of all the holy places have chosen to be on the wall.

Many of them are anti-virus and hope that the best ending is that they will lose both.

"Less master, the Longmen Chinese have not responded so far, refused to hand over Xiao Chen." Above the flagship, there are messengers squatting on the deck.

The corner of the hurricane showed a sneer, looking back, the father sitting on the king's chair said: "Father, this gantry does not know how to lift, we don't have to be polite to them."

The waves are wearing blood-stained armor, and the eyes are sparkling with strange red light. The body has a tremorous atmosphere, which is majestic and mysterious.

"Through my command, the three dragon kings, the seven-color dragon waiting, the city around the island, the blood wash the dragon door!"

"Get it!"

The passer-by on the flagship of the time, took out the message, and conveyed the command of the waves.

According to the already planned arrangement, the dense battleships, vacated, like a blood cloud. Towards the Star Island, the rapid flight quickly passed, and each battleship was filled with dense red warriors.

In the city's main government, the rumors, such as the dust, the blue sky, and the like, are ready to go, and the war is like a fire.

The Fuyuan Courtyard, the Longmen Warrior, has already gathered on the Longmen battleship. On the all-round battleship of the Longmen, the station is full of disciples who are willing to sacrifice for the Dragon Gate. These were once the aborigines of the Star Island.

Thanks to the help of Xiao Chen and the strangers, we can have the achievements of today and today. After many hardships with the Longmen, we can go to the center of the Longmen and go to the fire.

"A strange girl, the Black Sea thirteen thieves and the Wushen Palace can not come?" Jin scale asked a little worried.

Originally counting on these two forces, they can help at a critical time, who knows the sudden riots in the Black Sea. The thirteen thieves who were originally stationed in the city had to go back to the emergency, otherwise they might be broken.

As for the Wushen Palace, the Mozu suddenly attacked, and the Wushen Palace and the Shinto League also contributed to each other, and the other side was fighting in the stars.

It's hard to believe that this is just a simple coincidence.

"I can't come, I can only rely on ourselves." The dusty face was heavy and replied softly.

Unexpectedly, it will be difficult.


From the sound of footsteps, a child of the Dragon Gate quickly ran in and said: "The city owner, the person with the blood-shirt door came. The entire Tianlong City has been surrounded, the three dragon kings, the seven-color dragon, and the vice-door owner of the blood-shirt door. All gathered in the East Gate."


There was no hesitation in the dust, and she suddenly got up. There was only one belief in her heart. Never let the dragon gate that Xiao Chen personally established is destroyed in the hands of this group of people.

She didn't want to see that when Xiao Chen came back, she saw a broken gantry.

She remembers that Xiao Chen’s older brother was laughing and leaving, smiling and going, should come back with a smile.

The former heavy gantry veterans in the hall all suddenly got up and did not hesitate. Since they promised to come back, these people did not intend to be deserters, no matter who the enemy is!

Out of the hall, looked up to the sky, a red cloud around the Dragon City, a circle.

When it is really impenetrable, the water is leaking. Although the gates are not broken, there will be guardianships, and these people will not be able to attack. Can be a large cloud of blood, it seems to give people a lot of psychological pressure.

"Go to the East Gate."

A strange saying, a few hundred gantry warships parked over the city's main house, vacated. Just like an arrow, flying fast toward the gate, decisive.

"Let's go."

The strange voice fell, and now it was vacated, and its footsteps were like a burning meteor, breaking through the sky.

Others, each means, faster than the Longmen battleship, a lot faster.

After the first arrival, arrived at the East City.

Above the city gate, the guards had already looked serious and looked at the sky and the clouds were not shocked.

"The city owner, the **** door is the main hurricane to see you."

The Dongcheng leader walked quickly and said.

"I will meet him."

Going a step forward, come to the edge of the wall and look down. Just saw, riding on the horse, surrounded by the hurricane.

At the rear, the three dragon kings, the seven-color dragon waiting, each with a team, full of murderous, cold-eyed people on the wall.

Farther a bit, the West Sea Dragon King waves, there is no island. Far behind in the back, everything seems to be in the chest.

On the high wall, the dust was really standing out, and the hurricane was bright, revealing a deep smile.

After the emperor, the veil of the strange dust has been removed. In the past, the first beauty in the sea of ​​clouds, today is excellent in style and temperament, and even more so than in the past.

Many people have seen the slightest stay, and they are embarrassed by Xiao Chen.

All become a waste man, and there is such a peerless beauty, willing to give up for him, keep the dragon door and not give up.

"The stranger, you always figured out, I thought that you and Xiao Chen are the same as the tortoise." The wind is winning, the words are mad, and the smile is said.

The dust is not humble, and calmly responds: "Hey, I have said, don't say that Xiao Da Ge is not in Tianlong City. Even if it is really, the Longmen people will never let Xiao Chen's brother fall into danger. in."

"Oh, a good excuse, who doesn't know. Xiao Chen jumped off the emperor's road, and the wind and fire robbed him. Now he is a waste man, and he is hiding in Tianlong City."

The hurricane sneered, and the tone said quietly.

"Less master, don't talk nonsense with them, I will go to this girl. I personally grabbed it and tortured it, and I got the result."

One person around him, vacated, like electric light, flew toward the east city, taking the dust.

This person is wearing the name of the blood-shirt armor, named Wu Yun, is one of the core elders of the blood-shirt door, repaired to the strength of the six kings.


Above the city wall, the ram feathers tiptoe, holding a heavy black iron bar, facing this person, a stick fell.

"Little and younger, dare to fight with me!"

Wu Yun laughed aloud, did not evade, it was a punch.


The fist hit the iron bar and made a dull bang, like a thunderous thunder, which shook the eardrum.

The face of the hurricane changed slightly, and whispered: "It is him, the male sheep feather, the first person of the starfish road!"

When the voice fell, Wu Yun in the sky under the slogan, a corner of the mouth overflowed with a trace of blood, directly knocked out by this stick.

The arm was numb, the strength of the stick spread out, and half of the body was stiff.

"It turns out that the repair of your six-day peak is advanced by foreign objects, but it is!"

Gong Yang Yu decided to beat the dog, waving a long stick with one hand, and the black iron rod was like a hurricane.

Rumble, the iron rods rotate, bringing the sound of endless wind and thunder, attracting thunder clouds.

call out!

When the iron rod stopped rotating, the ram feather fell down, and in the thundercloud, he shot a thousand lightning bolts. The body of the ram feather disappeared quickly and waited until it reappeared.

Wu Yun spit out a blood, his body flew out, and there was a blood hole in his chest.

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