Immortal and Martial Dual Cultivation

Vol 3 Chapter 1645: Initial reincarnation reverses time and space

The ram’s first battle was victorious, and it was really beautiful and inspiring.

In fact, the situation of the Longmen has not been reversed. Wu Yun is just one of the core elders of the Bloody Gate. Above the core elders, there are eight law enforcers, and the deputy heads are devastated.

Not to mention the three dragon kings who have already put on their battle suits, the seven-color dragons, and the now unpredictable Xihai Dragon King.

The power of the blood-stained door is really more than the gantry, not one or two single-handedly fighting alone can save the whole situation.


At the same time, on the overseas islands, Xiao Chen’s reincarnation has also reached the most critical juncture.

The seven different artistic moods around me are like the essence. It is like a colorful diamond floating around Xiaochen.

Various moods are constantly rotating, and on the whole island, with the rotation of the artistic conception, various visions are transformed.

The mountain river is broken, the fire is wolf, and above the sand field, there is a soldier body with arrows and scars.

The two armies confronted each other, and the killings continued. Everyone was blinded.

The so-called history is in the process of killing and constantly evolving.

This is a vision of killing the enemy. After a while, the picture changes.

In the city, in the killing, the destroyed and devastation, the civilization was trampled, and the mountains and rivers were leveled. This is an illusion that destroys the artistic conception and manifests it. This is the destruction caused by the killing.

The picture changed again, and among the ruins, someone was crying painfully. Above the **** red sky, a group of vultures flew over, and the withered flowers in the sky were filled with sad emotions.

Countless people, silent mourning in the sky, it is a desperate face.

After despair, there are countless deaths and the whole world is silent. The picture is only black and white, the silence brought by death, sweeping the mountains and rivers.

Looking into the distance, everything is dying, people are not there, and the world has turned into a blank piece of paper.

I don't know how many years have passed, and in the black world, there is a sudden color.

It was a green grass, struggling with a stone crevice in the ruins, and when it appeared, the whole world was colored.

When a person is alive, there must be killing, and the killing will eventually lead to destruction until the whole world dies and then regains a new life.

Reincarnation is not limited, life does not go out!

The illusion disappeared, and seven colorful diamonds turned into a rainbow of light into the sea of ​​Xiao Chen.

In the vast sea of ​​knowledge, in addition to the innate thunder crystal, the will of the ice, there is also a reincarnation heart that combines seven artistic conceptions.

Xiao Chen opened his eyes, and the sky filled the colorful rays of light for more than half a year, disappearing.

He sees the world, and invisible, there is more of a sentiment.

The desolate island was not lonely in front of his eyes. It was buried in the ant colony on the ground and the grass in the cracks.

Everything is full of vitality, he even looks farther, seeing a decade later, a hundred years later.

The desolate islands are green and densely forested.

"Reincarnation, I finally got to this step."

If Xiao Chen thinks thoughtfully and does not integrate the reincarnation of the artistic conception, he will never realize the wonder of the reincarnation.

With a wave of a finger, a smear of knife smeared from the fingertips of Xiao Chen and landed on a rock outside the front of the kilometer.

Among the knives, it combines the reincarnation of the mood that Xiao Chen has just realized.

The rock that was hit by the knife light was hit by seven kinds of artistic conception, and finally turned into a touch of loess and melted into the ground.

There are no earth-shattering explosions, no dazzling and colorful visions, and some are just plain and minimal.

Xiao Chen feels very satisfied, although it is not very likely to use the reincarnation of the mood, but the immediate effect has been explained.

Reincarnation of the artistic conception, the simplicity of his power, into a new realm.

His power of humour has always been much worse than the power of the Emperor Wudi.

The reason is very simple, he did not rob.

But now this reincarnation of the mood, it is a good complement to this, as long as the reincarnation of the artistic conception and the power of Hongmeng. His power of honour will not be worse than that of the king.

Think of his thousand talents, this is more than a hundred more than the Emperor Wutian Tianwu. With the reincarnation of the artistic conception, but in the realm of cultivation, he is no less inferior to the Great Emperor.

It should be said that there are still some, only those who are the peaks of the nine heavens, and the Lord of the Holy Land, which is only one line away from the Supreme, can compete with him.

"Interesting, but the reincarnation of the mood, it should be more than that simple."

If the reincarnation of the mood, only this effect, it is somewhat disappointing.

Let's try it, and what effect will it bring after exhausting the reincarnation of the mood.

The reincarnation is only a remnant. After teaching people to reinvent the reincarnation, there is nothing. Everything has to rely on Xiao Chen to explore for himself, otherwise it will not be used at all, so laborious.

call out!

In the sea of ​​knowledge, the heart of the reincarnation rotates quickly, and a ray of sunshine is filled with knowledge of the sea.

Then came the power from the reincarnation of the mood, rushed out of the limits of the sea, and wandered around the body. The limbs are full of vitality, and the internal organs are full of explosive power.

Can not walk, clearly in the body, full of strength. But Xiao Chen raised his leg for a moment, but he felt like he was fighting against the whole world, and there was resistance in infinity.

How could this be?

The doubts are full of thoughts, and Xiao Chen is puzzled. Isn’t this place of exile that cannot use the reincarnation of the artistic conception.

If this is the case, then this half-year effort is not in vain.

The eyes are red, and the big bet is over the reincarnation. He has been fighting for this goal for more than ten years in this Kunlun world.

The result of the change in the end, the blow is also a bit too big, it is really unwilling.

never give up!

Xiao Chen roared, and the power of Qiandao Hongmeng was also infused at this time.

call out!

His body wanted to break through a thick layer of invisible barrier and break the barrier. That resistance is not there, and it suddenly rushed out.

Holding the blade of arrogance, Xiao Chen slashed the ground and vented his whole body.

There was a loud bang, and the whole island exploded in an instant, turning into nothingness, and the sky was splashed and turned into countless dust.

When the sea surface appears, a huge hole appears, forming a huge vortex, which is like an abyss that attracts thousands of miles of sea water.


A weird thing happened, just witnessing the collapse of the island, the formation of the abyss of Xiao Chen. Suddenly found that the foreground of the eye has changed suddenly, standing on the island with a knife.

It’s an unspeakable exhaustion, and I can’t wait to fall to the ground immediately. It’s too tired and too tired.

"How can this be? I just remember very clearly. I have a clear knife and broken the island under my feet. Why the island I saw at this time is still intact."

Is it dazzling, what I experienced is only illusory.

However, the power of Hongmeng is exhausted, the heart of reincarnation is bleak, and both physical and mental exhaustion are exhausted. How can it be fake?


I thought about it like this, the picture in front of me changed again, and the island under my feet was not there. If you don't pay attention, the whole person falls directly into the huge ocean vortex.

The whirlpool is like a deep abyss, and it is clear that it was caused by his previous knife.

Fish dragon, dragon and tail!

Xiao Chen lightly screamed like a mad dragon, drawing a huge arc. The huge sucking force that broke away from the vortex, volleyed and fell to the surface of the sea.

Looking at the dark vortex, his thoughts slowly returned to calmness, calmly thinking, and the scene was too strange.

Reverse time and space!

Xiao Chen, who calmed down, carefully thought about all kinds of possibilities. In the end, he came up with these four words.

Reversing time and space, reincarnation between the future and the present, reincarnation of the mood, briefly broke the **** of time.

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