Immortal and Martial Dual Cultivation

Vol 3 Chapter 1646: The gantry was destroyed

Some exhausted lying on the throne, in the morning of Xiao Chen, still thinking about the scene just now.

I finally understood why it feels like facing the whole world when the reincarnation is running.

Going forward, it is so difficult.

Because of the reversal of time and space, he stepped out and walked into the future of time and space.

When the knife was inserted on the ground, the sea surface exploded, and the vortex appeared, he returned to the moment he had the knife.

In this way, I can explain why the island I saw did not explode after he saw it.

Because of the reversal of time and space, he saw the future, and his knife power was also vented in the future.

When the future has been set, the results are already doomed to change, after all. He did nothing, and the island followed the explosion, exactly the same as he saw it in the future.

Explain it, it seems a bit complicated. To put it simply, after the reincarnation of the artistic conception, he can shuttle to the future to start the enemy.

Before and after, there are a total of three seconds, removed back to the present, and the moment of the knife. The time to really do it in the future is only one second, or even less than one second.

This second is enough to set the battle.

This knife can't resist unless the opponent and him feel the fur of the mood.

Think about it, from the future, how do you resist now?

"The reincarnation of the artistic conception is really wonderful, and it is beyond the existence of the avenue."

No matter from which aspect, the way of reincarnation is stronger than the path of the ice, the thunder, and even the sharpest knife of Xiao Chen.

This is the way of reincarnation. For Xiao Chen, the shortcomings are also obvious.

First, it was just the beginning. Xiao Chen didn’t know how to practice later.

Second, there is no way of the knife and the thunder, the feeling of the own arm. It is too difficult to operate, and it is not natural enough to operate.

The last point is that it consumes too much, and that kind of confrontation comes from the whole world. Between the future and the present, the reincarnation shuttle, in addition to the huge consumption, feels that the flesh is also somewhat difficult to support.

However, everything is difficult at the beginning, thinking about the good side, it has just begun, it is so powerful. If you are a little small, how powerful it is, you can't imagine it.

At this time, Xiao Chen suddenly felt that the communication order in the ring was ringing.

The cost of the communication was expensive, but it was the existence of the king's emperor. Xiao Chen's communication order was only given to Jiang Tianyi.

A few days ago, I always felt that Jiang Tian wanted to contact, but unfortunately at that time, the reincarnation was at a crucial moment.

Xiao Chen didn't want to interrupt, fearing that once he stopped, he had to spend half a year to understand.

Now that the reincarnation has been completed, and the concerns are dispelled, Xiao Chen did not hesitate and took out the order.

call out!

On the top of the order, Jiang Tian’s reduced version of the virtual shadow appeared. Xiao Chen was in a good mood and smiled: “But with the news of the treasure owner?”

"Oh, you actually laughed out, the old man really admired you."

Jiang Tian looked strange and sneered.

Xiao Chen felt a bit wrong, his face sank and said: "There is something to say."

"After half a month, I want to find you. The blood-shirt door is going to attack Tianlong City and catch the Qinglong King. Three days ago, I want to tell you that the Dragon Gate is in danger. Your friends can't stop it. If you rush past, you can still have time. ""

Xiao Chen’s heart was a slap in the air, and he couldn’t stop it from being shot out of his body.

After the establishment of Longmen, it has always been low-key and does not compete with people. It has not expanded, just a bunch of friends, in order to complete his desire to rebuild the Dragon Gate, establish a gathering point.

There is no ambition to dominate, nor have you ever thought of invading any forces, for him and his friends.

The gantry is like a big family that connects friends from all sides, perfusing all his efforts.

"What now?"

Jiang Tian silently said: "After half a day, the city gate has been broken. The Longmen elders did their best, and even killed a few elders of the blood-shirt door, but the blood-shirting master personally shot..."


The words of the landlord Jiang Tian have not been finished, and the message of the floating in front of him is directly broken and fried into powder.

"This little guy, when it comes to this state of mind, how can it still be calm?" At the end of the order, Jiang Tian shook his head and sighed softly.

Xiao Chen’s mood is good, even better than most of the king’s emperors.

Can control greed very well, and killing heart.

The dragon has a reverse scale, and it will be angry!

Longmen, as well as the brothers and confidants in the Longmen, are the inverse scales of Xiao Chen, no one can touch!

Good mood, does not mean that there is no temper, does not mean that the edge has been lost.

The anger burned in the heart, and Xiao Chen couldn’t control it, and he didn’t want to control it. In the face of such things, he can't calm down and can't do it.

Originally, after the reincarnation of the artistic conception, the edible fruit was eaten.

It seems that it can only be put aside first.

Take out the use of Hong Mengdan very rarely, Xiao Chen did not hesitate, poured out 10 directly to swallow. Hong Mengdan, who used to cultivate the power of Hongmeng, was directly used by him at this moment to restore the power of Hongmeng.

Xiao Chen’s hard-to-find treasures, Xiao Chen used it freely, and his eyes didn’t blink.

After half an hour, under the influence of ten precious Hongmendan, the strength of Xiao Chen Hong Meng was restored.

Spiritual strength, all recovered to the peak state.

call out!

Together, Xiao Chen is above the water and heavier. The whole person vacated, like a mad dragon, roaring out.

A loud bang, the surface of the water that he stepped on, like a glass, cracked open and there was a huge pit.

So exhausted all efforts, above this endless sea, Xiao Chen rushed in the direction of the island of Star Island.

Like a mad dragon, one step is 10,000 meters.

After the people went, the deep sea crater left behind showed the anger in Xiao Chen’s heart.

In the blink of an eye, he ran for hundreds of miles, but it was too far away from the island. Even if his speed reached the limit that he could reach in the Kunlun world, he could not reach the Star Island in a short time.

Two days later, the Tianxing Sea began to spread a strange news. Some people said that the real dragon was born and flashed in front of him.

After returning to God, I found that there was no trace of it, and the violent breath made everyone who had witnessed feel guilty.

The protagonist of the legend is naturally Xiao Chen. He has no heart and no conviction.

Hurry up, hurry up, hurry up, and rush to Star Island.

As a result, speed was raised to the limit by the blessing of this belief. Everyone who witnessed it, when they saw it, thought it was a dragon shadow and flashed over.

By the speed of this limit, three days later, Xiao Chen miraculously rushed to the sea where the island of Star Island.

After the Xihai Dragon Palace, Xiao Chen felt the atmosphere of the other island, some strange.

But only one mind, he did not stop, after surpassing the past, he was eager to rush to the island of Star Island.

The distance between the Xihai Dragon Palace and the Star Island is not too close. It can be compared to the starting point of Xiao Chen, but it is too close.

Half a day later, he finally set foot on the land of the island.

The outline of Tianlong City appeared in the field of vision. After landing, he ran wildly and finally stopped.

With a hint of embarrassment, Xiao Chen slowly moved to Tianlong City, across the distance.

I saw the residual smoke rising in the city. The largest Dongcheng Gate has been completely destroyed. There is only a pile of bricks left, and you can't see any shadows of the past.

Stepping on the ruins of the city gate, looking up, the entire Dragon City, no longer exists.

After all the buildings were destroyed, they were ignited with fire.

In the past, you can marry the Tianlong City in Mingyue City. Now it is a broken ruin. It is full of smog and smoke.

In some places, the fire has not even been extinguished, and it continues to burn.

Among the ruins, you can see some of the bodies that once remembered the aborigines, with sorrow, looking for relatives and friends in the rubble.

It was for the Dragon Gate, the disciple who died in battle. The body was buried and nobody was in charge.

"How could this be……"

Xiao Chen sadly started from the heart, stood on the spot and muttered to himself.

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