Immortal and Martial Dual Cultivation

Vol 3 Chapter 1647: Anger precipitation

There is no perfect place in the vast Tianlong City, and the entire Dragon Gate is completely destroyed.

Xiao Chen’s heart blames himself, why is it not here at the most critical time of Longmen.

The **** smell in the air has not been exhausted, and it can be smelled with a light smell. I don't want to smell, because I don't know how many gantry children have blood.

Looking at it, among the ruins, many of the family members of the Longmen disciples are screaming hard.

Some disciples have not yet died, and some have died for a long time.

Hate, hate yourself back to the sky, no ability to reverse life and death. Hate yourself, not at the scene, failing to stop the tragedy.

Hate the **** door, why do you want to start with the innocent gantry.

Suddenly, Xiao Chen understood that what was called, the pain reached the peak, and the heart was hurting.

With both hands pinched, Xiao Chen spread out the Tai Chi knife field, within a few kilometers. The walls, stone pillars, and eaves that collapsed on the ground floated within the knife area.

When the mind is moving, all the boulders are instantly turned into powder, which goes with the wind and disappears.

The gantry disciple buried in the boulder wall reveals the true body.

A finger pointing at the eyebrows, the essence of life that blends with the heart of the Emperor, turns into a little bit of a star, and drifts out of his body.

Containing the light points of Xiao Chen's life essence, it looks very beautiful. On the ground, as long as there is a sturdy gantry disciple.

After being nurtured by the essence of life, the injuries on the body are all a little bit fused at a speed visible to the naked eye.

As long as he did not die, he was pulled out from the gate of the ghost gate by Xiao Chen.

He just closed his eyes and walked slowly in the big city. Wherever it passes, the collapsed boulders float in the air and are instantly crushed into powder and go with the wind.

Along the way, a large block of ruins was cleared by him.

The essence of life that is sprinkled is comparable to the best healing healing medicine, and one of the dragon disciples, so miraculously survived.

"White brother, what are you doing, this is the essence of life." In the three mirrors, the instrumental Xiaosan, was shocked by the scene of Xiao Chen.

For a while, the essence of life that Xiao Chen dissipated has already consumed his hundred years of life.

In the essence of life, it also contains his original cultivation, the power of thousands of words, has disappeared a hundred.

"I am not afraid, I have two thousand years of Shouyuan, scattered for thousands of years, will not be fatal. If it is retired, it can also be cultivated, and it is important to save people."

Xiao Chen’s face was slightly pale, and he calmly responded and continued to walk.

Just a narrative of a sentence, explain his past and his actions. After listening to Xiaosan, I have been speechless for a long time. I don’t know what to say.

The essence of life, the source of cultivation, that is the foundation of a military. No one will be willing to give up, this is the most valuable asset of a warrior.

Above the ruins, the living people were all stunned by this scene.

After half a ring, Xiao Chen traveled all over the city, and all the ruins were swept away by him. The vast Tianlong City, with the exception of some main buildings, has no broken ruins.

Above the ground, people standing on the ground and looking at the wounds that recovered from their bodies were puzzled.

Can take a mask, dressed in black, temperament indifferent Xiao Chen, no one dared to rush to ask.


The dust, the blue sky, the Xuanyuan battlefield and other corpses of the Longmen veteran, one did not see.

Has been exhausted for a thousand years of life, the power of Hongmeng only seven hundred Xiaoshan, the tight heart, a little relieved.

Hey! Hey! Hey!

There was a sound of broken air behind him. Someone was coming to him. Xiao Chen turned and looked at it and recognized the person.

The other party is Yuan Bing, the deputy commander of Tianlong City. He is repaired by Emperor Wu of Heaven, and is responsible for maintaining order in the city on weekdays, as well as the guardian work of the city government.

"Who are you, why are you willing to use the essence of life to save us from these gantry disciples."

Yuan Bing looked at Xiao Chen and took the courage to speak with great courage.

I don't know why, in the face of this mysterious mask, there seems to be an invisible gas field. Although the other party did nothing, it felt that it was a lot shorter than the other side.

There is an inexplicable pressure that makes people feel awkward.

"It is a friend of the stranger. I received a request for help and came a step late."

Now I can't reveal my identity. Xiao Chen decided to ask what happened in Tianlong City.

"It turned out to be a friend of the stranger, disrespectful!"

Dust in the Dragon City, prestige is very high, can become her friend. At least it is also a level of existence with her, but it is still somewhat difficult to explain, the other party is willing to disperse the essence of life to save them.

There are many doubts and some people can't figure it out.

"What about the city owner?" asked Xiao Chen.

When I heard Xiao Chen’s problem, Yuan Bing’s face became a little heavy. He whispered: “Being taken away, the blood-stained door is coming out of the nest. The city owner and the gantry veteran are fighting hard and still can’t stop each other’s offense.”

"The blood-stained doorman personally shot and wounded the city owner. The city gate was broken, and the army of the blood-shirt door was all killed. The number of the other party was too much. We are not opponents."

"The city owner, and the gantry veterans who are related to the Qinglong King, have all been taken away."

Xiao Chen felt a pain in his heart and endured sorrow. He continued to ask: "Where I was caught."

"It should be the Xilong City where the Xihai Dragon Palace is located. I don't know where I am. I was fainted and just woke up."

Xiao Chen’s face changed slightly: “Xihai Dragon Palace? How can it be related to them?”

Yuan Bing explained the moment and informed Xiao Chen of the reason, and said that the Xihai Dragon King is the mysterious door of the blood-shirt door.

It's him!

Xiao Chen was murderous, and some could not control it. Yuan Bing felt great pressure and his body was like an ice cave.

No wonder, I said, how can the blood-shirt door be shot for Longmen for no reason. If the door of the blood-shirt door is the West Sea Dragon King, all that is explained.

"Hello, don't be impulsive. The strength of the West Sea Dragon King is now unpredictable. I can't stand it, I am afraid that it will be defeated."

"More importantly, the **** door is a master of the cloud, and it also integrates the forces left by the sea king. Now it is completely comparable to the immortal holy land. If it is impulsive to kill, there is no difference between sending and killing."

Yuan Bing withstood the pressure, and some hard persuasion, did not want the mysterious friend of this city owner, rushed to risk.

I have not experienced the war in person, I don’t know the horror of the blood-shirt door. I have never seen the West Sea Dragon King’s shot, and I don’t know his strength and how strong it is.

Xiao Chen calmed down, indeed, even if he still has thousands of powers. Mastering the reincarnation of the mood, as well as the thunder and lightning, rushed into a holy place.

Not only can you save your friends, but you will also lose your life.

It is not to look down on yourself, but the power of a single person. In the face of a huge force that rivals the Holy Land, it is indeed a little small.

He is sure that he will kill it and kill it again.

Yes, it doesn't make sense to do that. It can't save a group of people who are in the dust. It is useless, but it will harm them.

More inquiries, Xiao Chen also knows why the Wushen Palace and the Black Sea thirteen thieves did not come to support.

Ying Zongtian, with the people of the Wushen Palace, together with the Shinto League, has been fighting the Mozu in the stars and has not been distracted.

In the dark sea, the civil strife emerged, and the thirteen thieves did not care.


Xiao Chen glanced at the Longmen, and Yuan Bing, after taking care of these gantry disciples, left alone.

It is imperative to get the latest news from people like Moss and others, and then respond.

Xiao Chen, who was in anger, had completely calmed down, and the anger was not extinguished. It was only a little deposited and accumulated.

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