Immortal Asura

Chapter 1199: Fat man in trouble

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Behind Dao Chen also felt this breath, but Dao Chen didn't know who the source of this breath was, but looking at Zhang Yan so anxious and so excited, Dao Chen knew that this person must be Zhang Yan. people.

Dao Chen also speeded up and followed up, and Zhang Yan quickly rushed past in the direction of breath fluctuation.

And this breath was caused by some people fighting. When Zhang Yan and they saw people, they found that this time it was four people who were fighting. The four people ’s behaviors were all martial arts. Their strength was relatively strong. , And three of them are besieging one person, the besieged one is a very fat man.

Zhang Yan recognized him at a glance. He was just a fat man. Zhang Yan didn't think so much. No matter what the reason was, these three people dared to besiege the fat man. Zhang Yan couldn't watch here.

Zhang Yan didn't even want to rush directly towards the fat man. Although the strength of the three siege warriors is very strong, they are still worse than the fat ones. The three men have not been taking up so much for so long. It's cheap, but it also makes the fat man a little messy, but fortunately, these three people are all martial arts practitioners. For the fat phage, it is also very difficult for these three people to hurt him.

The three people here also felt the breath of Zhang Yan. After all, Zhang Yan was very angry at this time. Someone hit his brother. How can Zhang Yan sit and watch? Zhang Yan's speed was very fast, and he immediately went directly to the fat man.

I saw Zhang Yan holding in front of the fat man, clenched his fists and blasted out directly against the spiritual attack of these three people. Zhang Yan's fist screamed and smashed out, directly directing the spiritual power of these three people The attack dissipated, and at the same time the powerful impact force directly shook the three warriors backwards a few feet away.

The three were also startled, standing there in horror, looking at Zhang Yan with a look of astonishment, and asking with amazement: "Who are you, kid? How dare you care about our brother's gossip? I don't think you're looking for death? "

The fat man saw Zhang Yan, and the whole person was very surprised. He became very surprised. The dignified face on his face disappeared. The whole person burst into laughter, and said with a laugh: "Boss Why are you here? It was so nice to meet you here. "

Zhang Yan also smiled and said with great joy: "Did your kid join the guardian camp? How did he appear here? Still fighting with others?"

The fat man sighed when he heard the words and said, "Who made me encounter this? I was too lazy to pay attention to these things. I just came here to prepare to enter the fairy road, but I didn't expect these three people. Those who dare to violate the rules of our martial arts are actually relying on their own strength to slaughter the city without authorization and kill those ordinary people. "

"These three people use the blood of ordinary people to practice evil skills. This kind of thing that harms the entire kingdom of the imperial kingdom, of course, I can't stand idly by, so I fight with them and hit here all the way, but these three Personal strength is relatively strong, but I can't take them anyway, "the fat man said helplessly.

Zhang Yan heard a smile and said, "This time it's okay. I'll help you clean them up."

"Yeah, since we are fighting, then we are exactly three people. It ’s fair to have three people against three people," said Dao Chen, speaking to the side of Zhang Yan and the fat, smiling. Looking at the fat man.

Before Chen Yan introduced, Dao Chen said with a smile: "It seems that you have a good relationship with Brother Zhang Yan. Hello, my name is Dao Chen and I am also a friend of Brother Zhang Yan."

Zhang Yan also said, "Brother Daochen is a very powerful warrior, and the strongest among the young warriors I have ever met, and I have been rescued by Brother Daochen before, otherwise I will be in trouble. Big. "

The fat man suddenly looked at Dao Chen and greeted Dao Chen enthusiastically. "This is the first time I heard him praise others in Zhang Yan's mouth. It seems that Brother Dao Chen is not easy for you." "

Dao Chen said with a grin, "Not worth mentioning, not worth mentioning."

"Hey, do you say you are here to tell the story? Do you dare to have such a relaxed chat in front of us? I do n’t think you guys put us in your eyes?" The headed man on the side frowned loudly and shouted loudly. .

The people beside him also snorted, looking at Zhang Yan and their eyes with a murderous look, shouting loudly: "No matter who you are, I have provoked the three of our brothers today, and you just wait to die."

"Presumably the martial arts blood is more suitable for us to practice. If we kill you, our strength will take a qualitative leap," said another martial artist, licking his tongue greedily, and looked at Zhang Yan and the three of them coldly.

Zhang Yan heard a sneer and said with a disdain: "Only the three of you? People who can't catch my punch, dare to scream here? Hurry up and confess your sins, maybe I can consider giving you a decent way to die. "

"Do n’t be arrogant, boy, just because our brother three did n’t make every effort, it ’s only true that you were attacked by your shot. This time, you guys will just die," the warrior head led by the warrior's eyes revealed, the whole person seemed as if It was the same as being possessed by a wild beast. Looking at Zhang Yan's eyes was like a wolf seeing flesh, full of greed and fierceness.

Zhang Yan also saw that these three people were a little bit wrong. The three people felt like Zhang Yan was crazy. Zhang Yan could not help but snorted and said, "It seems that you have already become evil in practicing evil skills. I ca n’t keep you anymore. "

"How about each of the three of us?" Zhang Yan asked, smiling at the fat man and Dao Chen.

The fat man said with a smile and said, "Okay, look at the three of us who killed fast. I haven't seen you for a long time, and I compare it with the boss."

"Then your kid is looking for abuse," Zhang Yan said with a smile, very confidently, "I haven't lost yet."

"The three of you are really looking for death. You killed the three of them and practiced their essence and blood." The warrior headed saw Zhang Yan that they didn't take them so seriously, and the whole person was extremely angry. His eyes were full of murderous look at Zhang Yan.

The three men rushed directly towards Zhang Yan, and the powerful spiritual power erupted instantly.

"Then I can do it first," said the fat man, rushing forward against the spiritual attack.

Dao Chen smiled faintly, followed by a wave of his hand, and the power of the rules around him turned to attack the opponent in front of him.

Zhang Yan snorted very confidently, and then the whole person instantly disappeared into place.

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