Immortal Asura

Chapter 1200: Strange means

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Zhang Yan's speed was the fastest, and he immediately appeared in front of the warrior headed by it. He raised his hand and punched the man directly against the attack of the man.

I saw Zhang Yan ’s fist condensed with a strong Shura spiritual power, and directly punched the spiritual power attacked by the man. When the two spiritual powers collided with each other, Zhang Yan discovered that the power of the man ’s law turned out to follow The laws of killing are similar, but only similar, but they are not as powerful as Zhang Yan's laws of killing, and the power of this man's law gives a more sinister feeling.

However, Zhang Yan didn't care that much. He punched away the man's spiritual power with a punch, and then enlarged his fist in the man's eyes and smashed it directly towards the man's face.

When the man saw this, he immediately retracted his arms, crossed his hands in front of him, and put on a defensive posture. At the same time, the powerful spiritual power gathered in front of him, condensed on his arms to form a shield, and wanted to resist Live Zhang Yan's punch.

Zhang Yan snorted coldly and said disdainfully, "No matter what the power of your law is, it has no effect in front of my law of killing, not to mention your spiritual shield under my fist is nothing more than paper. It's the same, it's vulnerable. "

As soon as Zhang Yan's words fell, his fist was already on the man's spiritual shield. Sure enough, Zhang Yan's fist was too powerful. The power of this fist directly protected the man's spiritual power. The shield was broken, and then a punch hit the man's arm directly.

Click! Click!

The man's arm was directly interrupted by Zhang Yan's fist, and at the same time, a punch hit the man's face directly, and the entire man was blown out like a cannonball. The man's eyes were full of terror. The look of him, but to no avail, the whole person screamed instantly, his nose was directly sunken by the punch of Zhang Yan, and the entire face was concave.

The blood couldn't stop flowing, but the man got up from the ground, stood there and wiped the blood on his face with his hand, and the injury on his face was recovering quickly with the naked eye. Then, even the broken arm recovered. The man put out his tongue and licked the blood at the corner of his mouth. He looked at Zhang Yan with a venomous look, and said coldly, "Boy, I didn't expect you to have Such a powerful strength, but this has no effect, because we cannot kill. "

Zhang Yan saw the man's appearance, and the whole person was shocked. The boy's recovery speed was indeed very fast. Although he had to check a bit compared to Zhang Yan, this recovery speed was already considered to be quite outrageous. I suspect this guy is also Shura bloodline person.

However, Zhang Yan felt the breath of this guy carefully and found out that he is not Shura's blood, then this problem should be caused by this boy's practice skills. It seems that this guy ’s practice of magic is really Somehow.

At this time, the same situation happened to Dao Chen and the fat man.

The power of Dao Chen's rules directly blasted his opponent to half a body, but this guy was not scared at all, and still stood cruelly watching Dao Chen, even with a sneer of disdain at the corner of his mouth, It looked like a madman, and his injuries were recovering quickly, a drop of blood gathered around the man's body.

With the flow of blood, the man's body recovered quickly, while the man was also standing there licking the blood, looking at Dao Chen coldly, his eyes full of murderous intention.

Dao Chen also looked at Zhang Yan involuntarily, and said with some confusion, "How can this guy be like you? Is it?"

"No, they are not the same as me, but this recovery ability is slightly similar, but you can feel carefully that they rely on essence blood, and these essence blood are not even their own essence blood, This is the essence and blood they collected and stored from other places. Because of the special nature of the exercises, these guys rely on the essence and blood of others to recover themselves. "Zhang Yan saw some clues and stood there Calm analysis.

The fat man nodded and said, "It's true. When I played against them before, I already injured them, but they recovered by this strange method. This must also be their massacre of warriors everywhere. And ordinary people, the reason for absorbing blood. "

The three men came together, stood there and looked at Zhang Yan coldly. The man headed looked at Zhang Yan coldly, and snorted, "Yes, your boy's observation is quite careful. You have seen our means, but what about that? We who are under the protection of evil gods cannot be killed. "

"Today none of the three of you want to leave here alive. You are actually martial arts practitioners. The blood on your body will be many times more than that of other people, and it will become our food. He licked his lips and looked at Zhang Yan coldly.

Dao Chen heard the words and laughed and said, "It's ridiculous, do you think that only the three of you are monsters? We have a stronger existence than you, and your means are just pediatrics in front of him. "

Dao Chen spoke and looked at Zhang Yan with a smile, and said with a smile, "It's time for Brother Zhang Yan to show your strength, and quickly resolve these three people. We're going to Xianlu. We can't delay time here."

Zhang Yan heard a reluctant glance at Daochen and snorted, "I'm not a monster, but it's easy to solve these three people, just leave it to me."

Zhang Yan took the sword and took it directly in his hands, then looked at the three men coldly and said, "If you explain your means now, and how the evil **** in your mouth is all going on, If they all explain, I can consider giving you a lot of fun, otherwise I will let you try what is better than life. "

"Boy, don't be arrogant here, I'll fix your blood today," the warrior headed snorted coldly, and then rushed directly towards Zhang Yan.

"Look for death," Zhang Yan sighed angrily, and then disappeared in the spot immediately, and saw Jian Guang's Zhang Yue's Zhanyue Jian stabbed directly at the man's chest.

The man looked at Zhang Yan coldly and said, "It's no use, you can't kill me."

"Really?" Zhang Yan snorted scornfully, and then the blood spirit beads started. The man only felt that the power of qi and blood in his body was flowing madly, including the essence and blood in his body. Yan Zhanyuejian flows past Zhang Yan's body.

The man was completely afraid at this time, and the whole person's eyes looked at Zhang Yan full of fear. He wanted to take action but was powerless. The strength of blood and essence in his body was beyond his control. In a frantic rush to Zhang Yan's body, the man's eyes became more and more desperate, and finally died completely under Zhang Yan's sword, and the whole person became a human.

Zhang Yan only used a few breaths to solve this warrior, and even the attack of the other two people just arrived on Zhang Yan's body, but they were hardly resisted by Zhang Yan. Their attack could not cause any harm to Zhang Yan. In front of Yan Meng's physical body, the attack of the two of them was like tickling.

The two men also tried their best to extract the essence and blood from Zhang Yan's body, but found that it was useless at all. All methods were of no use to Zhang Yan, even the power of the law and spirituality of the two of them. All were suppressed by Zhang Yan.

The two men looked at Zhang Yan in horror as if they had seen a ghost, and said in horror: "Monster, this guy is a monster."

The two thought of turning around and ran away. They didn't want to stay here for an extra second. They were afraid of dying under Zhang Yan's sword.

However, when the two men wanted to run, they suddenly discovered that the force of space around them was blocked, and the trees and land under their feet were controlled by the power of two laws to form a wall directly around them. Stuck here.

Dao Chen controlled the power of the law and looked at the two men coldly and said, "If you let them run away, wouldn't the three of us be very shameless?"

Zhang Yan also took the Moon Sword, looked at the two men with a sneer, and said coldly, "How are you going to die?"

The two men were completely desperate at this time, and there was no hope to see the escape. They could not help but scare the two people pale, standing there with their legs trembling, watching Zhang Yan walking towards himself with a sword. As if it was a killing god, every step stepped on their hearts, making their hearts tremble with them.

The two looked at each other, and then kneeled directly in front of Zhang Yan, begging for mercy and saying, "Please let us go. As long as you let us go, we will give you the exercises you practice. With this practice, your practice will make rapid progress, believe us. "

"Let's say, how did you do your exercises?" Zhang Yan walked in front of the two men, stood there and asked, looking down at the two men.

The two were trembling with fear, and then said with some fear: "Our exercises ..."

"You go to death," said the two of them. Suddenly, they suddenly stabbed directly into Zhang Yan's chest with a dagger and shouted, "Your boy, let me die."

Zhang Yan did relax a bit. They thought the two men were really frightened. However, they did not expect that the two men were pretended. Dao Chen and the fat man suddenly shouted, "Be careful."

Zhang Yan sneered at the corner of his mouth, and then waved the cut moon sword in his hand, and saw a flash of cold light, the arms of the two men were directly cut off by Zhang Yan, followed by a sword, the two men His legs were removed.

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