Immortal Asura

Chapter 1253: Magic Lotus Golden Lotus

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Zhang Yan's eyes made the opposite teenager feel palpitations, frowning at Zhang Yan, wondering what bad idea Zhang Yan was doing there.

As soon as Dao Chen heard that this boy was the magic lotus, Dao Chen was also in front of him. After all, the name of this magic lotus is really too big. Almost everyone in the world knows that the Seven Treasure Pools of the Ten Thousand Buddhas have it, but no one will I thought that this wonderful method Jin Lian would appear in front of herself.

Dao Chen snorted coldly and said, "Even if you are the magic law Jin Lian? You are only some martial arts and rules that those in the Buddhist family will know. You will still only lose in front of me, but if you know the truth, If you come here and recognize me as the master, I can consider letting you go, otherwise, don't blame me for being ruthless. "

As soon as Dao Chen's words came out, the people of Ten Thousand Buddhas were filled with righteous indignation, and shouted loudly, "Well, a crazy boy, who dare to speak madly at a young age. This is the thing of our Buddha, is it you? Can it be dyed? Even if you are all heavens and gods? "

"That is, this kid is too mad, the little ancestors packed him, took him down, and forced him to ask him how to practice the heavens and the world," shouted everyone from the side of Wanfo Zen.

Zhang Yan said with a smile: "I didn't expect your kid to be working on this idea. It ’s the same as what the hero saw. Since it was encountered, then this wonderful method Jin Lian should not want to leave today. Your kid will give me an honest recognition. Lord. "

The magic method Jin Lian's face looked very ugly and shouted angrily: "People who dare to hit my idea are dead. The two of you are no exception. Today I will let you see and see how powerful I am."

The magical figure Jinlian flashed, and attacked Daochen directly with one palm, only to see the powerful spiritual power in her palm, and the power of several powerful laws. The palm of the hand also turned golden, exuding a mighty power on it. This is the palm of the Buddha's peerless compassion, which is very powerful.

Jin Lian also knows that Daochen ’s heavenly bodies need to fight against him closely. Only in this way can Daochen be injured. Otherwise, no one will be a heavenly man if he fights spiritually with the power of the law from a long distance. Physical opponent.

However, he forgot that the heavenly bodies are immortal. Although the power to control the rules is the best, Dao Chen is still physically trained and his body is still strong.

I saw Dao Chen shaking his palm without hesitation, and one palm greeted Miao Fa Jin Lian. Dao Chen's palm also contained powerful spiritual power and the power of rules, just like Miao Fa Jin Lian, both are like Is the same as mirroring.

The two palms collided, and the powerful force of the law and the spiritual force collided with each other, and a strong shock wave erupted directly. The shocked Daochen and Miao Fa Jinlian flew out in two directions.

But Dao Chen only took a step back to stand firm, but the magic method Jin Lian stepped back a dozen steps to stand up, but he didn't have anything, but there was some fluctuation in his breath, it seemed more rushed, looking at Dao Chen His eyes were also full of dread, this time it was the first time since he came out of the mountain that he met a real opponent, and even he had a sense of weakness in front of Dao Chen.

It feels that Dao Chen can suppress him no matter what the method is. The power of the law itself is his strength, but it is far worse than Dao Chen's heavenly bodies.

And everyone in Wanfo Zen also took a sigh of relief when they saw this. Everyone did not expect that this dust was so powerful. One Zhang Yan already made everyone feel a headache. Now there is another dust, and still The heavens and gods have all sorts of bodies, which makes everyone feel a little despair.

But at this moment, the runner Saint King, who has been recovering his strength, shouted, "In the face of these people, we don't need to consume them. Just go together. So many of us will not be afraid that they will not succeed. ? Kill them together. "

Everybody of the Ten Thousand Buddhas Zen nodded when they heard the words. They also knew that it would not be the way if they continued this way. After all, they now have an absolute advantage in numbers. If they don't use it, wouldn't it be their own fault? Not to mention that the runner King and the magical golden lotus no longer work. The dragon dragon Luohan was still stopped there, and they could only go together.

And Zhang Yan heard a snorting sound, clenched his hand, and said disdainfully, "I already knew you would come to this hand, a group of mean people, knowing that heads-up is not an opponent, so they want to fight on the number To bully us? But do you guys really do it? "

Dao Chen also seemed extremely serious, standing there staring at Miao Fa Jin Lian, always ready to take a shot to clean him up.

Jin Lian, the mysterious method, is not convinced. How could he be the one who followed the Buddha in the first place, and now she will be defeated by Dao Chen? How could he be defeated?

Thinking of the wonderful law here, Jin Lian exudes a more powerful momentum. The whole person is surrounded by the power of powerful laws, gold wood, water, fire and soil plus wind. A total of six powers of law are gathered around her, and an intense burst erupts. Power.

Not only that, there is also a huge statue of Buddha directly behind the magical golden lotus. This statue of Buddha looks much more solemn and majestic than the statue of the golden body cast by the previous Saint King, and it is very majestic. The power of powerful laws is dazzling.

At the moment when the golden body of the magical lotus appeared, the zen buddhas of all Buddhas knelt down and worshiped prayerfully: "Amitabha, disciples see Buddha."

When Zhang Yan and others heard the words, they were shocked. I did not expect that the golden body of Jinlian ’s golden body was actually the Lord of the Buddha, that is, the original Shakyamatsu Emperor. In that case, they only have to run for Zhang Yan.

However, even if it is a Buddha shadow, it is still very powerful, giving a strong sense of oppression. Under the light of the Buddha, it makes Zhang Yan's feeling of worship more serious than the previous King of the Wheel The physical aspect is much stronger.

As a last resort, Zhang Yan could only release the Zhenshi Stele, and saw that the Zhenshi Stele flew from Zhang Yan's eyebrows, rose against the wind, and turned into a huge stone monument more than two meters tall. When the Soul of Soul appeared, the surrounding Buddha light was suppressed immediately, and all the soul attacks were lost.

As soon as the soul-stabilizing monument came out, fat people and other talents felt much better. Otherwise, they would be distracted to resist the soul attack, which would make them unable to fully exert their strength.

The people of Wanfo Zen looked a little greedily at the town soul monument, and when they saw the word town soul monument on it, they knew it was the town soul monument, and the runner king snorted and said, "No The thought of this town monument is really in your hands, it seems that your kid is not easy. "

Zhang Yan heard a snoring noise and didn't bother to care about him. Zhan Yuejian pointed directly at the runner Saint King and said coldly, "Come here if you want to die."

The crowd did not dare to attack rashly, but stood there waiting for Miao Fa Jin Lian, and saw that Mia Fa Jin Lian's pupils suddenly turned golden, and their eyes gave people a breathtaking feeling, staring directly at Zhang Yan people.

The fat man said with some confusion: "How do I feel that his eyes can see through me, it is very uncomfortable."

Zhang Yan snorted and said, "Tianyantong, one of the six magical powers of the Buddhist family, is very difficult to comprehend. It was created by Emperor Shajiaxian. The combination of the six magical powers is an immortal. Few people can understand one of them. But I do n’t know about Miao Fa Jinlian. I ’m afraid he ’s not only one. ”

"You have to be careful. The magic power Jinlian is the real strength now," Zhang Yan reminded.

And all the people in the Zen Buddhism saw that the magical golden lotus uses the six magical powers and the golden body of the magical phase, and they are no longer ready to do it. Now the magical golden lotus, Zhang Yan, they are not opponents at all, after all, they have always been with the Emperor Shaka Xian Existence is their ancestor level, and its strength is unfathomable.

Miaofa Jinlian stared at the fat man, but the fat man didn't respond at all. Miaofa Jinlian knew that the original Soul Steal could suppress all his soul attacks, even his mentality could not be exerted.

However, the magical figure of Jinlian disappeared instantly, and when it appeared again, it was already in front of Dao Chen. Raising his hand was another stroke of mercy, and he directly knocked Dao Chen out of the air.

Dao Chen didn't expect that Jin Lian ’s strength had been improved so much at once. His golden body was not used to attack, but to strengthen himself. This was unexpected to everyone.

There is a steady stream of Buddhist power transmitted to Miao Fa Jin Lian on the Golden Body and Fa phase, and Miao Fa Jin Lian's strength has been improved a lot, and she almost injured Dao Chen.

The runner-up King looked at Miao Fa Jinlian with an envious expression, saying: "This is the Shenjingtong. The Tianyantong cooperates with the Shenjingtong. The power of the two is really powerful, and this dust has not even reacted."

Jing Xinlian also explained to Zhang Yan: "This is a magical power. Within the range of soul power, he can teleport without using the power of space. It can be said that you want to, but you must be careful."

When Zhang Yan heard the words, he immediately warned the fat people and said, "Let's stay together, be careful not to be attacked, and he will give it to me."

Zhang Yan's words were heard by Miao Fa Jin Lian. Miao Fa Jin Lian gave Zhang Yan a disdainful glance, and then immediately appeared behind Zhang Yan, and slammed into Zhang Yan with one palm.

However, a sneer sneered at the corner of Zhang Yan's mouth at this time, and he snorted, "I knew that you would attack me. It was simple enough."

When Zhang Yan was talking, he quickly turned around. Zhang Yan, who opened the eight-door armor, was not inferior to him, and greeted him with one palm.

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